SHEN Wenguo
(Department of Basic Courses, Lanzhou Institute of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China)
Unilateral global bifurcation for fourth-order boundaryvalue problem with non-asymptotic nonlinearity at 0
SHEN Wenguo
(Department of Basic Courses, Lanzhou Institute of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China)
u=λBu+H(λ, u),
thenthereexistsacomponentCμofSthatcontains(μ, 0),whichsatisfies:
whereris a positive parameter, under the assumptions:
(A1) One of the following conditions holds:
(A2) h(t) ∈C([0, 1], [0, ∞))withh(t)≢0onanysubintervalof[0, 1].
andtheeigenfunctionψkcorrespondingtoλkhasexactlyk-1zerosin(0, 1).
x′‴+kx″+lx=λh(t)x+g(t,x,λ), 0 x(0)=x(1)=x′(0)=x′(1)=0, (4) wherehsatisfies (A2), andg:(0, 1)×R2→Rsatisfies the Carathéodory condition in the first two variables, such that (5) uniformly fort∈ (0, 1) andλon bounded sets. Remark 1Since the problem (2) cannot transform into a system of second-order equation, the treatment method of second-order system does not apply to study the problem (2). Thus, existing literature on the problem (2) by bifurcation theory is limited[3-4,9]. Remark 2For other results on the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions and nodal solutions for other boundary value problems of fourth-order ordinary differential equations based on bifurcation techniques[10-11]. The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In section 1, we establish the Dancer-type unilateral global bifurcation theory for problem (4). In section 2, we prove the existence of nodal solutions for the problem (2) under the linear growth condition onf. WedefinethelinearoperatorL:D(L)⊂E→Y, Lx=x′‴+kx″+lx, x∈ D(L) withD(L)= {x∈C4[0, 1]|x(0)=x(1)=x′(0)=x′(1)=0}.ThenLisaclosedoperatorandL-1:Y→Eiscompletelycontinuous. Define the operatorH:R×E→Eby H(λ,x)(t):=λL-1(hx)+L-1(g(t,x,λ))= Tλ(x)+L-1(g(t,x,λ)). It is easy to show thatI-Tλis a nonlinear compact perturbation of the identity. Thus the Leray-Schauder degree deg(I-Tλ,Br(0),0) is well-defined for arbitraryr-ballBr(0) andλ≠λk. Lemma 4For anyr>0, we have deg(I-Tλ,Br(0),0)= ProofSinceTλis compact and linear, by theorem 8.10 of [12], deg(I-Tλ,Br(0), 0)=(-1)m(λ), wherem(λ) is the sum of algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvaluesλof (3),satisfyλ-1λk<1. Ifλ∈ [0,λ1), by lemma 3, then there are no suchλat all, then deg(I-Tλ,Br(0), 0)=(-1)0=1. Ifλ∈(λk,λk+1) for somek∈N, then (λj)-1>1,j∈{1, 2,…,k}. By lemma 3, we obtain deg(I-Tλ,Br(0), 0)=(-1)k. Furthermore, it is clear that problem (4) can be equivalently written as x=H(λ,x)(t). Clearly,His completely continuous fromR×E→EandH(λ, 0)=0, ∀λ∈R. Let (6) (7) uniformlyfort∈ (0, 1)andλonboundedsets. Theorem1Assume(A1), (A2)and(5)hold.Then (i) (λk, 0)isabifurcationpointoftheproblem(4). Proof(i)Supposethat(λk, 0)isnotabifurcationpointofproblem(4).Thenthereexistε> 0,ρ0>0suchthatfor|λ-λk|≤εand0<ρ<ρ0thereisnonontrivialsolutionoftheequation x-H(λ, x)=0 with‖x‖=ρ.Fromtheinvarianceofthedegreeunderacompacthomo-topology,weobtainthat deg(I-H(λ, ·),Bρ(0), 0)≡constant (8) forλ∈[λk-ε,λk+ε]. By takingεsmaller if necessary, we can assume that there is no eigenvalue of (3) inλ∈(λk,λk+ε]. Fixλ∈(λk,λk+ε]. We claim that the equation x-(λL-1(hx)+τL-1(g(t,x,λ)))=0 (9)hasnosolutionxwith‖x‖=ρforeveryτ∈[0, 1]andρsufficientlysmall.Supposeonthecontrary,let{xn}bethesolutionof(9)with‖xn‖→0asn →+∞. (10) By(7), (10)andthecompactnessofL-1,choosingasubsequenceandrelabelingifnecessary,itfollowsthatyn→y0asn→∞.Thus Ly0=λhy0and‖y0‖E=1. Thisimpliesthatλisaneigenvalueof(3).Thisisacontradiction.Fromtheinvarianceofthedegreeunderhomo-topologyandlemma4,thenobtain deg(I- H(λ, ·),Bρ(0), 0)= deg(Ψλ,Bρ(0), 0)=(-1)k. (11) Similarly, forλ∈[λk-ε,λk), we find that deg(I-H(λ, ·),Bρ(0), 0)=(-1)k-1. (12) Relations (11) and (12) contradicts (8) and hence (λk, 0) is a bifurcation point of problem (4). (ii) By (7), we have that (13) uniformlyt∈(0, 1) andλon bounded sets. Furthermore, by (ii) of lemma 3, applying lemma 2, we can obtain the result. (14) By(7), (14)andthecompactnessofL-1,weobtainthatforsomeconvenientsubsequenceym→y0asm→+∞.Nowy0verifiestheequation Ly0=λjhy0and‖y0‖E=1. Hencey0∈SjwhichisanopensetinE,andasaconsequenceforsomemlargeenough, ym∈Sj,andthisisacontradiction. Lemma6If(λ, u)isasolutionof(4)andx∈∂Sk,thenx≡0. ProofBytheproofoftheorem3.1in[13] (seecorollary1.12andtheproofoftheorem2.3togetherwiththeremarkfollowingthatproofin[1]),weeasilyobtaintheresult. Bytheorem1andlemma5,wecaneasilydeducethefollowingDancer-typeunilateralglobalbifurcationresult. (15) (16) By(7), (16)andthecompactnessofL-1,weobtainthatforsomeconvenientsubsequencezm→z0asm→+∞.Nowz0verifiestheequation Lz0=λjhz0and‖z0‖E=1. (17) By(7), (17)andthecompactnessofL-1,weobtainthatforsomeconvenientsubsequenceyn→y0≠0asn→+∞.Nowy0verifiestheequation Ly0=λ*h(t)y0(t), t∈(0,1)and‖y0‖E=1. Inordertotreatthecasef0=∞,weshallneedthefollowinglemma. Definition1[14]LetXbeaBanachspaceand{Cn|n=1,2,…}beafamilyofsubsetsofX.ThenthesuperiorlimitDof{Cn}isdefinedby suchthatxni→x}. (18) Lemma 7[14]Each connected subset of metric spaceXis contained in a component, and each connected component ofXis closed. Lemma 8[15]LetXbe a Banach space and let {Cn|n=1, 2,…} be a family of closed connected subsets ofX. Assume that (i) there existszn∈Cn,n=1, 2,… andz*∈X, such thatzn→z*; (ii)rn=sup{‖x‖|x∈Cn}=∞; BR={x∈X|‖x‖≤R}. ThenthereexistsanunboundedconnectedcomponentCinDandz*∈C. Inordertoprovethemainresults,theconditions(A1), (A2)andthefollowingconditionsaresatisfiedinthefollowingpart: (H1) f∈C(R, R)satisfiesf(s)s>0fors≠0. Theorem3Let(A1), (A2), (H1), (H2)and(H3)hold.Assumefollowingconditionholdsforsomek∈N: Theorem4Let(A1), (A2), (H1), (H2)and(H3)hold.Assumefollowingconditionholdsforsomek, n∈Nwithk≤n: Proofoftheorem3Firstly,westudythebifurcationphenomenaforthefollowingeigenvalueproblem: (19) whereλ>0isaparameter.Itisclearthatanysolutionof(19)oftheform(1,x)yieldssolutionsxof(2). Foreachn∈N,definef[n](s):R→Rby Clearly,by(H2),wehave Nowconsidertheauxiliaryfamilyoftheequations (20) Letζ[n]∈C(R, R)suchthat (21) Then (22) Letusconsider (23)asabifurcationproblemfromthetrivialsolutionx≡0. Equation(23)canbeconvertedtotheequivalentequation x:=λL-1[a[n](·)x(·)](t)+ λL-1[ζ[n](·x(·))](t). (24) Clearly, ‖L-1[ζ[n](·,x(·))]‖E=o(‖x‖E),as‖x‖E→0. Since λn+‖xn‖→∞. 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2 Main results