陈 雷 林柏梁 温旭红 王 龙 李 建
(1北京交通大学交通运输学院, 北京 100044)(2中国铁路经济规划研究院, 北京 100038)
(1北京交通大学交通运输学院, 北京 100044)(2中国铁路经济规划研究院, 北京 100038)
构建模型时,首先进行如下假设:① 借鉴多式联运的思想对陆路运输系统的货运节点进行扩展,且假定陆路运输系统内公路网和铁路网是平行的.② 不同于铁路运输的特定径路,公路货车司机对运输路径的选择具有较高的自主性,且一般倾向于运输距离较短的路径,因此对于任意2个公路节点之间的货流,假设其选择最短径路进行运输.③ 借鉴多商品流思想,假设任意2个公路节点之间可能存在多种不同品类的货流,并假设对于任何一股公路网货流,不存在部分转移的情况.④ 利用碳税对碳排放成本进行描述.
鉴于铁路在运输成本和碳排放方面的优势,本文拟通过将公路网货流转移至铁路网的方式,达到降低陆路运输系统碳排放的目标.具体就一股公路网货流而言,在货流起始节点至终到节点的运输过程中,可以分为3个阶段:① 该股公路网货流需经由公路运输方式运输至转运节点;② 在转运节点内部,通过换装等作业将货物转移至铁路;③ 按照铁路特有的货运组织方式送达至终到节点.因此,本文将按照这3个阶段分别对模型进行描述,最后给出综合优化模型.
1) 公路网货流转移时,首先需要选择相应的转移节点,然后将这部分货流经由公路运输至转移节点.这一过程中公路网的运输成本和运输碳排放成本为
2) 在转运过程中,也将产生转运成本和转运碳排放成本,其计算公式为
3) 货流转移后,铁路网的货流结构将发生变化,需对铁路网流量进行再分配.该过程中的运输成本和运输碳排放成本为
利用本文所构建的模型对文献[6]中的算例数据进行求解,计算时所需参数也参考文献[6]取值.基于Lingo11.0平台进行编程计算,经过9 398 s的计算过程,得到的最优化方案目标函数为1.817×109元,公路网货流的转移方案见表1.
由表1和表2可以看出,共有82股公路网货流转移至铁路网,18股铁路网货流进行了绕道运输,最终方案中转移总量达2.047×107t.为了验证所提模型的合理性,本文利用Lingo11.0软件对文献[6]中的算例进行计算,得到的全局最优解与文献[6]的计算结果相同,说明文献[6]利用粒子群算法也得到了全局最优解.对这2个计算结果进行对比可知:① 文献[6]中算例的目标函数值为2.239×109元,本文算例的目标函数值较文献[6]
表1 公路网流量转移方案
表2 铁路网货流运输径路
中的目标函数值降低了4.22×108元,说明利用所提模型更能实现整个陆路运输系统社会物流成本的降低.② 与文献[6]相比,本文算例中通过铁路网货流的重新分配,吸纳了更多的公路货流进行转移,使得由公路网转移至铁路网的货物总量增加了6×105t,从而进一步提高了陆路运输系统中铁路运输能力的利用率.
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Integrated optimization of transfer of freight flow in land transportation system and transportation flow assignment based on low carbon emissions
Chen Lei1Lin Boliang1Wen Xuhong1Wang Long2Li Jian1
(1School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China) (2China Railway Economic and Planning Research Institute, Beijing 100038, China)
Abstract:Based on the different characteristics of highway and railway freight transportations, the integrated optimization of transfer of freight flow in the land transportation system and the transportation flow assignment was studied to achieve the goal of low carbon transportation, and the corresponding 0-1 mathematic model was put forward. The objective function of the proposed model was to minimize the total cost of the land transportation system including the cost of carbon emission. The constraints of the model were set as the transfer capacity limitation of the railway nodes, the transportation capacity limitation of highway and railway transportation arcs, and the tree-type routing characteristics of railway transportation flow assignment and so on. A numerical case was given to solve the proposed model. The results show that due to the advantages of rail transport in terms of cost and carbon emission, the total cost of the land transport system, including the cost of carbon emission, is greatly reduced after the transfer of freight flow. In addition, through the reassignment of freight flow of railway network, the transport paths are optimized and the utilization rate of the railway is improved.
Key words:land transportation system; integrated optimization; transfer of freight flow; transportation flow assignment; carbon emission
引用本文: 陈雷,林柏梁,温旭红,等.低碳运输下陆路运输系统货流转移及流量分配综合优化[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2016,46(3):671-674. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-0505.2016.03.036.