
2016-07-25 00:56:48吴俏玉罗爱静
中国全科医学 2016年20期

贺 婷,刘 星,李 莹,吴俏玉,罗爱静,袁 洪



贺 婷,刘 星,李 莹,吴俏玉,罗爱静,袁 洪


【摘要】目的比较更新的Diamond-Forrester法(UDFM)和Duke临床评分(DCS)两种预测模型对我国可疑冠心病患者评估的准确性,并进一步分析两者在不同性别之间准确性的差异。方法选取2010年1月—2015年5月因胸痛在中南大学湘雅三医院心内科行冠状动脉造影(CAG)的患者1 311例。分别利用UDFM、DCS估算患者的验前概率(PTP),并分为低(<30%)、中(30%~70%)、高(>70%)PTP组,高PTP组即认为患有冠心病。以CAG为金标准,分析UDFM、DCS对我国可疑冠心病患者诊断的准确性,并进一步分析两者在不同性别之间准确性的差异。结果CAG结果显示,739例(56.37%)患者确诊为冠心病。UDFM结果显示,294(22.43%)、673(51.33%)、344(26.24%)例患者分别纳入低、中、高PTP组;DCS结果显示,165(12.59%)、403(30.74%)、743(56.67%)例患者分别纳入低、中、高PTP组。两者PTP分布比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=379.00,P<0.001)。在确诊的739例患者中,UDFM将125(16.91%)、372(50.34%)、242(32.75%)例患者分别纳入低、中、高PTP组,DCS将64(8.66%)、189(25.58%)、486(65.76%)例患者分别纳入低、中、高PTP组,两者确诊患者PTP分布比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=257.00,P<0.001)。以CAG为金标准,UDFM诊断冠心病的灵敏度为32.8%,特异度为82.2%,正确率为54.3%,受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积为0.64〔95%CI(0.61,0.67)〕;DCS诊断冠心病的灵敏度为65.8%,特异度为55.1%,正确率为61.1%,ROC曲线下面积为0.63〔95%CI(0.60,0.66)〕。两者ROC曲线下面积比较,差异无统计学意义(Z=0.33,P>0.05)。UDFM对男性典型胸痛患者、不典型胸痛患者、非心绞痛型胸痛患者计算的PTP与实际阳性率较接近,而对女性患者,除50~59岁典型心绞痛患者存在高估现象外,余均存在低估现象;DCS对男性患者存在高估现象,对女性患者,除典型心绞痛患者存在高估现象外,余均存在低估现象。结论UDFM、DCS对于我国可疑冠心病患者的评估准确性不高,且存在性别差异。与欧美国家明显不同的是两者均对女性存在低估现象。因此,对我国可疑冠心病患者进行PTP的估算需要依据不同性别建立更为准确的模型。



HE T,LIU X,LI Y,et al.Diagnostic value of updated Diamond-Forrester method and Duck clinical score prediction model in patients with suspected coronary artery disease[J].Chinese General Practice,2016,19(20):2440-2444.

冠状动脉造影(coronary arteriography,CAG)作为诊断冠心病的金标准,已在临床得到广泛应用,但其在减少冠心病患者漏诊率的同时也带来过度医疗的问题。在一项包括近40万例既往无冠心病病史的患者研究中显示,CAG阳性率仅为37.6%[1],而且作为一项有创检查,其昂贵的费用以及术中、术后并发症也不容忽视。在最近发布的多个指南中强调通过验前概率(pretest probability,PTP)的估算指导行CAG患者的选择,从而提高CAG诊断阳性率[2-4],并把更新的Diamond-Forrester法(updated Diamond-Forrester method,UDFM)[5]、Duke临床评分(Duke clinical score,DCS)[6]作为估算PTP的首选模型。但由于这两个模型的建立均是以欧美人群的数据为基础,而危险因素的分布差异以及种族差异会导致模型的有效性受到不同程度的影响[5]。而且,UDFM、DCS主要依据患者的临床特征以及部分男女共有危险因素来估算PTP,并没有纳入女性特有的危险因素。而以往研究表明,与女性相关的特有危险因素可以显著增加女性患冠心病的风险[7-8],因此,这两种模型评估的准确性是否存在性别差异有待进一步证实。本研究的目的是对UDFM、DCS在欧美以外的人群中进行外部验证,评价UDFM、DCS在我国人群中对可疑冠心病患者评估的准确性,并进一步分析两者在不同性别之间准确性的差异。


1.1研究对象选取2010年1月—2015年5月因胸痛在湘雅三医院心内科行CAG的患者1 311例。纳入标准:(1)既往无冠心病病史;(2)此次因胸痛查因入院,疑诊为冠心病;(3)初次行CAG检查。排除标准:(1)入院诊断为不稳定型心绞痛和心肌梗死;(2)既往有陈旧性心肌梗死;(3)有冠状动脉血运重建史(包括冠状动脉介入治疗和冠状动脉旁路移植术)。

1.2研究方法及变量定义UDFM主要纳入性别、年龄、胸痛3个变量,PTPUDFM=1/〔1+e-(-4.37+0.04×年龄+α×性别+β×胸痛)〕,α=1.34(男)或0(女),β=1.91(典型心绞痛)或0.64(不典型心绞痛)或0(非心绞痛型胸痛);DCS纳入性别、年龄、胸痛、吸烟史、糖尿病病史、高脂血症、陈旧性心肌梗死、心电图改变(包括Q波及ST-T变化)8个变量,PTPDCS=1/(1+ea)〔注:a=-(-7.376+0.112 6×年龄-α×性别-0.030 1×年龄×性别+β×胸痛+2.596×吸烟+0.694×糖尿病+1.845×高脂血症+1.093×陈旧性心肌梗死+1.213×Q波+0.637×ST-T变化+0.741×陈旧性心肌梗死×Q波-0.040 4×年龄×吸烟-0.025 1×年龄×高脂血症+0.550×性别×吸烟)〕 ,>70岁的患者按照70岁(DCS的上限年龄)计算,α、β赋值同UDFM。通过电子病历系统收集患者相关临床资料,根据UDFM、DCS计算每例患者的PTP,并分为低(<30.0%)、中(30.0%~70.0%)、高(>70.0%)PTP组,高PTP组即认为患有冠心病,不需要进一步检查。以CAG为金标准,分析UDFM、DCS对我国可疑冠心病患者诊断的准确性。




2.1一般资料1 311例患者中男774例,女537例;年龄30~79岁,平均年龄(61.6±9.9)岁;典型心绞痛670例,不典型心绞痛429例,非心绞痛型胸痛患者212例。男性和女性年龄、糖尿病检出率、高脂血症检出率、吸烟史、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、三酰甘油(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)水平比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);男性和女性Q波、ST-T变化、估算肾小球滤过率(eGFR)、胸痛特征比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05,见表1)。




表2 UDFM、DCS对冠心病的诊断价值分析(例)



表1 不同性别患者一般资料比较




Figure 1ROC curve of the diagnosis of coronary artery disease by UDFM and DCS


Table 3PTP of UDFM,DCS and actual positive rate of coronary artery disease of patients with typical angina of different ages and genders

年龄(岁)男性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 女性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 30~3957.266.055.625.753.3-40~4966.682.



Table 4PTP of UDFM,DCS and actual positive rate of coronary artery disease of patients with atypical angina of different ages and genders

年龄(岁)男性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 女性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 30~3928.330.3-00-40~4936.051.143.513.213.418.250~5945.061.943.917.920.935.960~6954.176.666.224.030.867.5





Table 5PTP of UDFM,DCS and actual positive rate of coronary artery disease of patients with non-angina chest pain of different ages and genders

年龄(岁)男性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 女性UDFM DCS 实际阳性率 30~3916.736.6-5.310.7-40~4923.052.536.77.411.0-50~5930.666.336.710.624.136.860~6938.376.









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Diagnostic Value of Updated Diamond-Forrester Method and Duck Clinical Score Prediction Model in Patients With Suspected Coronary Artery Disease



【Abstract】ObjectiveTo compare the evaluation accuracy of the two prediction models——updated Diamond-Forrester method(UDFM)and Duke clinical score(DCS)for patients with suspected coronary artery disease in China,and further analyze their accuracy differences between different genders.Methods1 311 patients who had underwent CAG surgery because of chest pain in the Department of Cardiology of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from January 2010 to May 2015 were enrolled in this study.UDFM and DCS were employed to estimate the pretest probability(PTP)of the patients respectively,and PTP was divided into three groups,which were low PTP(<30%),medium PTP(30%-70%)and high PTP(>70%)groups;patients in the high PTP group were taken as having coronary artery disease.Taking CAG as the golden standard,we analyzed the diagnostic accuracy of UDFM and DCS in patients with suspected coronary artery disease in China,and further analyzed the accuracy differences of these two models between different genders.ResultsOf the 1 311 patients,CAG result displayed that 739(56.37%)cases were confirmed as coronary artery disease.UDFM result showed that 294(22.43%),673(51.33%)and 344(26.24%)cases were grouped into low PTP,medium PTP and high PTP respectively;DCS result demonstrated that 165(12.59%),403(30.74%)and 743(56.67%)cases fell into the groups of low PTP,medium PTP and high PTP.The two PTP distribution comparisons showed significant difference(χ2=379.00,P<0.001).Of the confirmed 739 cases,UDFM brought 125(16.91%),372(50.34%)and 242(32.75%) cases into the low PTP,medium PTP and high PTP groups,while 64(8.66%),189(25.58%)and 486(65.76%) were classified into the groups of low PTP,medium PTP and high PTP by DCS,and the PTP distribution comparison of the confirmed patients of the two showed significant difference(χ2=257.00,P<0.001).Under the CAG golden standard,the diagnostic sensitivity,specificity and the accuracy rate of UDFM in coronary artery disease were 32.8%,82.2% and 54.3% respectively,and the areas under the curve of ROC was 0.64〔95%CI(0.61,0.67)〕;the diagnostic sensitivity,specificity and the accuracy rate of DCS in coronary artery disease were 65.8%,55.1% and 61.1% respectively,and the area under the curve of ROC was 0.63〔95%CI(0.60,0.66)〕.There was no significant difference in the areas under the curve of their ROC(Z=0.33,P>0.05).The calculated PTP of UDFM for male patients with typical angina,patients with atypical angina,and patients with non-anginal chest pain were closer to the actual positive rate,while for female patients,besides the overestimation in the typical angina patients under the age of 50-59,the rest were all underestimated;DCS overestimated the male patients,for the female patients,besides the overestimated phenomenon in typical angina patients,the other were all in underestimation state.ConclusionThe diagnostic accuracy of UDFM and DCS for patients with suspected coronary artery disease in China is not high,moreover there are gender differences.The two both have the underestimation phenomenon in female patients,which is different from European and American.Therefore,a more accurate model based on different genders is needed to be established for the PTP estimation of patients with suspected coronary artery disease in China.

【Key words】Coronary artery disease;Pretest probability;Coronary angiography;Diagnosis;Sensitivity;Specificity;Updated Diamond-Forrester method;Duke clinical score



【中图分类号】R 541.4





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