叶丹 徐溧
摘 要 《红楼梦》的英译活动已有一百多年,但目前少有研究其量词翻译的文章。本文就杨、霍译本的量词翻译分析对比,认为译者不能忽略英语本身的类量词结构表达,要深入研究学习英汉量词的异同及其语言功能。
关键词 《红楼梦》量词 杨、霍译本 异同比较
中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A
《红楼梦》的英译活动可以追溯至1830年。至20世纪80年代,两个最为人熟知全译本问世,分别是中国翻译名家杨宪益夫妇的A Dream of Red Mansions以及英国的汉学家霍克斯(David Hawkes)的 The Story of the Stone。据文军、任艳(2012)对《红楼梦》不同研究主题的论文数量统计发现:词语研究领域的研究论文数量是所有研究主题中最多的,达133篇,占总数的17%,涉及了许多类别的文化负载词分析,如颜色词、模糊语、称呼等。但目前针对量词翻译的研究却寥寥无几。汉语量词是表示事物或动作数量的单位的词,包括名量词和动量词。单个的量词在汉语中不能独立使用, 必须要和数词结合构成数量短语共同充当句子成分。汉语量词体系庞大而复杂,但英语语法中却实际并无量词一说。因此在翻译时,语法范畴的不对等为翻译工作带来障碍,但也为译者更多的研究、发挥空间。本文主要对《红楼梦》中“一+量词+名词”结构下的杨、霍译的量词翻译进行对比分析。
与英语名词不同,汉语名词本身不体现可数与不可数之分。当“一+量词+名词”结构中的名词体现了英语可数名词特征时,两译本多采用了a/an + n的译法。
例一:宝玉抬头看见一幅画贴在上面。杨译:Baoyu noticed a fine painting;霍译:Bao-yu glanced up and saw a painting.
例二:后面便是一所古庙,里面有一美人在内看经独坐。杨译:Next was depicted a seated girl reading a sutra alone in an old temple;霍译:After this was an old temple with a beautiful girl sitting all on her own inside it reading a Buddhist sutra.
例三:迎面一道黑溪阻路,并无桥梁可通。杨译:In front a black torrent barred their way and there was no bridge across.霍译:Ahead of them the road ended at the edge of a dark ravine. No bridge connected it with the other side.
当“一+量词+名词”结构中的名词体现不可数或集合特征时,两个译本则大有不同。霍译更多的采用了“a + n + of”词块结构。
例一:当下秦氏引了一簇人来至上房内间。杨译:Keqing led the party to an inner room;霍译:Qin-shi conducted Bao-yu and his little knot of attendants to an inner room in the main building.
例二:刚至房门,便有一股细细的香甜袭人而来。杨译:Now, having reached the young matrons room, they were meeting at the threshold by a subtle perfume;霍译:As Bao-yu entered, a subtle whiff of the most delicious perfume assailed his nostrils.
例三:后面又画几缕飞云, 一湾逝水。杨译:Next came a painting of drifting clouds and flowing water with the legend;霍译:The next picture showed some scudding wisps of cloud and a stretch of running water followed by these words.
杨、霍译本都有由译者解读而成的a + n + of结构。因为英语“量词”不仅仅表现“量”,也能表现“质”,表现事物的特征。
例一:仙袂乍飘兮,闻麝兰之馥郁;荷衣欲动兮,听环佩只铿锵。杨译:Her fairy sleeves, fluttering, give off a heady fragrance of musk and orchid. With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle.霍译:And a fragrance of musk and orchid from fluttering fairy sleeves, And a tinkle of girdle-gems that falls on the ear,At each movement of her dress of lotus leaves.
例二:靥笑春桃兮,云堆翠髻。杨译:Her dimpled smile is peach-blossom in spring, her blue-black hair a cluster of clouds. 霍译:A peach-tree blossoms in her dimpling cheek; Her cloud-coiled tresses are halcyon-sleek.
英语量词表达虽还未列入传统的语法词类,但是有大量的词表达了数量概念,其功能和性质相当于汉语量词。可根据事物的形状、容积、容器和状态分类。如:a bunch of grapes(一串葡萄);a choir of singers(一个唱诗班);a drop of rain(一滴雨水);a field of flowers(一片花海);a gust of wind(一股风);a mob of demonstrators(一群示威者);a pad of paper(一叠纸);a roll of newspaper(一卷报纸);a swarm of bees (一群蜜蜂);a wedge of pie(一块楔形的馅饼),等。类似汉语量词的英语结构表达,具有隐喻和意象功能,生动地描绘着各色各异各态的事物。因此译者不能忽略英语中固有的类量词表达,要充分深入研究学习两种语言量词的文化异同及其语言功能。
[1] 文军,任艳.国内《红楼梦》英译研究回眸(1979-2010)[J].中国外语,2012(1).