
2016-07-21 06:48罗世亮
北京联合大学学报 2016年2期

罗世亮,任 斌

(1.赣南师范大学,江西赣州 341000;2.东莞理工学院,广东东莞 523808)


罗世亮1,任 斌2

(1.赣南师范大学,江西赣州 341000;2.东莞理工学院,广东东莞 523808)

[摘 要]以物联网感知技术、传输技术和处理技术为载体,结合专家系统软件,实现脐橙病虫害防治的智能化识别、定位、监控和管理的一种精细农业生产规范化的管理模式,能够完成对脐橙树及脐橙果品生长情况的全天候监测,实现对脐橙病虫害发生、发展情况的跟踪分析,并根据专家系统的诊断意见进行早期预防,减少脐橙树病虫害的发生,消除或者降低农药的使用,提高脐橙的品质和产量。


0 引言


1 系统原理

采用物联网技术、感知技术和传输技术等手段,结合专家系统软件,采用SQL server 2005数据库[11-13]。图1是病虫害防治专家系统的工作原理图。脐橙害虫采集装备采集图片,然后判断是否是害虫图片。利用图像分割技术,形成脐橙害虫的二值图像,对比分析食心虫和绿盲蝽等脐橙害虫的几何形状和纹理特征,形成害虫的原始特征数据。采用支持向量机的方法对害虫的原始特征进行选择,提高识别的效果。采用模糊神经网络分类器对脐橙害虫进行分类和鉴别。按照脐橙树的发病部位对应的多种不同症状,系统进行相应的选择和决策[14],然后进行诊断,并将其诊断结果报告给用户,用户可以根据需要,随时访问服务站点,从而实现脐橙树病虫害防治的智能化识别、监控和管理。

2 实验结果与分析




表1 A、B两组地块脐橙品质对比分析表Table 1 Comparative analysis of the quality of navel oranges



表2 A、B两组地块的脐橙收益对比分析表Table 2 Comparative analysis of the yield of navel orange


3 结论与展望




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(责任编辑 柴 智)

The Expert System Design of the Pest Control in the Navel Orange Orchard Based on the Internet of Things

LUO Shi-liang1,REN Bin2
(1.Gannan Normal University,Ganzhou Jiangxi 341000,China;2.Dongguan University of Technology,Dongguan Guangdong 523808,China)

Abstract:Through the awareness technology,transmission technology and processing technology of Internet of Things as the carrier,combined with expert system software,standard management of a fine agricultural production including intelligent recognition,positioning,monitoring,and manag ement on the tree diseases and insect pests prevention and control can be realized.A 24-hour monitoring on the growth of fruit trees and fruit can be finished and the trace analysis on the development of fruit tree diseases and insect pests can be made,thus early intervention can be done according to the diagnosis of the expert system to reduce the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests of fruit trees,eliminate or reduce the use of pesticides for the development of pollutionfree green organic fruit,and create the condition for the improvement of yield and quality of the navel orange.

Key words:Internet of things;Expert system;Pest control;Navel orange orchard;System design.

[中图分类号]S 666.4







脐橙连上物联网 扫码便知“前世今生”