
2016-06-18 07:12:38陈松陈剑刘超马俊学
中国水土保持科学 2016年1期

陈松, 陈剑, 刘超, 马俊学



陈松, 陈剑†, 刘超, 马俊学



关键词:雪隆囊; 古滑坡; 堆积物; 粒度特征; 金沙江



位于西藏芒康县金沙江上游,E 98°05′~98°55′N 29°20′~29°36′。金沙江上游雪隆囊至王大龙河段,区内河水位与最高点相对高差约为3 800 m,沟谷河流海拔2 300 m左右,峡谷宽100~200 m,沿江沟谷地形坡度25°~60°,有的地段坡度>70°。金沙江断裂带的主断裂雄松—苏哇龙活动断裂在其东部附近穿过(图1)。沿江河谷裸露岩石的岩性主要为二叠系片岩、火山岩和大理岩等。该区岩层节理较发育受金沙江活动断裂带的影响,崩塌现象频发[27]。

图2 雪隆囊古滑坡堰塞湖溃坝堆积体的分布范围Fig.2 Distribution of the dam-break deposits of dammed lake caused by Xuelongnang ancient landslide




在野外调查基础上,对雪隆囊地区溃坝堆积体的上游段、中游段、下游段等分布区域进行采样,每个采样点的取样量为25 cm×25 cm×20 cm。共计采集样品21个并编号,将样品在实验室用一套标准的振筛机(4~0.065 mm)进行筛分实验。采样点位置如图2所示。采样的编号、颗粒级配以及堆积物的室内颗粒分析成果见表1、表2和表3。由于数据量较大只给出部分原始数据。



表1 堆积物上游段颗粒

注:φ为粒度的对数值;w为各粒度所占比例;SY1-1~SY1-7为上游各采样点的编号。下同。Note:φ: the logarithm of granularity;w: the percentage of each particle size; SY1-1~SY1-7: the No. of sample points in the upstream section. The same as below.

表2 堆积物中游段颗粒

注:ZY2-1~ZY2-7表示中游各采样点的编号。Note: ZY2-1~ZY2-7: the No. of sample points in the middle section.






表3 堆积物下游段颗粒

注:XY3-1~XY3-7表示下游各采样点的编号。Note: XY3-1~XY3-7: the No. of sample points in the downstream section.

表4 堆积物各段的粒度比例









图3 上游粒度频率曲线Fig.3 Frequency curves of grain sizes in the upstream section

图4 中游段粒度频率曲线Fig.4 Frequency curves of grain sizes in the middle section

图5 下游粒度频率曲线Fig.5 Frequency curves of grain sizes in the downstream section






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Granularity characteristics of deposits from the break of the dammed lake caused by Xuelongnang ancient landslide in the upper Jinsha River

Chen Song, Chen Jian, Liu Chao, Ma Junxue

(School of Engineering and Technology, China University of Geosciences, 100083, Beijing, China)

Abstract:[Background] The upper reaches of Jinsha River is a geological disaster prone area, and the geological environment evolution is relatively complex. [Methods] To study the relationship among the source of deposits after the break of dammed lake, the materials in the dam-body and sedimentary environment, taking the dam-break deposits from the dammed lake caused by Xuelongnang ancient landslide in the upper Jinsha River as the main research object, through field survey sampling and indoor sieving test of particle size, the particle sizes were tested, the granularity characteristics in the upstream, middle, and downstream section of the deposits were studied, and the composition of grain size and the size distribution curve of the deposits were analyzed in detail. [Results] The results showed that the distribution curves of grain sizes in the dam-break deposits for the upstream, middle and the downstream sections were unimodal, multimodal and doublet respectively. The composition of the grain size in the upstream section mainly was gravel, the hydrodynamic intensity was very strong, and it was affected by the single stable hydrodynamic condition. In the middle section, the main ones were fine sand and extremely fine sand, hydrodynamic intensity weakened mainly in the lower reaches. Compared with middle section, also main sizes in downstream were also fine and extremely fine, and the proportion of them increased; moreover, hydrodynamic intensity was even weaker in general. Regarding the relationship between deposits and materials of dam-body, the gravels were from the material of dam-body, and the fine particles might be partly from the dam-body, and partly from the lacustrine sediment in the upper reaches before the break of dammed lake. The particle size presented the trend of obvious becoming thinner from the upstream to the downstream, and the average particle size changed from coarse to fine. The sorting feature of dam-break deposits was poorer and poor. These characteristics reflected the gradual weakening of hydrodynamic intensity from upstream to downstream of dam-break deposits. Contrast to the characteristics of the wind sand dune-sea (lake) beach sand - river sand-glacial and alluvial fan, etc. studied previously, the size distribution of dam-break deposits in the upstream of Jinsha River had high similarity with the grain size distribution curve of the river deposits. [Conclusions] Therefore, to reveal the granularity characteristics and change pattern of the deposits, studying the relationships among the sources of deposits from break of dammed lake, the material composition of dam-body and sedimentary environment is of great significance, which may provide reference value for the management of soil and water conservation in the upper reaches of Jinsha River in the future.

Keywords:Xuelongang; ancient landslide; deposits; granularity characteristics; Jinsha River

收稿日期:2015-09-13修回日期: 2016-01-11

第一作者简介:陈松(1989—),男,硕士研究生。主要研究方向:工程地质与地质灾害防治。E-mail:chennsongg@163.com †通信 陈剑(1975—),男,副教授。主要研究方向:灾害地貌学、工程地质和地质灾害防治。E-mail:jianchen@cugb.edu.cn





项目名称: 国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原第四纪冰碛旋回与构造隆升藕合机制及过程研究”(41230743);国家自然科学基金面上项目“堰塞坝、湖及溃坝堆积地貌过程与沉积特征的综合研究”(41571012);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目“中国西南地区古滑坡坝的形成与演化过程”(2652015060)

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