安永生曹孟京兰义飞高 月
1.中国石油大学石油工程教育部重点实验室 2.中国石油长庆油田公司勘探开发研究院
1.中国石油大学石油工程教育部重点实验室 2.中国石油长庆油田公司勘探开发研究院
安永生等. 井下节流气井的生产动态模拟新方法. 天然气工业, 2016,36(4):55-59.
摘 要为了防止天然气水合物的生成以及井底积液的产生,鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格气田很多气井在井底都安装了井下节流装置,此类气井的产气量和井底流压均随着生产时间的增长而逐渐下降,没有一个绝对稳定阶段,故如何利用数值模拟的方法来实现对安装井下节流装置气井的动态模拟,是当前亟待解决的问题。为此,从油藏流动模型和井下节流气嘴流动模型出发,以井底为求解节点,通过耦合处理,提出了定气嘴尺寸生产的新理念;建立了气藏渗流、井下节流装置嘴流的计算模型,推导了新的数值模拟源汇项方程,实现了气藏渗流与井下节流装置嘴流的相互耦合。实例计算结果表明:新的数值模拟方法能够更加准确地体现安装井下节流装置气井的生产动态特征,能有效地应用于产能预测和稳产期评价,同时也为类似气井的产能计算提供了技术支撑。
关键词井下节流 天然气水合物 气嘴 生产动态 生产能力 模拟 评价 鄂尔多斯盆地 苏里格气田
1.1 假设条件
图1 安装井下节流装置的气井示意图
1.2 气藏流动模型
1.3 井下气嘴流动模型
1.4 耦合流动模型
2.1 源汇项修改方法
2.2 矩阵修改方法
图2 安装井下节流装置气井数值模拟网格划分示意图
图3 安装井下节流装置气井数值模拟矩阵示意图
以西部某气田1口气井(H1井)的稳产能力计算为例。气井的气藏压力为24.6~29.1 MPa,平均为27.8 MPa,平均压力系数为0.89,地温梯度为3.09 ℃/100 m,储层平均有效孔隙度为9.6%,平均渗透率为0.73 mD,储层平均厚度为8.1 m。
表1 气藏物性数据表
H1井当前产气量为1.491 8×104m3/d,产水量为1.71 m3/d,套压为16.98 MPa,油压为1.27 MPa,井底流压为21.29 MPa。
采用气嘴直径分别为3 mm(气嘴实际尺寸)、3.2 mm、4.3 mm和5.2 mm 4种情况进行计算。产气量和井底流压随时间变化曲线分别如图4和图5所示。
图4 H1井产气量动态曲线图
图5 H1井井底流压动态曲线图
表2 H1井3年稳产能力计算结果表
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(修改回稿日期 2016-01-11 编 辑 韩晓渝)
A new production behavior simulation method for gas wells equipped with a downhole throttling device
An Yongsheng1, Cao Mengjing1, Lan Yifei2, Gao Yue1
(1. MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China; 2. Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710018, China)
NATUR. GAS IND. VOLUME 36, ISSUE 4, pp.55-59, 4/25/2016. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chinese)
Abstract:In the Sulige Gas Field, Ordos Basin, many gas wells are equipped with a downhole throttling device at the bottom holes to prevent the formation of gas hydrate and the accumulation of downhole liquid. And their production rate and bottomhole flowing pressure decrease gradually with the progress of production without an absolute stable stage. At present, the urgent problem lies in the dynamic simulation on gas wells equipped with a downhole throttling device by means of numerical simulation. In this paper, therefore, based on the reservoir flowing model and downhole throttling choke flowing model, a new concept of gas well production with a constant choke size was presented through coupling treatment with the bottom hole as the solution node. Then, the computation model of gas reservoir seepage and downhole throttling choke flow was built. And finally, the source-sink equation of the new numerical simulation was developed. As a result, gas reservoir seepage and downhole throttling choke flow were coupled with each other. It is shown from case computation results that this novel numerical simulation method can describe more accurately the production behavior of gas wells equipped with a downhole throttling device and can perform productivity prediction and stable production evaluation effectively. And furthermore, it provides a technical support for the productivity calculation of similar gas wells.
Keywords:Downhole throttling; Gas hydrate; Choke; Production behavior; Production capacity; Simulation; Evaluation; Ordos Basin; Sulige Gas Field