摘 要:随着我国人口的不断增加,粮食安全问题日益突出。东北是我国重要的粮食产区之一,具有最大的粮食增产潜力。影响东北土壤地力的主要因子有养分贫瘠化,障碍性层次和障碍性因子。基于此我们设计了一个田间试验,旨在改善土壤结构和增加土壤的养分含量。试验设置于2007年设置中国科学院海伦农田野外科学观测研究站,共包括6个处理,分别为常规耕作(TT),浅翻深松(ST),表层施加秸秆(TT+SS),亚耕层施加秸秆(TT+DS),表层施加有机肥(TT+SM),亚耕层施加有机肥(ST+DM),根据试验要求在2008增设了深层全混秸秆(ST+S)和深层全混有机肥(STM)。试验结果表明ST,ST+DS和ST+DM在第一年均能够显著地减少20~35 cm土层土壤容重,但是到了第六年ST处理的土壤容重增加到初始水平,而ST+DS和ST+DM仍然表现为降低,说明打破犁底层的同时向20~35 cm施入有机物料能够长久地改善土壤的结构。与起始土壤相比有机物料施入0~20 cm和20~35 cm土层(TT+SS,TT+SM,ST+S,STM,ST+DM和ST+DS)能够增加相应层次土壤的有机质、>250μm团聚体和养分的容量和强度,说明有机物料的输入能够改善土壤的养分状况和结构,其中有机肥的添加效果优于秸秆。相比有机物料分层输入,0~35 cm全层混入秸秆和有机肥能够同时增加0~20 cm和20~35 cm土层土壤养分含量和改善土壤结构,是值得在试验区域内推荐使用的。因此,在研究区域内有机肥的输入是消除障碍层次,增加土壤肥力和提高粮食产量的重要措施。
关键词:土壤有机质 土壤团聚体 养分容量与强度 基础地力 管理地力
The Mechanism and Practices of Fertility Increasing in Classical Farmland in Northeast
Han Xiaozeng
(Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Abstract:Food security has been becoming increasingly acute companied with the increase of population in China. Northeast China is one of the important agricultural productive areas with great potential of increasing agricultural productivity. The factors impacting the agricultural productivity include poor nutrient status and the detrimental layers. A field experiment was conducted in 2007 in National Observation Station of Hailun Agroecology System with the objectives of increasing soil nutrients contents and improving soil structure.The field experiment included 6 treatments:traditional tillage (TT),subsoil tillage (ST), incorporating maize straw into 0~20 cm(TT+SS),20~35 cm(ST+DS),0~35 cm(ST+S,2008 setted up), incorporating pig manure into 0~20 cm (TT+SM),20~35 cm(ST+DM),0~35 cm (STM,2008 setted up).Soil bulk density in ST, ST+DS and ST+DM was decreased significantly after 1 year of field experiment, and still was reduced in ST+DS and ST+DM in 6-experimental year, increased in ST,indicating that the combination of breaking plow pan and incorporating organic amendment could improve soil structure for a long time.Compared with initial soil sample and TT,TT+SS, TT+SM, ST+S,STM,ST+DM and ST+DS could increase soil organic matter,>250μm aggregate, and nutrients capacity and strength, and the performance of pig manure were better than maize straw.Compared with incorporating organic amendment into 0~20 cm and 20~35 cm soil layers,respectively,incorporating organic amendment into 0~35 cm soil layer could increase nutrient contents and improve simultaneously soil structure in 0~20 cm and 20~35 cm,which should be recommended in Northeast China.Therefore,the application of organic amendment was an important practice which could eliminate detrimental layers, increase soil fertility and crop productivity.
Key Words:Soil organic matter;Soil aggregate;Nutrient capacity and strength;Fundamental fertility;Regulatory fertility