刘建丰 李绍清 肖应辉 邓化冰 雷东阳
摘 要:两系杂交稻的推广面积呈逐年上升的趋势,因此两系杂交稻的研究与推广应用对长期保障我国乃至全球的粮食安全具有重要意义。但两系杂交水稻大面积推广过程中发现存在以下问题:(1)有些两用核不育系育性转换临界温度较高使杂交制种存在较大风险;(2)不育系繁殖时,易受连续高温的影响,使育性由可育向不育转换甚至完全不育,导致繁殖失败,繁殖的风险也很大;(3)一些两用核不育系因为种子休眠期太短导致穗上发芽而影响杂交种的发芽率,也是限制两系杂交稻尤其是两系杂交早稻推广的重要因素;(4)一些两系杂交稻组合的稻瘟病抗性及耐逆境的能力较差;(5)大部分两用核不育系的配合力不强或配组局限性较大。针对这些问题,该研究的主要目的是要选育不仅可以规避制种和繁殖的风险,而且实用性极强的籼型两用核不育系。研究主要内容:低风险、综合五性(丰产性、优质性、抗性、适应性和异交性)的两用核不育系育种技术体系研究;不育系的选育、生物学特性、农艺性状及配组规律的研究;两系杂交稻安全繁殖制种计算机气象决策系统研究;两系杂交稻新组合的选育。该研究通过2年的实施,完善了水稻两用核不育系育种技术体系,为我国今后两系杂交稻的研发奠定了可持续发展的基础;创制的6个水稻两用核不育系在稻米品质、抗病(虫)性和异交性等方面具有突破性进展,具有广阔的应用前景;育成了具有实际应用价值的杂交水稻新组合12个,其中已有部分杂交稻组合取得了良好的经济和社会效益;研制了水稻两用核不育系繁殖制种基地计算机决策系统,降低了两系杂交稻繁殖制种风险,从而突破了限制两系杂交稻发展的主要瓶颈。
关键词:水稻 低风险 两用核不育系 选育 技术体系
Abstract:It is very important of researching on development of two-line system hybrid rice to guarantee the food security in China even in the world because of the rapid increasing application area of two-line system hybrid rice. But there are problems in the popularizing of two-line system hybrid rice to be solved as following:(1)There is high risk for some TGMS lines to be utilized in producing hybrid rice seeds because they are characteristic of high critical sterility-inducing temperature(CSIT).(2) Some TGMS lines are very difficulty to reproduce seeds because the high temperature during the sensitive period.(3) It is too easy to germinate for the hybrid seeds during Some TGMS lines were utilized in producing hybrid because they had a short dormant period ,which resulted in the bad quality of hybrid seeds.(4)Many two-line system hybrid rice combinations had a bad blast resistance or low adverse resistance ability.(5)The combining ability of some TGMS lines were not perfect or limited in breeding hybrid rice combinations.In order to solve these problems, this study focus on the breeding of dual purpose genic male sterile rice(TGMS lines)with low risk,high-yielding, good quality, resistance, adaptability and Outcrossing . The research contents involved the setting up of breeding technical System, studying of the breeding techniques and basic investing , development and application of a computer-aided selection system for thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice multiplying site. Throuh carrying out in two years, the research contents were accomplished in time. The breeding technical System of TGMS lines laid the base of sustainable development of two-line system hybrid rice. The newly bred six TGMS lines are of characteristic of good plant type, low CSIT(<23.0℃), good combining ability, high grain quality, high outcrossing rate and good disease resistances. The newly bred 12 hybrid rice combinations were registered and produced economic benefits.The computer-aided selection system for thermo-sensitive genic male sterile rice multiplying site can solve the bottleneck of development of two-line system hybrid rice.
Key Words:Rice;Low Risk;Dual Purpose Genic Male Sterile Rice ;Breeding;Technical System