With a mountain range at the back and the South China Sea in front (to the south), Huizhou in southeast Guangdong is a perfect haven to escape city life. Be prepared to be entranced by age-old fi shermen's songs that echo from antiquity, devout prayers that are murmured in Mazu temples, the numerous medicinal herbs that grow in the Luofushan Mountain, and many more.
“Guess what part of a boat is straight, what has two ends, what gives shelter from the wind, and what swims in the water?”
“I guess that the mast of a boat is straight, that the mooring rope has two ends, that the canopy gives shelter from the wind, and that the rudder swims in the water.”
Duets like this one are being sung often in the fi shing villages of Huidong County in the eastern part of Huizhou, especially at sunset when fi shermen come home from a day's fi shing.
66 year old Li Quemei is a villager in one such fi shing village. Due to health problems, she no longer works on the boat, so she devotes most of her time to the care of her restless grandson –sometimes by singing traditional songs. When it came to fi shing songs, Li beamed with delight. “I was already quite good at it when I was only fi ve years old,” she said with a giggle.
As a child, Li spent a lot of time in the boat. She recalled that her parents often traded fi sh for rice, sweet potatoes and other things for the two meals they had every day, and that when caught up in storms or big waves, they had to endure completely soaked clothes. “Back then, they nicknamed us “Dans”, meaning boatmen or boatwomen,” she recalled.
She also remembered that whenever her father caught a large lobster, he would sing a little tune of some sort in a raised voice.
It was not until the 1960s when shelters were built by the local government to house fi shermen that these boat dwellers bid farewell to a drifting life on the open waters. They created a song to express their gratitude to the government. That was when Li was about eight years old.
Today, fi shermen's songs of various themes are still being sung across Huidong County. These themes include the joys and sorrows of life as a fi sherman, and youthful love. Songs are sung on occasions of homecoming, festivals, wedding ceremonies or funerals, or when people offer prayers to Mazu for blessings.
Li Quemei (middle)and her friends singing a fishermen's song.李却妹(中)与姐妹开心地唱着惠东渔歌。
Liao Zhizhong, Sixth generation inheritor of Herbal Oil.廖志钟,罗浮山百草油传统制作技艺第六代传人。
The Mountain and the Sea have endowed Huizhou with abundant natural resources. Luofushan herbal oil is one such gift given by Nature.
Born and growing up in a village at the foot of the Luofushan Mountain, Mr. Liao Zhizhong was no stranger to the many kinds of medicinal herbs.
Luofushan herbal oil became popular in the mountain region a long time ago and for a time was one of the most widely used herbal oils in southern China and Southeast Asian countries. According to Liao, almost every household had this herbal essence and no one left home to travel without it at the time as it can help relieve headache, dizziness, noxious dampness and mosquito bite symptoms.
According to local people, the herbal medicine dates back more than 1,600 years to the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420) when Ge Hong, a noted physician, alchemist and Taoism theorist of the time, discovered it while doing alchemical research. It later became widely accepted in the Lingnan region as an effective treatment for common diseases like epidemic inf l uenza. Even today, traces of the physician's work, including alchemical furnaces and medicine-cleaning pools, can still be found around the mountain.
Luofushan Mountain is home to more than 3,000 species of plants, including 1,200-odd medicinal herbs. The Luofushan herbal oil is produced from 68 herbs and 11 essence oils. The method of extracting herbal essences is similar to that used by Chinese Nobel laureate Tu Youyou in the extraction of artemisinin, which is widely used to treat malaria.
The herbal oil together with its production techniques was included in the list of China's national intangible cultural heritage in 2011. The greatest wish of Mr. Liao, the sixth-generation inheritor of the millennium-old recipe, is to carry it forward and benef i t more people.
Some herbs used to make Luofushan Herbal Oil.制作罗浮山百草油的部分药材。
Wang Hanchi, an artist of Longmen farmers’paintings.王汉池,龙门农民画画家。
Agricultural China in past years highlighted reading and learning as much as farm work. Yet the traditions of rural life in Longmen County in northwestern Huizhou are a bit different: farmers there have kept alive the unique tradition of combining farming with painting.
Longmen farmers' paintings capture festival celebrations or joyful events, unique folk customs, and fi eld labouring scenes as subjects, which are taken from the experience of the daily life in rural communities. Many unique elements of Lingnan and Hakka cultures, such as the folk dance of the local Yao ethnic minority, Hakka folk songs and gift lanterns (as a token of congratulations on the birth of a baby boy), are well captured in the farmers' paintings.
The paintings are characterised by rich colours, naive lines, and creative themes, which together depict the idyllic scene of country life. Each painting tells a unique story, says Wang Hanchi, a wellknown farmer painter from Longmen County.
Early paintings in the 1970s emphasised the use of some basic painting techniques, such as perspective, proportion and structure – what Wang would call “academic painting”. In the years that followed China's reform and opening up in 1978, true breakthroughs began to be made in Longmen farmers' paintings by drawing on traditional folk art like paper-cutting, embroidery and wood-carving.
The creation of a farmer's painting always begins with conception. After that is done, a painter will draw a rough sketch of the images with a pencil. After a few rounds of revisions, the sketch will then be enlarged and put onto a piece of rice paper. After that, the painter will wet the rice paper and add watercolours appropriately to allow them to be fully mixed with the water in a way that is very much like the skills used in traditional Chinese painting.
By taking inspiration from Hakka folk songs, which he loves dearly, Wang has created twelve Hakka folk song-themed paintings, which won him a“Shanhua Award”, China's highest folk art honour. Going forward, he hopes to add more elements of Lingnan, Hakka and Guangfu (or Cantonese) cultures to the art form, which, in turn, will help spread these unique cultures across China and internationally.
Girls to be Married, by Huang Weiping and Chen Shaoyuan.《倩女出阁》,作者黄伟平、陈少元。
Text by Ge Rufeng Photos by Zeng Jian Translation by Leo