
2016-08-31 08:54
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年11期


数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2014-01—2016-03 检索时间:2016-04-12

Entomology 昆虫学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Emerald ash borer invasion of north america: Annual Review of69History, biology, ecology, impacts, andHerms, Daniel A.; EntomologymanagementMcCullough, Deborah G.2014, 59: 13-30Annual Review of63Insect mitochondrial genomics: Implicationsfor evolution and phylogenyCameron, Stephen L.Entomology2014, 59: 95-117 43 The ABC gene family in arthropods: Comparative genomics and role in insecticide transport and resistance Dermauw, Wannes; Van Leeuwen, Thomas Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014, 45: 89-110Annual Review of43Genetic control of mosquitoesAlphey, LukeEntomology2014, 59: 205-224 33 The evolution of myrmicine ants: Phylogeny and biogeography of a hyperdiverse ant clade(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Ward, Philip S.; Brady, Sean G.; Fisher, Brian L.; et al. Systematic Entomology 2015, 40(1): 61-81Annual Review of31Advances in silkworm studies accelerated byXia, Qingyou; Li, Sheng;the genome sequencing of bombyx moriFeng, QiliEntomology2014, 59: 513-536 30 Building the Coleoptera tree-of-life for > 8000 species: Composition of public DNA data and fit with Linnaean classification Bocak, Ladislav; Barton, Christopher; Crampton-Platt, Alex; et al. Systematic Entomology 2014, 39(1): 97-110Redefining the damselfly families: A Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.;28comprehensive molecular phylogeny ofKalkman, Vincent J.;Systematic EntomologyZygoptera(Odonata)Dow, Rory A.; et al.2014, 39(1): 68-96 28 Organization and functional roles of the central complex in the insect brain Pfeiffer, Keram; Homberg, Uwe Annual Review of Entomology 2014, 59: 165The novel isoxazoline ectoparasiticide fluralaner: Selective inhibition of arthropod Gassel, Michael; Wolf, Insect Biochemistry and27gamma-aminobutyric acid- andChristian; Noack, Sandra; Molecular BiologyL-glutamate-gated chloride channels and et al. 2014, 45: 111-124insecticidal/acaricidal activity

Environmental Sciences 环境科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Formamidinium lead trihalide: A broadly Eperon, Giles E.; Energy & Environmental Science 302tunable perovskite for efficient planarStranks, Samuel D.;heterojunction solar cellsMenelaou, Christopher;2014, 7(3): 982-988 et al.Efficient, high yield perovskitephotovoltaic devices grown byXiao, Zhengguo; Bi,Energy & Environmental Science 255interdiffusion of solution-processedCheng; Shao, Yuchuan;2014, 7(8): 2619-2623 precursor stacking layerset al.211 Organohalide lead perovskites for photovoltaic applications Gao, Peng; Graetzel, Michael; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad K. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(8): 2448-2463Hysteresis and transient behavior in Energy & Environmental Science 201current-voltage measurements ofUnger, E. L.; Hoke, E.hybrid-perovskite absorber solar cellsT.; Bailie, C. D.; et al.2014, 7(11): 3690-3698 199 Carbon capture and storage update Boot-Handford, M. E.; Abanades, J. C.; Anthony, E. J.; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 130-189Augustyn, Veronica;Energy & Environmental Science 198Pseudocapacitive oxide materials forhigh-rate electrochemical energy storageSimon, Patrice; Dunn,Bruce2014, 7(5): 130-189 198 The origin of high efficiency in low-temperature solution-processable bilayer organometal halide hybrid solar cells Sun, Shuangyong; Salim, Teddy; Mathews, Nripan; et al. Energy & Environmental Science 2014, 7(1): 399-407Energy & Environmental Science 189Progress in flexible lithium batteries andZhou, Guangmin; Li,future prospectsFeng; Cheng, Huiming2014, 7(4): 1307-1338 184 Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus England, Matthew H.; McGregor, Shayne; Spence, Paul; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(3): 222-227Lithium ion battery applications of Energy & Environmental Science 180molybdenum disulfide(MoS2)Stephenson, Tyler; Li,nanocompositesZhi; Olsen, Brian; et al.2014, 7(1): 209-231

Environmental Studies 环境研究

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Recent intensification of wind-drivenEngland, Matthew H.; Nature Climate Change 184circulation in the Pacific and the ongoingMcGregor, Shayne;warming hiatusSpence, Paul; et al.2014, 4(3): 222-227Global EnvironmentalChanges in the global value of ecosystemCostanza, Robert; de Change-Human and Policy146servicesGroot, Rudolf; Sutton,Dimensions Paul; et al.2014, 26: 152-158 118 Increasing frequency of extreme El Nino events due to greenhouse warming Cai, Wenju; Borlace, Simon; Lengaigne, Matthieu; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(2): 111-116Trenberth, Kevin E.; Dai, Nature Climate Change 100Global warming and changes in droughtAiguo; van der Schrier,Gerard; et al.2014, 4(1): 17-22 67 A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation Challinor, A. J.; Watson, J.; Lobell, D. B.; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(4): 287-291Regional EnvironmentalEURO-CORDEX: New high-resolutionJacob, Daniela; Petersen, 65climate change projections for EuropeanJuliane; Eggert, Bastian; Changeimpact researchet al.2014, 14(2): 563-578 54 Retreat of Pine Island Glacier controlled by marine ice-sheet instability Favier, L.; Durand, G.; Cornford, S. L.; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(2): 117-121Landscape and UrbanUrban green space, public health, and 49environmental justice: The challenge ofWolch, Jennifer R.; Byrne, Planningmaking cities ‘just green enough’Jason; Newell, Joshua P.2014, 125(SI): 234-244 45 Heavier summer downpours with climate change revealed by weather forecast resolution model Kendon, Elizabeth J.; Roberts, Nigel M.; Fowler, Hayley J.; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014, 4(7): 570-576Seneviratne, Sonia I.; Nature Climate Change 45No pause in the increase of hot temperatureextremesDonat, Markus G.;Mueller, Brigitte; et al.2014, 4(3): 161-163

Ergonomics 人体工程学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物International Journal ofState estimation for a class of discrete nonlinear 36systems with randomly occurring uncertaintiesHu, Jun; Chen, Dongyan;General Systemsand distributed sensor delaysDu, Junhua2014, 43(3-4): 387-401Carayon, Pascale;Applied Ergonomics 34Human factors systems approach to healthcareWetterneck, Tosha B.;quality and patient safetyRivera-Rodriguez, A. Joy;2014, 45(1): 14-25et al.22 Fundamentals of systems ergonomics/human factors Wilson, John R. Applied Ergonomics 2014, 45(1): 5-13Accident Analysis andCaird, Jeff K.; Johnston, 19A meta-analysis of the effects of texting onPrevention drivingKate A.; Wiliness, ChelseaR.; et al.2014, 71: 311-318 16 ADHD and relative risk of accidents in road traffic: A meta-analysis Vaa, Truls Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014, 62: 415-425Human performance consequences of stages Onnasch, Linda; Wickens,Human Factors 14and levels of automation an integratedChristopher D.; Li,meta-analysisHuiyang; et al.2014, 56(3): 476-488 14 Predicting cycling accident risk in Brussels: A spatial case-control approach Vandenbulcke, Gregory; Thomas, Isabelle; Panis, Luc Int Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014, 62: 341-357Crossing levels in systems ergonomics: A Karsh, Ben-Tzion;Applied Ergonomics 13framework to support ‘mesoergonomic’Waterson, Patrick; Holden,inquiryRichard J.2014, 45(1): 45-54 12 Prevalence of synthetic cannabinoids in blood samples from Norwegian drivers suspected of impaired driving during a seven weeks period Tuv, Silja Skogstad; Krabseth, Hege; Karinen, Ritva; et al. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2014, 62: 26-31Human Factors 11Effects of mental fatigue on the development ofMehta, Ranjana K.;physical fatigue: A neuroergonomic approachParasuraman, Raja2014, 56(4): 645-656

Evolutionary Biology 生物进化学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物NEESTIMATOR v2: Re-implementation ofMolecular Ecology Resources 97software for the estimation of contemporaryDo, C.; Waples, R. S.;effective population size(N-e)from genetic Peel, D.; et al.2014, 14(1): 209-214dataEvolutionary Applications 84Climate change, adaptation, and phenotypicMerilae, Juha; Hendry,plasticity: The problem and the evidenceAndrew P.2014, 7(1): 1-14 82 Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropical nature Laurance, William F.; Sayer, Jeffrey; Cassman, Kenneth G. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(2): 107-116Reanalysis suggests that genomic islands of Molecular Ecology 75speciation are due to reduced diversity, notCruickshank, Tami E.;reduced gene flowHahn, Matthew W.2014, 23(13): 3133-3157 71 Evaluation of demographic history and neutral parameterization on the performance of F-ST outlier tests Lotterhos, Katie E.; Whitlock, Michael C. Molecular Ecology 2014, 23(9): 2178-2192Trends in Ecology & Evolution 68Genome sequencing and population genomicsin non-model organismsEllegren, Hans2014, 29(1): 51-63 56 Illuminating the base of the annelid tree using transcriptomics Weigert, Anne; Helm, Conrad; Meyer, Matthias; et al. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2014, 31(6): 1391-1401Ruhfel, Brad R.;From algae to angiosperms-inferring theBmc Evolutionary Biology 54phylogeny of green plants(Viridiplantae)Gitzendanner,from 360 plastid genomesMatthew A.; Soltis,2014, 14: 23 Pamela S.; et al.52 How important is intraspecific genetic admixture to the success of colonising populations? Rius, Marc; Darling, John A. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2014, 29(4): 233-242Sunday, Jennifer M.; Trends in Ecology & Evolution 50Evolution in an acidifying oceanCalosi, Piero; Dupont,Sam; et al.2014, 29(2): 117-125

Fisheries 渔业

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Pikitch, Ellen K.;Fish and Fisheries 49The global contribution of forage fish toRountos, Konstantine J.;marine fisheries and ecosystemsEssington, Timothy E.;2014, 15(1): 43-64 et al.Reviews in Fish Biology andIdentification of global marine hotspots: 38Sentinels for change and vanguards forHobday, Alistair J.; Pecl,Fisheriesadaptation actionGretta T.2014, 24(2): 415-425 28 Energy acquisition and allocation to egg production in relation to fish reproductive strategies McBride, Richard S.; Somarakis, Stylianos; Fitzhugh, Gary R.; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2015, 16(1): 23-57Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28A Bayesian approach for estimatingFroese, R.; Thorson, J. T.;length-weight relationships in fishesReyes, R. B., Jr.2014, 30(1): 78-85 26 Ontogeny and water temperature influences the antiviral response of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Green, Timothy J.; Montagnani, Caroline; Benkendorff, Kirsten; et al. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 2014, 36(1): 151-157BOFFFFs: On the importance of Hixon, Mark A.;Ices Journal of Marine Science 25conserving old-growth age structure inJohnson, Darren W.;fishery populationsSogard, Susan M.2014, 71(8): 2171-2185 25 Recent advances of genome mapping and marker-assisted selection in aquaculture Yue, Gen Hua Fish and Fisheries 2014, 15(3): 376-396Evolutionary impact assessment:Laugen, Ane T.;Fish and Fisheries 25Accounting for evolutionary consequencesof fishing in an ecosystem approach toEngelhard, Georg H.;2014, 15(1): 65-96 fisheries managementWhitlock, Rebecca; et al.23 China’s distant-water fisheries in the 21st century Pauly, Daniel; Belhabib, Dyhia; Blomeyer, Roland; et al. Fish and Fisheries 2014, 15(3): 474-488Use of plant extracts in fish aquaculture Aquaculture 22as an alternative to chemotherapy:Reverter, M.; Bontemps,Current status and future perspectivesN.; Lecchini, D.; et al.2014, 433: 50-61

Food Science & Technology 食品科技

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物A standardised static in vitro digestion Food & Function 81method suitable for food: An internationalMinekus, M.; Alminger,consensusM.; Alvito, P.; et al.2014, 5(6): 1113-1124Granato, Daniel; de Food Research International 55Observations on the use of statistical methodsin Food Science and TechnologyAraujo Calado, VeronicaMaria; Jarvis, Basil2014, 55: 137-149 53 A new strategy for determination of bisphenol A in the presence of Sudan I using a ZnO/CNTs/ionic liquid paste electrode in food samples Najafi, Maryam; Khafilzadeh, Mohammad A.; Karimi-Maleh, Hassan Food Chemistry 2014, 158: 125-131Acosta-Estrada, BeatrizFood Chemistry 46Bound phenolics in foods, a reviewA.; Gutierrez-Uribe,Janet A.; Serna-Saldivar,2014, 152: 46-55 Sergio O.46 Principal component analysis Bro, Rasmus; Smilde, Age K. Analytical Methods 2014, 6(9): 2812-2831Molecular Nutrition & FoodReview of recent data on the metabolism,Cottart, Charles-Henry; 46biological effects, and toxicity of resveratrolNivet-Antoine, Valerie; Researchin humansBeaudeux, Jean-Louis2014, 58(1): 7-21 44 Listeria monocytogenes persistence in food-associated environments: Epidemiology, strain characteristics, and implications for public health Ferreira, V.; Wiedmann, M.; Teixeira, P.; et al. Journal of Food Protection 2014, 77(1): 150-170Solid phase extraction of trace amounts ofsilver, cadmium, copper, mercury, and lead inMashhadizadeh,Mohammad Hossein;Food Chemistry42various food samples based on ethyleneglycol bis-mercaptoacetate modifiedAmoli-Diva, Mitra;2014, 151: 300-305 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol coatedShapouri, MahmoudFe3O4nanoparticlesReza; et al.39 Natural products as antimicrobial agents Gyawali, Rabin; Ibrahim, Salam A. Food Control 2014, 46: 412-429Journal of Functional Foods 39Probiotic functional foods: Survival ofTripathi, M. K.;probiotics during processing and storageGiri, S. K.2014, 9: 225-241

Forestry 林业

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物The spatial and temporal dynamics of Forest Ecology and Management 48species interactions in mixed-species Forrester, David I.forests: From pattern to process2014, 312: 282-292Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 34Transpiration in the global water cycleSchlesinger, William H.;Jasechko, Scott2014, 189: 115-117 31 Increasing altitudinal gradient of spring vegetation phenology during the last decade on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Shen, Miaogen; Zhang, Gengxin; Cong, Nan; et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2014, 189: 71-80Canadian Journal of ForestMapping attributes of Canada’s forests atResearch-Revue Canadienne de30moderate resolution through kNN andBeaudoin, A.; Bernier, P.Recherche Forestiere MODIS imageryY.; Guindon, L.; et al.2014, 44(5): 521-532 29 A review of approaches for evapotranspiration partitioning Kool, D.; Agam, N.; Lazarovitch, N.; et al. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2014, 184: 56-70Tree-Ring Research 29Dendroecological dating of geomorphicStoffel, Markus; Corona,disturbance in treesChristophe2014, 70(1): 3-20 27 Canopy space filling and tree crown morphology in mixed-species stands compared with monocultures Pretzsch, Hans Forest Ecology and Management 2014, 327: 251-264Effects of uncertainty in model predictions Forest Science 24of individual tree volume on large areaMcRoberts, Ronald E.;volume estimatesWestfall, James A.2014, 60(1): 34-42 24 Are trait-based species rankings consistent across data sets and spatial scales? Kazakou, Elena; Violle, Cyrille; Roumet, Catherine; et al. Journal of Vegetation Science 2014, 25(1): 235-247Stable isotopes in tree rings: Towards aGessler, Arthur; PedroTree Physiology20mechanistic understanding of isotopefractionation and mixing processes fromFerrio, Juan; Hommel, 2014, 34(8): 796-818the leaves to the woodRobert; et al.

Gastroenterology & Hepatology 胃肠病及肝病

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Expanded classification of hepatitis C virus Smith, Donald B.; Bukh,Hepatology 177into 7 genotypes and 67 subtypes: Updatedcriteria and genotype assignment webJens; Kuiken, Carla; et2014, 59(1): 318-327resourceal.British society of gastroenterology Fitzgerald, Rebecca C.;Gut 140guidelines on the diagnosis anddi Pietro, Massimiliano;management of barrett’s oesophagusRagunath, Krish; et al.2014, 63(1): 7-42 139 New hepatitis C therapies: The toolbox, strategies, and challenges Pawlotsky, Jean-Michel Gastroenterology 2014, 146(5): 1176-1192The International Scientific Association for Hill, Colin; Guarner,Nature Reviews Gastroenterology137Probiotics and Prebiotics consensus& Hepatology statement on the scope and appropriate useFrancisco; Reid, Gregor;of the term probioticet al.2014, 11(8): 506-514 120 A diet low in FODMAPs reduces symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome Halmos, Emma P.; Power, Victoria A.; Shepherd, Susan J.; et al. Gastroenterology 2014, 146(1): 67Kostic, Aleksandar D.;Gastroenterology 119The microbiome in inflammatory boweldisease: Current status and the future aheadXavier, Ramnik J.;Gevers, Dirk2014, 146(6): 1489-1499 117 Hepatocellular carcinoma: Clinical frontiers and perspectives Bruix, Jordi; Gores, Gregory J.; Mazzaferro, Vincenzo Gut 2014, 63(5): 844-855Subcutaneous golimumab induces clinical Sandborn, William J.;Gastroenterology 113response and remission in patients withFeagan, Brian G.;moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitisMarano, Colleen; et al.2014, 146(1): 85-95 103 Efficacy of an interferon- and ribavirin-free regimen of daclatasvir, asunaprevir, and BMS-791325 in treatment-naive patients with HCV genotype 1 infection Everson, Gregory T.; Sims, Karen D.; Rodriguez-Torres, Maribel; et al. Gastroenterology 2014, 146(2): 420-429Simeprevir increases rate of sustained Zeuzem, Stefan; Berg,Gastroenterology 103virologic response among treatment-experienced patients with HCV genotype-1Thomas; Gane, Edward; 2014, 146(2): 430infection: A phase iib trialet al.

Genetics & Heredity 遗传学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物A general framework for estimating theKircher, Martin; Witten,Nature Genetics 297relative pathogenicity of human geneticDaniela M.; Jain, Preti;variantset al.2014, 46(3): 310Yin, Hao; Kanasty,Nature Reviews Genetics 206Non-viral vectors for gene-based therapyRosemary L.; Eltoukhy,Ahmed A.; et al.2014, 15(8): 541-555 200 Long non-coding RNAs: New players in cell differentiation and development Fatica, Alessandro; Bozzoni, Irene Nature Reviews Genetics 2014, 15(1): 7-21Analysis of off-target effects of Cho, Seung Woo; Kim,Genome Research 175CRISPR/Cas-derived RNA-guidedSojung; Kim, Yongsub;endonucleases and nickaseset al.2014, 24(1): 132-141 174 The human gene mutation database: Building a comprehensive mutation repository for clinical and molecular genetics, diagnostic testing and personalized genomic medicine Stenson, Peter D.; Mort, Matthew; Ball, Edward V.; et al. Human Genetics 2014, 133(1): 1-9Nature Reviews Genetics 160A guide to genome engineering withKim, Hyongbum; Kim,programmable nucleasesJin-Soo2014, 15(5): 321-334 146 Genomic architecture and evolution of clear cell renal cell carcinomas defined by multiregion sequencing Gerlinger, Marco; Horswell, Stuart; Larkin, James; et al. Nature Genetics 2014, 46(3): 225Voom: Precision weights unlock linear Genome Biology 135model analysis tools for RNA-seq readLaw, Charity W.; Chen,countsYunshun; Shi, Wei; et al.2014, 15(2): R29 127 Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height Wood, Andrew R.; Esko, Tonu; Yang, Jian; et al. Nature Genetics 2014, 46(11): 1173-1186Large-scale meta-analysis of genome-wide Nalls, Mike A.;Nature Genetics 123association data identifies six new risk lociPankratz, Nathan; Lill,for Parkinson’s diseaseChristina M.; et al.2014, 46(9): 989

Geochemistry & Geophysics 地球化学和地球物理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Climate change influences on marineBurge, Colleen A.; Eakin,Annual Review of Marine Science54infectious diseases: Implications forC. Mark; Friedman,management and societyCarolyn S.; et al.2014, 6: 249-277The retention of uranium and europium Geochimica et Cosmochimica53onto sepiolite investigated bySun, Yubing; Li, Jiaxing;Acta macroscopic, spectroscopic and modeling Wang, Xiangketechniques2014, 140: 621-643 50 Early on-orbit performance of the visible infrared imaging radiometer suite onboard the suomi national polar-orbiting partnership(S-NPP)satellite Cao, Changyong; De Luccia, Frank J.; Xiong, Xiaoxiong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(2): 1142-1156Partitioning of platinum-group elements Geochimica et Cosmochimica49and Au between sulfide liquid and basaltMungall, James E.;Acta and the origins of mantle-crust Brenan, James M.fractionation of the chalcophile elements2014, 125: 265-289 47 Ophiolites and their origins Dilek, Yildirim; Furnes, Harald Elements 2014, 10(2): 93-100IEEE Transactions on Geoscience43MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and pitfallsKrieger, Gerhardand Remote Sensing2014, 52(5): 2628-2645 42 Effects of arctic sea ice decline on weather and climate: A review Vihma, Timo Surveys In Geophysics 2014, 35(5): 1175-1214Journal of Geophysical40Maximum magnitude earthquakesResearch-Solid Earth induced by fluid injectionMcGarr, A.2014, 119(2): 1008-1019 40 Resurrecting the ecological underpinnings of ocean plankton blooms Behrenfeld, Michael J.; Boss, Emmanuel S. Annual Review of Marine Science 2014, 6: 167IEEE Transactions on Geoscience39Unsupervised feature learning for aerialand Remote Sensing scene classificationCheriyadat, Anil M.2014, 52(1): 439-451

Geography 地理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Global EnvironmentalChanges in the global value of ecosystemCostanza, Robert; deChange-Human and Policy146servicesGroot, Rudolf; Sutton,Dimensions Paul; et al.2014, 26: 152-158Urban green space, public health, and Wolch, Jennifer R.;Landscape and Urban Planning 49environmental justice: The challenge ofByrne, Jason; Newell,making cities ‘just green enough’Joshua P.2014, 125(SI): 234-244 42 Food choices, health and environment: Effects of cutting Europe’s meat and dairy intake Westhoek, Henk; Lesschen, Jan Peter; Rood, Trudy; et al. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 2014, 26: 196-205Global Environmental 2014, 28: 325-336 34 Urban ecology and sustainability: The state-of-the-science and future directions Wu, Jianguo Wise, R. M.; Fazey, I.;Reconceptualising adaptation to climateChange-Human and Policy 34change as part of pathways of change andSmith, M. Stafford;Dimensions responseet al.Landscape and Urban Planning 2014, 125(SI): 209-221Key issues and research priorities for publicApplied Geography 29participation GIS(PPGIS): A synthesis basedBrown, Greg; Kytta,on empirical researchMarketta2014, 46: 122-136 25 The ‘Urban Age’ in question Brenner, Neil; Schmid, Christian International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2014, 38(3): 731-755Geographical Journal 25 2014, 180(1): 15-26 25 Global environmental change I: A social turn for resilience? Brown, KatrinaResilience and responsibility: Governinguncertainty in a complex worldWelsh, MarcProgress in Human Geography 2014, 38(1): 107-117Global EnvironmentalInternational trade undermines nationalChange-Human and Policy 25emission reduction targets: New evidenceKanemoto, K.; Moran,Dimensions from air pollutionD.; Lenzen, M.; et al.2014, 24: 52-59

Geography, Physical 自然地理学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Isprs Journal of PhotogrammetryGeographic object-based image analysis -Blaschke, Thomas; 86and Remote Sensing towards a new paradigmHay, Geoffrey J.;Kelly, Maggi; et al.2014, 87: 180-191Global and Planetary Change 75Cretaceous eustasy revisitedHaq, Bilal U.2014, 113: 44-58 69 The randolph glacier inventory: A globally complete inventory of glaciers Pfeffer, W. Tad; Arendt, Anthony A.; Bliss, Andrew; et al. Journal of Glaciology 2014, 60(221): 537-552Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry66Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetryColomina, I.; Molina,and Remote Sensing and remote sensing: A reviewP.2014, 92: 79-97 56 Spatiotemporal characteristics, patterns, and causes of land-use changes in China since the late 1980s Liu Jiyuan; Kuang Wenhui; Zhang Zengxiang; et al. Journal of Geographical Sciences 2014, 24(2): 195-210Earth Surface Processes and56Plants as river system engineersGurnell, AngelaLandforms2014, 39(1): 4-25 55 A stratigraphic framework for abrupt climatic changes during the Last Glacial period based on three synchronized Greenland ice-core records: Refining and extending the INTIMATE event stratigraphy Rasmussen, Sune O.; Bigler, Matthias; Blockley, Simon P.; et al. Quaternary Science Reviews 2014, 106(SI): 14-28Recent climate changes over the TibetanGlobal and Planetary Change 51Plateau and their impacts on energy andYang, Kun; Wu, Hui;water cycle: A reviewQin, Jun; et al.2014, 112: 79-91 49 Urban green space, public health, and environmental justice: The challenge of making cities ‘just green enough’Wolch, Jennifer R.; Byrne, Jason; Newell, Joshua P. Landscape and Urban Planning 2014, 125(SI): 234-244Liu, Zhengyu; Wen,Quaternary Science Reviews 48Chinese cave records and the East AsiaSummer MonsoonXinyu; Brady, E. C.;et al.2014, 83: 115-128

Geology 地质学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Spatio-temporal distribution and tectonic Ore Geology Reviews 44settings of the major iron deposits inZhang, Zhaochong; Hou,China: An overviewTong; Santosh, M.; et al.2014, 57(SI): 247-263Ore Geology Reviews 44Metallogeny and craton destruction:Li, Sheng-Rong; Santosh,Records from the North China CratonM.2014, 56(SI): 376-414 30 Acid rain and ozone depletion from pulsed Siberian Traps magmatism Black, Benjamin A.; Lamarque, Jean-Francois; Shields, Christine A.; et al. Geology 2014, 42(1): 67-70Nadoll, Patrick; Angerer,Ore Geology Reviews 29The chemistry of hydrothermalmagnetite: A reviewThomas; Mauk, Jeffrey L.;et al.2014, 61: 1-32 27 New mineral activity-composition relations for thermodynamic calculations in metapelitic systems White, R. W.; Powell, R.; Holland, T. J. B.; et al. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 2014, 32(3): 261-286Acta Petrologica Sinica 24Mesozoic gold metallogenic system of theYang LiQiang; Deng Jun;Jiaodong gold province, eastern ChinaWang ZhongLiang; et al.2014, 30(9): 2447-2467 24 Report on the 5th international meeting of the IUGS lower cretaceous ammonite working group, the kilian group(Ankara, Turkey, 31st August 2013)Reboulet, Stephane; Szives, Ottilia; Aguirre-Urreta, Beatriz; et al. Cretaceous Research 2014, 50: 126-137Apatites in lunar KREEP basalts: The Tartese, Romain; Anand,Geology 22missing link to understanding the HMahesh; McCubbin,isotope systematics of the MoonFrancis M.; et al.2014, 42(4): 363-366 22 Dominance of tectonics over climate in Himalayan denudation Godard, Vincent; Bourles, Didier L.; Spinabella, Francoise; et al. Geology 2014, 42(3): 243-246Turner, Simon; Rushmer,Geology 22Heading down early on? Start ofsubduction on EarthTracy; Reagan, Mark;et al.2014, 42(2): 139-142

Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 地球综合科学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Reassessment of continental growth during theGondwana Research 114accretionary history of the Central Asian OrogenicKroener, A.; Kovach, V.;BeltBelousova, E.; et al.2014, 25(1): 103-125Nance, R. Damian;Gondwana Research 93The supercontinent cycle: A retrospective essayMurphy, J. Brendan;Santosh, M.2014, 25(1): 4-29 86 Geographic object-based image analysis - towards a new paradigm Blaschke, Thomas; Hay, Geoffrey J.; Kelly, Maggi; et al. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2014, 87: 180-191Cohen, Judah; Screen,Nature Geoscience 76Recent Arctic amplification and extrememid-latitude weatherJames A.; Furtado,Jason C.; et al.2014, 7(9): 627-637 75 Cretaceous eustasy revisited Haq, Bilal U. Global and Planetary Change 2014, 113: 44-58Tethys tectonic evolution and its bearing on the Deng, Jun; Wang,Gondwana Research 73distribution of important mineral deposits in theQingfei; Li, Gongjian;Sanjiang region, SW Chinaet al.2014, 26(2): 419-437 72 The western central asian orogenic belt: A window to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth Xiao, Wenjiao; Santosh, M. Gondwana Research 2014, 25(4): 1429-1444Goldfarb, Richard J.;Gondwana Research 69Phanerozoic continental growth and goldTaylor, Ryan D.;metallogeny of AsiaCollins, Gregory S.; 2014, 25(1): 48-102et al.69 The randolph glacier inventory: A globally complete inventory of glaciers Pfeffer, W. Tad; Arendt, Anthony A.; Bliss, Andrew; et al. Journal of Glaciology 2014, 60(221): 537-552Widespread, rapid grounding line retreat of Pine Rignot, E.; Mouginot, Geophysical Research68Island, Thwaites, Smith, and Kohler glaciers, WestJ.; Morlighem, M.; LettersAntarctica, from 1992 to 2011et al.2014, 41(10): 3502-3509

Geriatrics & Gerontology 老年医学和老年学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of the AmericanChen, Liang-Kung; 95Sarcopenia in asia: Consensus report of the asianworking group for sarcopeniaLiu, Li-Kuo; Woo, Medical Directors AssociationJean; et al.2014, 15(2): 95-101Journals of Gerontology Series74Chronic inflammation(inflammaging)and itsFranceschi, Claudio;A-Biological Sciences andpotential contribution to age-associated diseasesCampisi, JudithMedical Sciences2014, 69(S1): S4-S9 72 The FNIH sarcopenia project: Rationale, study description, conference recommendations, and final estimates Studenski, Stephanie A.; Peters, Katherine W.; Alley, Dawn E.; et al. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 2014, 69(5): 547-558Ten-year effects of the advanced cognitive Journal of the AmericanRebok, George W.;63training for independent and vital elderlycognitive training trial on cognition and everydayBall, Karlene; Guey,Geriatrics Societyfunctioning in older adultsLin T.; et al.2014, 62(1): 16-24 55 Prevalence of and interventions for sarcopenia in ageing adults: A systematic review. Report of the International Sarcopenia Initiative(EWGSOP and IWGS)Cruz-Jentoft, Alfonso J.; Landi, Francesco; Schneider, Stephane M.; et al. Age and Ageing 2014, 43(6): 748-759Miller, Richard A.;Rapamycin-mediated lifespan increase in mice is 50dose and sex dependent and metabolically distinctHarrison, David E.;Aging Cellfrom dietary restrictionAstle, Clinton M.;2014, 13(3): 468-477 et al.46 Global changes in DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in Alzheimer’s disease human brain Coppieters, Natacha; Dieriks, Birger V.; Lill, Claire; et al. Neurobiology of Aging 2014, 35(6): 1334-1344Journals of Gerontology SeriesDam, Thuy-Tien; 46An evidence-based comparison of operationalA-Biological Sciences andcriteria for the presence of sarcopeniaPeters, Katherine W.;Fragala, Maren; et al.Medical Sciences2014, 69(5): 584-590 46 Autophagy in aging and neurodegenerative diseases: Implications for pathogenesis and therapy Tan, Chen-Chen; Yu, Jin-Tai; Tan, Meng-Shan; et al. Neurobiology of Aging 2014, 35(5): 941-957Zhang, Yiqiang; Journals of Gerontology Series42Rapamycin extends life and health in C57BL/6Bokov, Alex;A-Biological Sciences andmiceGelfond, John; Medical Scienceset al.2014, 69(2): 119-130

Hematology 血液学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Leukemia138Landscape of genetic lesions in 944Haferlach, T.; Nagata, Y.;patients with myelodysplastic syndromesGrossmann, V.;2014, 28(2): 241-247Antibody-modified T cells: CARs take Maus, Marcela V.;Blood 114the front seat for hematologicGrupp, Stephan A.;malignanciesPorter, David L.; et al.2014, 123(17): 2625-2635 113 Idelalisib, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 delta, for relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia Brown, Jennifer R.; Byrd, John C.; Coutre, Steven E.; et al. Blood 2014, 123(22): 3390-3397JAK2 or CALR mutation status defines Rumi, Elisa; Pietra,Blood 95subtypes of essential thrombocythemiawith substantially different clinical courseDaniela; Ferretti, 2014, 123(10): 1544-1551and outcomesVirginia; et al.93 Continued improvement in survival in multiple myeloma: changes in early mortality and outcomes in older patients Kumar, S. K.; Dispenzieri, A.; Lacy, M. Q.; et al. Leukemia 2014, 28(5): 1122-1128CALR vs JAK2 vs MPL-mutated orLeukemia 90triple-negative myelofibrosis: Clinical,Tefferi, A.; Lasho, T. L.;cytogenetic and molecular comparisonsFinke, C. M.; et al.2014, 28(7): 1472-1477 90 Impact of calreticulin mutations on clinical and hematological phenotype and outcome in essential thrombocythemia Rotunno, Giada; Mannarelli, Carmela; Guglielmelli, Paola; et al. Blood 2014, 123(10): 1552-1555Clonal evolution and clinical correlates of Lundberg, Pontus;Blood 86somatic mutations in myeloproliferativeKarow, Axel; Nienhold,neoplasmsRonny; et al.2014, 123(14): 2220-2228 84 Long noncoding RNA MALAT1 regulates endothelial cell function and vessel growth Michalik, Katharina M.; You, Xintian; Manavski, Yosif; et al. Circulation Research 2014, 114(9): 1389-1397Bentzon, Jacob Fog;Circulation Research 81Mechanisms of plaque formation andruptureOtsuka, Fumiyuki;Virmani, Renu; et al.2014, 114(12): 1852-1866

Horticulture 园艺学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Varshney, Rajeev K.;Theoretical and Applied40Genetic dissection of drought tolerance inGenetics chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.)Thudi, Mahendar;Nayak, Spurthi N.; et al.2014, 127(2): 445-462Single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping Semagn, Kassa; Babu,Molecular Breeding 38using Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR(KASP): Overview of the technology and itsRaman; Hearne, Sarah;2014, 33(1): 1-14 application in crop improvementet al.22 Phylogeny and evolution of plant pathogenic oomycetes-a global overview Thines, Marco European Journal of Plant Pathology 2014, 138(3): 431-447Herrera-Foessel, Sybil Theoretical and Applied20Lr67/Yr46 confers adult plant resistance tostem rust and powdery mildew in wheatA.; Singh, Ravi P.;GeneticsLillemo, Morten; et al.2014, 127(4): 781-789 20 Characterization of Yr54 and other genes associated with adult plant resistance to yellow rust and leaf rust in common wheat Quaiu 3 Basnet, B. R.; Singh, R. P.; Ibrahim, A. M. H.; et al. Molecular Breeding 2014, 33(2): 385-399Zmienko, Agnieszka;Theoretical and Applied20Copy number polymorphism in plantGenetics genomesSamelak, Anna;Kozlowski, Piotr; et al.2014, 127(1): 1-18 19 Origins of grape and wine aroma. Part 1. chemical components and viticultural impacts Robinson, Anthony L.; Boss, Paul K.; Solomon, Peter S.; et al. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 2014, 65(1): 1-24Advances in Setaria genomics for genetic Muthamilarasan,Theoretical and Applied16improvement of cereals and bioenergyMehanathan; Prasad,GeneticsgrassesManoj2015, 128(1): 1-14 17 Structure, management and productivity of hedgerow olive orchards: A review Connor, David J.; Gomez-del-Campo, Maria; Cecilia Rousseaux, M.; et al. Scientia Horticulturae 2014, 169: 71-93Lemongrass essential oil incorporated into Azarakhsh, Nima;Postharvest Biology and17alginate-based edible coating for shelf-lifeTechnology extension and quality retention of fresh-cutOsman, Azizah; Ghazali,pineappleHasanah Mohd; et al.2014, 88: 1-7

Imaging Science & Photographic Technology 成像科学与摄影技术

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Roy, D. P.; Wulder, Remote Sensing of Environment 103Landsat-8: Science and product vision forterrestrial global change researchM. A.; Loveland,T. R.; et al.2014, 145: 154-172Blaschke, Thomas; Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry86Geographic object-based image analysis -Hay, Geoffrey J.;and Remote Sensing Towards a new paradigmKelly, Maggi; etal.2014, 87: 180-191 68 Good practices for estimating area and assessing accuracy of land change Olofsson, Pontus; Foody, Giles M.; Herold, Martin; et al. Remote Sensing of Environment 2014, 148: 42-57Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry66Unmanned aerial systems for photogrammetryColomina, I.;and Remote Sensing and remote sensing: A reviewMolina, P.2014, 92: 79-97 50 Early on-orbit performance of the visible infrared imaging radiometer suite onboard the suomi national polar-orbiting partnership(S-NPP)satellite Cao, Changyong; De Luccia, Frank J.; Xiong, Xiaoxiong; et al. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(2): 1142-1156IEEE Transactions on Geoscience43MIMO-SAR: Opportunities and pitfallsKrieger, Gerhardand Remote Sensing2014, 52(5): 2628-2645 39 Unsupervised feature learning for aerial scene classification Cheriyadat, Anil M. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2014, 52(1): 439-451IEEE Transactions on GeoscienceJi, Rongrong; Gao, 38Spectral-spatial constraint hyperspectral imageand Remote Sensing classificationYue; Hong,Richang; et al.2014, 52(3): 1811-1824 37 Continuous change detection and classification of land cover using all available Landsat data Zhu, Zhe; Woodcock, Curtis E. Remote Sensing of Environment 2014, 144: 152-171Isprs Journal of PhotogrammetryDragut, L.; Csillik, 34Automated parameterisation for multi-scaleand Remote Sensing image segmentation on multiple layersO.; Eisank, C.;et al.2014, 88: 119-127

Immunology 免疫学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Murray, Peter J.; Allen, Immunity 293Macrophage activation and polarization:Nomenclature and experimental guidelinesJudith E.; Biswas,Subhra K.; et al.2014, 41(1): 14-20Transcriptome-based network analysis reveals a Xue, Jia; Schmidt, Immunity 168spectrum model of human macrophageSusanne V.; Sander, Jil;activationet al.2014, 40(2): 274-288 159 Regulation of type I interferon responses Ivashkiv, Lionel B.; Donlin, Laura T. Nature Reviews Immunology 2014, 14(1): 36-49Nature Reviews Immunology 147Monocytes and macrophages: DevelopmentalGinhoux, Florent; Jung,pathways and tissue homeostasisSteffen2014, 14(6): 392-404 145 Tumor-associated macrophages: From mechanisms to therapy Noy, Roy; Pollard, Jeffrey W. Immunity 2014, 41(1): 49-61Journal of Allergy and Clinical130Food allergy: Epidemiology, pathogenesis,Sicherer, Scott H.;Immunology diagnosis, and treatmentSampson, Hugh A.2014, 133(2): 291 126 Intestinal epithelial cells: Regulators of barrier function and immune homeostasis Peterson, Lance W.; Artis, David Nature Reviews Immunology 2014, 14(3): 141-153Embryonic and adult-derived resident cardiacEpelman, Slava; Lavine,Immunity 122macrophages are maintained through distinctmechanisms at steady state and duringKory J.; Beaudin, Anna 2014, 40(1): 91-104inflammationE.; et al.121 Primary immunodeficiency diseases: An update on the classification from the international union of immunological societies expert committee for primary immunodeficiency Al-Herz, Waleed; Bousfiha, Aziz; Casanova, Jean-Laurent; et al. Frontiers in Immunology 2014, 5: 162Activation of Gpr109a, receptor for niacin and Singh, Nagendra; Gurav, Immunity 120the commensal metabolite butyrate, suppressesAshish; Sivaprakasam,colonic inflammation and carcinogenesisSathish; et al.2014, 40(1): 128-139

Infectious Diseases 传染病学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Lancet Infectious Diseases129Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus inHaagmans, Bart L.; Aldromedary camels: An outbreak investigationDhahiry, Said H. S.;Reusken, Chantal B.2014, 14(2): 140-145 E. M.; et al.European society of clinical microbiology and Clinical Microbiology and123infectious diseases: Update of the treatmentDebast, S. B.; Bauer,guidance document for Clostridium difficile M. P.; Kuijper, E. J.Infectioninfection2014, 20(2): 1-26 81 DALI: Defining antibiotic levels in intensive care unit patients: Are current beta-lactam antibiotic doses sufficient for critically ill patients? Roberts, Jason A.; Paul, Sanjoy K.; Akova, Murat; et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014, 58(8): 1072-1083Zumla, Alimuddin I.;New antituberculosis drugs, regimens, andLancet Infectious Diseases81adjunct therapies: Needs, advances, and futureGillespie, Stephen H.;prospectsHoelscher, Michael;2014, 14(4): 327-340 et al.79 Uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis, sexual practices, and HIV incidence in men and transgender women who have sex with men: A cohort study Grant, Robert M.; Anderson, Peter L.; McMahan, Vanessa; et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(9): 820-829ESCMID guidelines for the management of Clinical Microbiology andTacconelli, E.;79the infection control measures to reducetransmission of multidrug-resistant Gram-Cataldo, M. A.;Infectionnegative bacteria in hospitalized patientsDancer, S. J.; et al.2014, 20(SI): 1-55 78 Hand, foot, and mouth disease in China, 2008-12: An epidemiological study Xing, Weijia; Liao, Qiaohong; Viboud, Cecile; et al. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2014, 14(4): 308-318Practice guidelines for the diagnosis and Stevens, Dennis L.;Clinical Infectious Diseases 77management of skin and soft tissue infections:Bisno, Alan L.;2014 update by the infectious diseases societyChambers, Henry F.;2014, 59(2): E10-E52 of americaet al.77 The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus(HCV)infection with today’s treatment paradigm Razavi, H.; Waked, I.; Sarrazin, C.; et al. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2014, 21(SI): 34-59Interventions to reduce colonisation and Derde, Lennie P. G.;Lancet Infectious Diseases 75transmission of antimicrobial-resistant bacteriaCooper, Ben S.;in intensive care units: An interrupted timeGoossens, Herman;2014, 14(1): 31-39 series study and cluster randomised trialet al.

Information Science & Library Science 图书情报学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of the AssociationHaustein, Stefanie; Peters, 35Tweeting biomedicine: An analysis of tweetsfor Information Science andand citations in the biomedical literatureIsabella; Sugimoto,Cassidy R.; et al.Technology2014, 65(4): 656-669Anderson, Ashley A.;Journal of32The “Nasty Effect”: Online incivility andBrossard, Dominique;Computer-Mediatedrisk perceptions of emerging technologiesScheufele, Dietram A.; et Communicational.2014, 19(3): 373-387 28 Cultivating social resources on social network sites: Facebook relationship maintenance behaviors and their role in social capital processes Ellison, Nicole B.; Vitak, Jessica; Gray, Rebecca; et al. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 2014, 19(4): 855-870de Winter, Joost C. F.; 28The expansion of Google Scholar versus Web Scientometricsof Science: A longitudinal studyZadpoor, Amir A.; Dodou,Dimitra2014, 98(2): 1547-1565 26 How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of ‘alternative metrics’ in scientific publications Zahedi, Zohreh; Costas, Rodrigo; Wouters, Paul Scientometrics 2014, 101(2): 1491-1513Journal of the AmericanDevelopment and use of active clinical Bell, Gillian C.; Crews, 24decision support for preemptiveKristine R.; Wilkinson,Medical InformaticspharmacogenomicsMark R.; et al.Association2014, 21(E1): E93-E99 24 Understanding customers’ repeat purchase intentions in B2C e-commerce: The roles of utilitarian value, hedonic value and perceived risk Chiu, Chao-Min; Wang, Eric T. G.; Fang, Yuhui; et al. Information Systems Journal 2014, 24(1): 85-114Journal of the AmericanFleurence, Rachael L.; 23Launching PCORnet, a national patient-Medical Informaticscentered clinical research networkCurtis, Lesley H.; Califf,Robert M.; et al.Association2014, 21(4): 578-582 23 Do blog citations correlate with a higher number of future citations? Research blogs as a potential source for alternative metrics Shema, Hadas; Bar-Ilan, Judit; Thelwall, Mike Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2014, 65(5): 1018-1027Journal of the AssociationMendeley readership altmetrics for the social 22sciences and humanities: Research evaluation Mohammadi, Ehsan;for Information Science andand knowledge flowsThelwall, MikeTechnology2014, 65(8): 1627-1638

Instruments & Instrumentation 仪器与仪器仪表

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物IEEE Transactions on268Real-time implementation of fault-tolerant controlYin, Shen; Luo, Hao;Industrial Electronics systems with performance optimizationDing, Steven X.2014, 61(5): 2402-2411IEEE Transactions on143Output-feedback-based H-infinity control forLi, Hongyi; Jing,Industrial Electronics vehicle suspension systems with control delayXingjian; Karimi,Hamid Reza2014, 61(1): 436-446 140 A review on basic data-driven approaches for industrial process monitoring Yin, Shen; Ding, Steven X.; Xie, Xiaochen; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014, 61(11): 6418-6428Sensors and Actuators137Highly sensitive and selective gas sensors usingKim, Hyo-Joong; Lee,B-Chemical p-type oxide semiconductors: OverviewJong-Heun2014, 192: 607-627 116 Data-based techniques focused on modern industry: An overview Yin, Shen; Li, Xianwei; Gao, Huijun; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2015, 62(1): 657-667Yin, Shen; Zhu, IEEE Transactions on74Improved PLS focused on key-performance-Industrial Electronics indicator-related fault diagnosisXiangping; Kaynak,Okyay2015, 62(3): 1651-1658 71 Predictive output feedback control for networked control systems Yang, Rongni; Liu, Guo-Ping; Shi, Peng; et al. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2014, 61(1): 512-520IEEE Transactions on703-D object retrieval with hausdorff distanceGao, Yue; Wang, Meng;Industrial Electronics learningJi, Rongrong; et al.2014, 61(4): 2088-2098 63 Nanoscale metal oxide-based heterojunctions for gas sensing: A review Miller, Derek R.; Akbar, Sheikh A.; Morris, Patricia A. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2014, 204: 250-272Zhang, Hao; Feng, Sensors and ActuatorsSnO2nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide59nanocomposites for NO2sensing at low operatingJianchao; Fei, Teng; B-Chemicaltemperatureet al.2014, 190: 472-478

Integrative & Complementary Medicine 中西医结合与补充医学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Antioxidant and intestinal anti-Witaicenis, Aline; Seito,Phytomedicine29inflammatory effects of plant-derivedLeonardo Noboru; Chagas,coumarin derivativesAlexandre da Silveira; et al.2014, 21(3): 240-246Stereospecific anticancer effects ofginsenoside Rg3 epimers isolated fromPark, Eun-Hwa; Kim,Journal of Ginseng Research 22heat-processed American ginseng on humanYoung-Joo; Yamabe,2014, 38(1): 22-27gastric cancer cellNoriko; et al.23 A review on the medicinal potentials of ginseng and ginsenosides on cardiovascular diseases Lee, Chang Ho; Kim, Jong-Hoon Journal of Ginseng Research 2014, 38(3): 161-166Rivera, Diego; Allkin,Journal of Ethnopharmacology 20What is in a name? The need for accuratescientific nomenclature for plantsRobert; Obon, Concepcion;et al.2014, 152(3): 393-402 20 Health benefits of qigong or tai chi for cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analyses Zeng, Yingchun; Luo, Taizhen; Xie, Huaan; et al. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2014, 22(1): 173-186Journal of Ethnopharmacology 19Triptolide: Progress on research inLi, Xiaojiaoyang; Jiang,pharmacodynamics and toxicologyZhenzhou; Zhang, Luyong2014, 155(1): 67-79 19 Towards a better understanding of medicinal uses of Carthamus tinctorius L. in traditional Chinese medicine: A phytochemical and pharmacological review Zhou, Xidan; Tang, Liying; Xu, Yilong; et al. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014, 151(1): 27-43Ethnobotanical uses of medicinal plants for Kayani, Sadaf; Ahmad,Journal of Ethnopharmacology 17respiratory disorders among the inhabitantsMushtaq; Zafar,of Gallies - Abbottabad, Northern PakistanMuhammad; et al.2014, 156: 47-60 17 In vivo anti-diabetic activity of derivatives of isoliquiritigenin and liquiritigenin Gaur, Rashmi; Yadav, Kuldeep Singh; Verma, Ram Kishor; et al. Phytomedicine 2014, 21(4): 415-422Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory Evidence-Based Complementary 14activities of berberine in the treatmentLi, Zheng; Geng, Yana;and Alternative Medicineof diabetes mellitusJiang, Jiandong; et al.2014, 289264

Limnology 湖沼学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from landLong, Di; Water Resources Research 39surface modeling, remote sensing, and GRACELonguevergne, Laurent;satellitesScanlon, Bridget R.2014, 50(2): 1131-1151Debates-The future of hydrological sciences: AWater Resources Research 36(common)path forward? A call to action aimed atMcDonnell, Jeffrey J.;understanding velocities, celerities and residence Beven, Keith2014, 50(6): 5342-5350 time distributions of the headwater hydrograph33 Storage dynamics in hydropedological units control hillslope connectivity, runoff generation, and the evolution of catchment transit time distributions Tetzlaff, D.; Birkel, C.; Dick, J.; et al. Water Resources Research 2014, 50(2): 969-985Surface-subsurface model intercomparison: A first Maxwell, Reed M.; Water Resources Research 29set of benchmark results to diagnose integratedPutti, Mario; Meyerhoff,hydrology and feedbacksSteven; et al.2014, 50(2): 1531-1549 27 The WFDEI meteorological forcing data set: WATCH Forcing Data methodology applied to ERA-Interim reanalysis data Weedon, Graham P.; Balsamo, Gianpaolo; Bellouin, Nicolas; et al. Water Resources Research 2014, 50(9): 7505-7514Journal of Great LakesScavia, Donald; Allan, 27Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication ofResearch Lake Erie: Central basin hypoxiaJ. David; Arend, KristinK.; et al.2014, 40(9): 226-246 27 Image processing of multiphase images obtained via X-ray microtomography: A review Schlueter, Steffen; Sheppard, Adrian; Brown, Kendra; et al. Water Resources Research 2014, 50(4): 3615-3639Limnology andThe interaction between climate warming andRigosi, Anna; Carey, 25eutrophication to promote cyanobacteria isCayelan C.; Ibelings, Oceanographydependent on trophic state and varies among taxaBas W.; et al.2014, 59(1): 99-114 22 A global boom in hydropower dam construction Zarfl, Christiane; Lumsdon, Alexander E.; Berlekamp, Jurgen; et al. Aquatic Sciences 2015, 77(1): 161-170The importance of observed gradients of airImmerzeel, W. W.;Water Resources Research 22temperature and precipitation for modeling runofffrom a glacierized watershed in the NepalesePetersen, L.; Ragettli,2014, 50(3): 2212-2226 HimalayasS.; et al.

Marine & Freshwater Biology 海洋与淡水生物学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Climate change influences on marine Burge, Colleen A.;Annual Review of Marine 54infectious diseases: Implications forEakin, C. Mark;Sciencemanagement and societyFriedman, Carolyn S.;et al.2014, 6: 249-277Leliaert, Frederik;European Journal of Phycology 43DNA- based species delimitation in algaeVerbruggen, Heroen;Vanormelingen, Pieter;2014, 49(2): 179-196 et al.41 Oxidative pathways of chemical toxicity and oxidative stress biomarkers in marine organisms Regoli, Francesco; Giuliani, Maria Elisa Marine Environmental Research 2014, 93(SI): 106-117Annual Review of Marine 40Resurrecting the ecological underpinnings ofBehrenfeld, Michael J.;Science ocean plankton bloomsBoss, Emmanuel S.2014, 6: 167 38 Identification of global marine hotspots: Sentinels for change and vanguards for adaptation action Hobday, Alistair J.; Pecl, Gretta T. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 2014, 24(2): 415-425Ocean acidification in the coastal zone fromAnnual Review of Marine 36an organism’s perspective: Multiple systemWaldbusser, George G.;Scienceparameters, frequency domains, and habitatsSalisbury, Joseph E.2014, 6: 221-247 31 Microbially mediated transformations of phosphorus in the sea: New views of an old cycle Karl, David M. Annual Review of Marine Science 2014, 6: 279-337Transcriptome analysis reveals a rich gene set Marine Biotechnology 30related to innate immunity in the easternZhang, Linlin; Li, Li;oyster(Crassostrea virginica)Zhu, Yabing; et al.2014, 16(1): 17-33 28 High-levels of microplastic pollution in a large, remote, mountain lake Free, Christopher M.; Jensen, Olaf P.; Mason, Sherri A.; et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2014, 85(1): 156-163Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28A Bayesian approach for estimatingFroese, R.; Thorson, J.length-weight relationships in fishesT.; Reyes, R. B., Jr.2014, 30(1): 78-85

Materials Science, Biomaterials 生物材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Aggregation induced emission-basedZhang, Xiqi; Zhang,Journal of Materials Chemistry B 93fluorescent nanoparticles: FabricationXiaoyong; Tao, Lei;methodologies and biomedical applicationset al.2014, 2(28): 4398-4414Click hydrogels, microgels and nanogels: Jiang, Yanjiao; Chen,Biomaterials 71Emerging platforms for drug delivery andJing; Deng, Chao; ettissue engineeringal.2014, 35(18): 4969-4985 67 Significance of calcium phosphate coatings for the enhancement of new bone osteogenesis: A review Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Ivanova, Anna A. Acta Biomaterialia 2014, 10(2): 557-579Curcumin nanoformulations: A review of Naksuriya, Ornchuma;Biomaterials 64pharmaceutical properties and preclinicalOkonogi, Siriporn;studies and clinical data related to cancerSchiffelers, Raymond 2014, 35(10): 3365-3383treatmentM.; et al.57 Protein modified upconversion nanoparticles for imaging-guided combined photothermal and photodynamic therapy Chen, Qian; Wang, Chao; Cheng, Liang; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(9): 2915-2923Hasan, Anwarul;Acta Biomaterialia 57Electrospun scaffolds for tissue engineeringof vascular graftsMemic, Adnan;Annabi, Nasim; et al.2014, 10(1): 11-25 54 A doxorubicin delivery platform using engineered natural membrane vesicle exosomes for targeted tumor therapy Tian, Yanhua; Li, Suping; Song, Jian; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(7): 2383-2390Balint, Richard;Acta Biomaterialia 53Conductive polymers: Towards a smartbiomaterial for tissue engineeringCassidy, Nigel J.;Cartmell, Sarah H.2014, 10(6): 2341-2353 53 Dual-modal upconversion fluorescent/X-ray imaging using ligand-free hexagonal phase NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods for blood vessel visualization Zeng, Songjun; Wang, Haibo; Lu, Wei; et al. Biomaterials 2014, 35(9): 2934-2941Hyaluronic acid-modified hydrothermallyBiomaterials 51synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles forLi, Jingchao; He, Yao;targeted tumor MR imagingSun, Wenjie; et al.2014, 35(11): 3666-3677

Materials Science, Ceramics 陶瓷材料学

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Journal of the AmericanDecoding the fingerprint of ferroelectric loops: 78Comprehension of the material properties andJin, Li; Li, Fei; Zhang,Ceramic SocietystructuresShujun2014, 97(1): 1-27Journal of the EuropeanTransferring lead-free piezoelectric ceramics intoRoedel, Juergen; 44Ceramic SocietyapplicationWebber, Kyle G.;Dittmer, Robert; et al.2015, 35(6): 1659-1681 38 Highly efficient visible light-driven Ag/AgBr/ZnO composite photocatalyst for degrading Rhodamine B Shi, Lei; Liang, Lin; Ma, Jun; et al. Ceramics International 2014, 40(2): 3495-3502Journal of the AmericanHuang, Xiaogu; Zhang, 34The cobalt zinc spinel ferrite nanofiber:Ceramic Society Lightweight and efficient microwave absorberJing; Xiao, Shaorong;et al.2014, 97(5): 1363-1366 34 An overview on silica aerogels synthesis and different mechanical reinforcing strategies Maleki, Hajar; Duraes, Luisa; Portugal, Antonio Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2014, 385: 55-74Journal of the AmericanRojac, Tadej; Bencan, 32BiFeO3ceramics: Processing, electrical, andCeramic Society electromechanical propertiesAndreja; Malic,Barbara; et al.2014, 97(7): 1993-2011 31 Advances in transparent glass-ceramic phosphors for white light-emitting diodes-A review Chen, Daqin; Xiang, Weidong; Liang, Xiaojuan; et al. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2015, 35(3): 859-869Journal of the EuropeanUllah, Arnir; Malik, 31Electric-field-induced phase transition and largeCeramic Society strain in lead-free Nb-doped BNKT-BST ceramicsRizwan Ahmed; Ullah,Aman; et al.2014, 34(1): 35-41 28 Review: Down conversion materials for solid-state lighting McKittrick, Joanna; Shea-Rohwer, Lauren E. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2014, 97(5): 1327-1352Ceramics International 26Transparent Ce3+: Y3Al5O12glass ceramic fororganic-resin-free white-light-emitting diodesChen, Daqin; Chen, Yan2014, 40(9): 15325-15329

Materials Science, Characterization & Testing 材料科学,表征和测试

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物An efficient and simple refined theory for Meziane, Mohamed Ait Journal of Sandwich Structures51buckling and free vibration of exponentiallyAmar; Abdelaziz, Hadj& Materials graded sandwich plates under variousHenni; Tounsi,boundary conditionsAbdelouahed2014, 16(3): 293-318Nanoscale and Microscale23Dropwise condensation on micro- andEnright, Ryan; Miljkovic,Thermophysical Engineering nanostructured surfacesNenad; Alvarado, JorgeL.; et al.2014, 18(3): 223-250 18 Ultrafine-grain metals by severe plastic deformation Toth, Laszlo S.; Gu, Chengfan Materials Characterization 2014, 92: 1-14The effects of time and temperature on the Stepniowski, Wojciech J.;Materials Characterization 16arrangement of anodic aluminum oxideNowak-Stepniowska,nanoporesAgata; Presz, Adam; et al.2014, 91: 1-9 16 Characterization of microstructure, texture and magnetic properties in twin-roll casting high silicon non-oriented electrical steel Li, Haoze; Liu, Haitao; Liu, Zhenyu; et al. Materials Characterization 2014, 88: 1-6Towards the design of metamaterials with Research in Nondestructive15enhanced damage sensitivity: SecondMadeo, Angela; Placidi, Evaluationgradient porous materialsLuca; Rosi, Giuseppe2014, 25(2): 99-124 13 Automated crystal orientation and phase mapping in TEM Rauch, E. F.; Veron, M. Materials Characterization 2014, 98: 1-9Microstructure stability of ultra-fineMaterials Characterization 13grained magnesium alloy AZ31 processedStraska, Jitka; Janecek,by extrusion and equal-channel angular Milos; Cizek, Jakub; et al. 2014, 94: 69-79pressing(EX-ECAP)13 Determination of All 21 independent elastic coefficients of generally anisotropic solids by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy: Benchmark examples Sedlak, P.; Seiner, H.; Zidek, J.; et al. Experimental Mechanics 2014, 54(6): 1073-1085An improved time-varying mesh stiffness Wan, Zhiguo; Cao,Engineering Failure Analysis 13algorithm and dynamic modeling ofHongrui; Zi, Yanyang;gear-rotor system with tooth root cracket al.2014, 42: 157-177

Materials Science, Coatings & Films 材料科学,涂料和薄膜

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