
2016-08-15 05:25:17张栋刘兴元赵红挺

张栋, 刘兴元, 赵红挺*

(1.杭州电子科技大学材料与环境工程学院环境材料与应用技术研究所,杭州 310018;2.广东大众农业科技股份有限公司,广东 东莞 523169)


张栋1, 刘兴元2, 赵红挺1*

(1.杭州电子科技大学材料与环境工程学院环境材料与应用技术研究所,杭州 310018;2.广东大众农业科技股份有限公司,广东 东莞 523169)


生物质炭; 吸附; 重金属; 土壤; 修复

Summary Biochar is a carbon-rich product obtained from thermal treatment and pyrolysis of various plant- and animal-based biomass. The biomass for preparation of biochar had extensive sources, and the treatment is usually easy-operation, mainly thermochemical decomposition under a poor-oxygen condition. Biochar has been considered as a low-cost and high-efficiency sorbent for both organic and inorganic contaminants including heavy metals, radioactive elements, nitrogen and phosphate, due to its abundant O-containing functional groups and surface charges, advanced micro- and macro-pore structures, and rich carbon content.

In this paper, recent research progress on biochar with regards to its mechanisms and potential applications in remediation of inorganic contaminated soils was reviewed. The key parameters controlling biochar’s properties include pyrolysis temperatures and feedstock types, resulting in biochar with great difference in surface areas, pore size distribution, pH, H/C ratio, ion-exchange capacity, and carbon content. Therefore, the sorption mechanisms of inorganic pollutants varied with different properties of biochar. The sorption mechanisms of inorganic pollutants such as heavy metal, radioactive elements, nitrogen and phosphate were summarized as well as their potential applications in real soil condition. Several different possible mechanisms were proposed: 1) electrostatic outer-sphere complexation due to surface cationic exchange; 2) surface complexation with active O-containing functional groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups; 3) electrostatic attraction of anionic inorganic pollutants such as phosphate and arsenic to protonated groups under alkaline pH; 4) co-precipitation of heavy metal and phosphate with organic matter and mineral oxides on surface of the biochar or pre-sorbed metal ions; 5) specific binding of iodide with aromatic carbon in biochar; 6) to donate electrons for mitigating/reducing heavy metal such as chromium; 7) physical adsorption of heavy metals onto biochar’s surface; 8) changing the pH of point of zero charge (pHpzc) to immobilize or mobilize heavy metals.

Generally and undoubtedly, the use of biochar as an environmental sorbent can have strong implications. It can effectively sorb various organic and inorganic contaminants in aqueous solutions. However, due to soil complexity, whether biochar is suitable for the remediation of inorganic contaminated soil is still unclear. These confused results could attribute to: 1) high dissolved organic carbon contents of soil at the increased pH induced by biochar addition may mobilize heavy metal leaching and/or form high available species; 2) electrostatic repulsion between anionic heavy metal ions and negatively charged biochar surface may enhance the desorption of heavy metal from soil-biochar matrix; 3) changing soil pH may result in mobilization or immobilization of heavy metals; 4) the transportation of biochar in soil system may influence the mitigation of sorbed heavy metals; 5) the availability of heavy metal sorbed by biochar to soil microorganism or plants; 6) the stability and biodegradation of biochar is also an uncertain factor for the application of biochar in the remediation of inorganic contaminated soil.

Based on the limited information, we proposed that biochars, especially those pyrolyzed at high temperature were suitable for the remediation of the low-pH and/or low dissolved organic carbon soil contaminated with cadmium, lead, copper, zinc and other heavy metals. Furthermore, further researches on interactions among soil-biochar-pollutants and field applications for remediation of contaminated soil are urgently needed.


1 生物质炭的基本特性


生物质炭的富碳、多孔、结构和官能团特性及其广泛多样性,使其能在复杂环境污染物修复中具有较强的应用前景[2,8]。目前,学界普遍认可材料来源和裂解温度是影响生物质炭的特性和环境应用的主要因子。生物质炭的元素组成和存在形态在一定程度上决定了生物质炭的官能团、结构和比表面积,进而决定其环境功能。生物质炭的组成元素为碳、氢、氧、氮、磷等,主要受材料来源和裂解温度等因素的影响。AHMAD等[8]在综述中介绍了生物质炭来源对元素组成及其关系的影响。对同一材料来源的生物质炭,各元素比例主要受裂解温度的影响。随裂解温度的升高,生物质炭的碳元素、矿物灰分、磷等含量增大[21-24];氧、氢、硫等元素含量降低[21-23,25];氮元素含量变化规律不明确,可略有富集或下降[21,26],甚至可能先富集后降低[21-22]。生物质炭中碳元素含量随制备温度的升高会显著增大,其存在形态也会发生变化。如KEILUWEIT等[21]发现,在不同温度(100~700 ℃)条件下制备的木材生物质炭和禾草生物质炭中碳元素含量均随温度升高而增大,分别从50.6%和48.6%增大到92.3%和94.2%。此外,H/C比值也随裂解温度的升高而降低,通常在100~500 ℃阶段降低迅速,在500 ℃以上降低缓慢[25]。H/C比值的降低意味着碳元素的存在趋于芳环结构,特别是在较高温度(500 ℃以上),主要为硬碳芳环结构[25],而羧基、醚键等极性基团降低,傅里叶变换红外光谱分析也证明了这种推断[21-22,25]。这不利于生物质炭与重金属离子的络合,但有利于生物质炭对碘离子等的捕获。

图1 2003—2015年生物质炭相关论文增长情况(A)及生物质炭来源解析(B)Fig.1 Growth in peer-reviewed publications on biochar from 2003—2015 based on Web of ScienceTM (A) and feedstock analysis of biochar (B)

灰分也是生物质炭的重要组成部分,因其含有Na+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+等碱基阳离子的氧化物或碳酸盐,使生物质炭溶于水后通常呈碱性。YUAN等[27]通过X射线衍射图谱和碳酸盐定量分析、傅里叶变换红外光谱和zeta电位分析表明,羧酸盐(COO—)是几种作物秸秆生物质炭碱性的主要贡献者。生物质炭pH与灰分含量呈正相关,且均与裂解温度和来源材料有关[3,23,27-28]。裂解温度越高,灰分含量高,则生物质炭pH越高。UCHIMIYA等[23]使用棉籽壳在不同温度(200~650 ℃)烧制生物质炭,其灰分和pH均随温度升高而增大。来源材料灰分含量高,则制成生物质炭的pH也较高。如在550 ℃下用干材烧制的生物质炭pH为9.49(灰分为3.5%),而灰分含量更高的禽畜粪肥生物质炭pH为10.26(灰分为44.4%)[28]。

2 生物质炭吸附无机污染物的机制



图2 生物质炭与无机污染物的相互作用机制[8,36]Fig.2 Interaction and underlying mechanisms of biochar and inorganic pollutants[8,36]

3 生物质炭在无机污染土壤修复中的应用潜力

我国土壤无机污染主要集中在重金属污染,且部分地区污染程度较重。据《全国土壤污染状况调查公报》,我国土壤Cd、Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn、Ni等8种无机污染物点位超标率分别为7.0%、1.6%、2.7%、2.1%、1.5%、1.1%、0.9%和4.8%[51]。特别是我国大多数城市近郊农田均受到了不同程度的重金属污染,严重影响到粮食产品的安全,需要进行修复或控制[52-56]。如NIU等[56]评估了我国土壤11种重金属的生态风险,发现82%的样品中Cd处于高风险状态,过半数样品中Cu、Pb、Zn等污染物处于中高度风险状态。ZHU等[57]研究发现,粤北稻米Cd含量中位值达到0.33 mg/kg,远超GB 2762—2012规定的最高值(0.20 mg/kg);由此导致人体月摄入Cd量达到55.01 μg/kg,比对照地区摄入量高出3.4倍。目前,重金属污染土壤修复技术主要有热脱附、电动修复、淋洗技术、稳定和固化技术、植物修复、微生物修复及联合修复技术等[53,58-62]。对有生产任务的轻污染农田土壤,稳定和固化技术可能在缓解土壤重金属污染风险、生产安全农产品或粮食中具有较强优势。


表1 生物质炭对土壤中重金属迁移行为的影响


FOC: Fraction of organic carbon; CEC: Cation exchange capacity.



4 小结



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Research progress in effects of biochar on transport of inorganic pollutants in soil.JournalofZhejiangUniversity(Agric. &LifeSci.), 2016,42(4):451-459

ZHANG Dong1, LIU Xingyuan2, ZHAO Hongting1*

(1.InstituteofEnvironmentalMaterials&Applications,CollegeofMaterials&EnvironmentalEngineering,HangzhouDianziUniversity,Hangzhou310018,China; 2.GuangdongDazhongAgricultureScienceCo.,Ltd.,Dongguan523169,Guangdong,China)

biochar; sorption; heavy metal; soil; remediation


Corresponding author):赵红挺(http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4562-4576),Tel:+86-571-87713572,E-mail:hzhao@hdu.edu.cn


2016-01-31;接受日期(Accepted):2016-06-23;网络出版日期(Published online):2016-07-19

X 131; X 53



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