山 楠, 杜连凤, 毕晓庆, 安志装, 赵丽平, 赵同科*
(1 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100193; 2 北京市农林科学院植物营养与资源研究所, 北京 100097)
山 楠1, 2, 杜连凤2, 毕晓庆2, 安志装2, 赵丽平2, 赵同科2*
(1 中国农业大学资源与环境学院, 北京 100193; 2 北京市农林科学院植物营养与资源研究所, 北京 100097)
玉米;15N; 氮肥利用率; 盆栽培养
玉米收获后取样,植株样烘干后称重,粉碎后测定15N同位素含量; 土壤样品风干后磨细,过0.15 mm筛,用于测定15N同位素。玉米植株和土样15N含量测定(质谱法)在河北省农林科学院遗传生理研究所用改进型ZHT-03质谱计(北京分析仪器厂)测定,测量精度0.1%。
土壤全氮中来自标记15N肥料氮的百分数(Ndff, %)=土壤全氮的15N原子百分超/标记15N肥料原子百分超×100;
土壤全氮中来自15N肥料的氮量 (Ndff, g/pot)=土壤全氮含量(g/pot)×土壤全氮中来自肥料的百分数(%Ndff);
植株全氮中来自标记15N肥料氮的百分数(Ndff, %)=植株中15N肥料原子百分超/标记的15N肥料原子百分超×100;
植株全氮中来自15N肥料氮量 (Ndff, g/pot)=植物吸收的全氮含量(g/pot)×植物全氮中来自肥料的百分数(%Ndff);
肥料氮素损失量(g/pot)=氮肥用量(g/pot) ×氮素总损失率(%)。
试验数据采用Excel 2003和SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。
表1 不同N肥水平下玉米植株地上部对肥料15N的吸收
注(Note): Ndff—肥料氮Nitrogen derived from fertilizer; Ndfs—土壤氮Nitrogen derived from soil; 同列不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05)Different small letters in the same column mean significant difference at 0.05 level among treatments.
表2 不同氮肥水平下肥料15N在土壤中残留
注(Note): Ndff—肥料氮Nitrogen derived from fertilizer; 同列数据后不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05)Values followed by different small letters in the same column are significantly different at 0.05 level among treatments.
注(Note): 同列数据后不同小写字母表示处理间差异显著(P<0.05)Values followed by different small letters in the same column are significantly different at 0.05 level among treatments.
由此可见,氮素供应不足严重影响作物产量和氮肥的利用率。然而氮肥施用过量,不仅没有提高作物植株地上部生物量,反而造成氮肥的严重损失,降低氮肥利用率。该试验综合得出,N4处理,施肥量为N 88 mg/kg,作物对标记氮肥的吸收率为67.57%,标记氮肥土壤残留率为21.40%,标记氮肥损失率为11.04%,是较为科学合理的施肥量。
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Nitrogen use efficiency and behavior studied with15N labeled fertilizer in maize in fluvo-aquic soils
SHAN Nan1,2, DU Lian-feng2, BI Xiao-qing2, AN Zhi-zhuang2, ZHAO Li-ping2, ZHAO Tong-ke2*
(1CollegeofResourcesandEnvironmentalSciences,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing100193,China; 2InstituteofPlantNutritionandResources,BeijingAcademyofAgricultureandForestrySciences,Beijing100097,China)
【Objectives】 In this study, an experiment was conducted for quantitative characteristics of nitrogen (N) fertilizer utilization and the fate of fertilizer N on “N uptake-soil residues-loss” in summer maize in Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry in 2013. 【Methods】 A pot experiment was carried out using15N-label method inside an artificial weather shed. Ten N fertilizer application rates were designed with three replicates: 0, 22, 44, 66, 88, 111, 133, 177, 222 and 266 mg/kg. The characteristics and nitrogen utilization of soil and maize plant were measured.【Results】 With the increase of N fertilizer applied, there was no significant difference in N fertilizer use efficiency, but showed a tendency of rising firstly and then falling. Agronomic efficiency of applied N-fertilizer and apparent N fertilizer recovery efficiency decreased significantly. The recovery ratio of15N was 9.01%-67.57% in maize season and the percentage of residual15N in soil was 21.40%-40.54%. Residual15N rates of different soil layers increased significantly with the increase of N fertilizer applied and decreased notably. Loss rates of15N increased significantly with the increase of N fertilizer applied and total15N loss ratio was 11.04%-50.45%. Compared with N 22, 44 and 66 mg/kg treatments, the soil N accumulation was reduced by 19.14%, 12.38% and 13.13% in N 88 mg/kg treatment, respectively. Moreover, the N loss rate was reduced by 39.41%, 7.88% and 13.88%, respectively. Compared with N 111, 133, 177, 222 and 266 mg/kg treatments, the plant N accumulation was increased by 5.88%-8.00% and the N recovery rate was increased by 9.06%-27.81% in N 88 mg/kg treatment. In the other hand, the soil N accumulation was reduced by 3.36%-17.30%, and the N loss rate during the maize growing period was reduced by 1.65%-13.57%.【Conclusions】 Under the condition of this experiment, proper rate of N applied in maize was recommended at 88 mg/kg, and N use efficiency was the highest with 67.57%, and the percentage of residual N and loss rate of N were the least with 21.40% and 11.04%, presenting less pressure to the environment.
maize;15N-label technique; nitrogen fertilizer utilization; pot experiment
2015-02-16接受日期: 2015-05-15
山楠(1988—), 女, 河北唐山人, 博士研究生, 主要从事农业环境方面的研究。 E-mail: sn.47@163.com
Tel: 010-51503584, E-mail: tkzhao@126.com
S143.1+4; S513.62