王占山, 李云婷, 刘保献, 孙 峰,张大伟,*, 周健楠, 刘兆莹, 潘丽波
1 北京市环境保护监测中心,北京 100048 2 中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,北京 100012
王占山1, 李云婷1, 刘保献1, 孙峰1,张大伟1,*, 周健楠1, 刘兆莹1, 潘丽波2
1 北京市环境保护监测中心,北京100048 2 中国环境科学研究院环境基准与风险评估国家重点实验室,北京100012
摘要:对2012年8月至2013年7月期间北京市定陵、车公庄、房山和榆垡4个站点的15种PM2.5化学组分进行分析,探讨各组分的时空分布特征以及有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)的污染特征。结果表明,4个站点PM2.5组分中和的含量较高,年均浓度分别为(22.62±21.86)、(19.39±21.06)、(18.89±19.82)、(13.20±12.80) μg/m3。各组分浓度在时间分布上多为冬季最高,夏季最低;在空间分布上多为南部高,北部低;另外浓度水平明显高于早年间的监测结果。受燃煤的影响,冬季OC和EC平均浓度分别为夏季浓度的3倍和2.5倍。春、夏、秋、冬季4个站点平均OC/EC比值分别为4.9、7.0、8.1和8.4,表明北京市全年均存在较严重的SOC污染。采用OC/EC比值法估算得出全年定陵、车公庄、房山和榆垡站二次有机碳(SOC)占OC的比例分别为57.7%、60.0%、45.6%和57.6%。定陵、车公庄、房山和榆垡站年均]比值分别为1.01、1.25、1.08和1.12,表明目前北京市排放源表现出固定源和移动源并重的特征。
关键词:北京;PM2.5;化学组分;有机碳(OC); 无机碳(EC);二次有机碳;
PM2.5化学组分采用手工采样,然后在实验室分析得出其质量浓度。采样装置为德润达公司生产的PNS 16T-3.1/6.1型四通道小流量大气颗粒物采样器,采样流量为16.67 L/min。
图1 4个监测站点位置Fig.1 Location of the four monitor stations
测定OC和EC时使用美国Sunset Lab公司生产的RT-4型分析仪,不需要前处理过程,将样品从低温冰箱取出后,待恢复至室温状态后直接使用仪器测定。测定水溶性离子时,将样品膜和空白膜分别溶解在50mL去离子水溶液中,超声90min,用0.45μm微孔滤膜过滤,然后使用美国Dionex公司生产的ICS-2000和ICS-5000离子色谱仪分析,仪器检测限均小于5μg/L。重复实验表明,测量的相对标准偏差小于3%。测定金属元素时,首先将试样滤膜和空白滤膜放入到干净的Teflon-TFM样品消解罐中进行消解,然后加入20mL饱和硼酸溶液以络合过量的氟离子,再进行一次密闭微波消解,消解完毕后定容至50mL。无机元素采用美国热电公司生产的IntrepidⅡ-XDL光谱仪进行分析。每种组分测量前,均要使用环境保护部标准样品研究所提供的标准样品对仪器进行校准,平行样品至少占分析样品总数的10%。
表1 PM2.5中15种化学组分的年均浓度/(μg/m3)
图2 PM2.5中15种化学组分浓度的季节变化Fig.2 Seasonal variations of concentrations of the 15 chemical compositions in PM2.5
图3 各站点各季节和离子浓度Fig.3 Concentrations of , and in the four stations in four seasons
图4 2001—2010年间各城市OC、EC和水溶性离子浓度Fig.4 Concentrations of OC, EC and water-soluble ions in some cities during 2001 and 2010
2.2OC与EC分析2.2.1 OC与EC浓度水平
图6显示了各季节各站点OC和EC浓度水平,可以看出,OC和EC浓度呈现出相似的季节变化规律,即冬季最高夏季最低。4个站点夏季OC平均浓度为(13.49±6.00) μg/m3,冬季平均浓度为(39.30±29.00) μg/m3,接近夏季浓度的3倍;4个站点夏季EC平均浓度为(2.12±0.92) μg/m3,冬季平均浓度为(5.22±3.89) μg/m3,是夏季浓度的2.5倍左右,体现了采暖季的煤炭燃烧对OC、EC的显著影响。OC浓度在夏季、秋季和冬季3个季节均表现出较明显的从北到南依次升高的空间分布趋势,同样受到北京市工业布局以及区域传输的影响。
图5 本研究中PM2.5组分特征与其他研究的对比Fig.5 Comparison of chemical characteristic of PM2.5 with previous studies
图6 各站点OC和EC浓度的季节变化Fig.6 Seasonal variations of concentrations of OC and EC in the four stations有机碳organic carbon (OC);无机碳elemental carbon (EC)
图7 各站点OC/EC比值的季节变化Fig.7 Seasonal variations of the ratios of OC/EC in four stations
图7为各季节4个站点的OC/EC比值,可以看出,北京市OC/EC比值全年保持较高水平,春、夏、秋、冬季4个站点平均OC/EC比值分别为4.9、7.0、8.1和8.4,表明北京市全年均存在较严重的SOC污染。春季各站点的OC/EC比值较为接近,且处于相对较低水平。夏季时受光照强度增加和温度上升对光化学反应的促进作用,OC/EC有所升高,其中定陵站夏季OC和EC浓度均为4个站的中最低,但OC/EC比值却是4个站点中最高的,原因是夏季定陵站有较多样本中EC浓度小于1.0 μg/m3,导致了OC与EC的比值较大,这也与在欧洲等地区域背景点的观测结果相似[35]。秋季OC/EC比值的差异较大,最低的房山站为4.3,而榆垡站则出现了13.0的高值。冬季4个站OC/EC比值均处于较高水平,车公庄最高,与车公庄在冬季的EC浓度水平最低相对应,其他3个站点OC/EC比值极为接近。4个季节OC/EC比值最低的均为房山站,表明房山站的OC污染中一次源排放占的比例相对较大。
图8 各站点年均OC、EC浓度散点图及拟合直线Fig.8 Scatter plot and fitting line of annual concentrations of OC and EC
图9 各季节各站点SOC占OC的比例 Fig.9 The proportions of SOC in OC in the four stations in four seasons
图10 各季节各站点比值 Fig.10 The ratios ] in the four stations in four seasons
(2)受燃煤的影响,冬季OC和EC浓度明显高于夏季。4个站点夏季OC和EC平均浓度分别为(13.49±6.00)、(2.12±0.92) μg/m3,冬季平均浓度分别为(39.30±29.00)、(5.22±3.89) μg/m3。房山、定陵和榆垡OC和EC浓度具有相对较好的相关性,表明二者可能具有相同的来源或大气扩散过程。
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Chemical characteristics of PM2.5in Beijing
WANG Zhanshan1, LI Yunting1, LIU Baoxian1, SUN Feng1, ZHANG Dawei1,*, ZHOU Jiannan1, LIU Zhaoying1, PAN Libo2
Abstract:The chemical compositions of samples of particulate matter up to 2.5 μm in size (PM2.5)collected from Dingling, Chegongzhuang, Fangshan, and Yufa sites in Beijing, China from August 2012 to July 2013 were analyzed to determine the spatiotemporal characteristics of 15 chemical components, including nitrogen- and sulfur-containing air pollutants and organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC). The concentrations of OC, , , and were the highest among the 15 chemical components analyzed, and the annual mean concentrations were (22.62±21.86), (19.39±21.06), (18.89±19.82), and (13.20±12.80) μg/m3, respectively. In general, concentrations of the 15 chemical components were highest in winter and lowest in summer, and concentrations were higher in southern areas and lower in northern areas.Concentrationsof observed in this study were significantly higher than those reported in previous monitoring studies. Concentrations of OC and EC in winter were 3-times and 2.5-times higher, respectively, than the corresponding levels in summer, which was attributed to higher rates of coal consumption in winter. The average ratios of OC/EC in spring, summer, autumn, and winter were 4.9, 7.0, 8.1, and 8.4, respectively, which are indicative of serious pollution levels in Beijing throughout the year. The proportions of secondary organic carbon to OC at the Dingling, Chegongzhuang, Fangshan, and Yufa sites were 57.7%, 60.0%, 45.6%, and 57.6%, respectively, which were calculated based on the OC/EC ratio. The annual ratios of ] at the Dingling, Chegongzhuang, Fangshan, and Yufa sites were 1.01, 1.25, 1.08, and 1.12, respectively.These data imply that both stationary and mobile sources are important contributors to the poor air quality in Beijing.
Key Words:Beijing; PM2.5; chemical characteristic; organic carbon (OC);elemental carbon (EC);secondary organic carbon; ]
基金项目:环保公益性行业科研专项(201409005); 国家科技支撑计划课题(2014BAC23B03)
收稿日期:2014- 10- 14; 网络出版日期:2015- 08- 18
Corresponding author.E-mail: zhangdawei@bjmemc.com.cn
王占山, 李云婷, 刘保献, 孙峰,张大伟, 周健楠, 刘兆莹, 潘丽波.北京市PM2.5化学组分特征.生态学报,2016,36(8):2382- 2392.
Wang Z S, Li Y T, Liu B X, Sun F, Zhang D W, Zhou J N, Liu Z Y, Pan L B.Chemical characteristics of PM2.5in Beijing.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2016,36(8):2382- 2392.