Analysis on the Chinese translation of Jane Eyre based on Skopos theory

2016-05-30 10:48:23王林鑫
大东方 2016年1期


Abstract:This is a piece of thesis and the source text is excerpted from the first chapter to the second chapter of Jane Eyre. This paper will analysis several cases of Jane Eyre Chinese tranlation in the light of Skopos theory from aspects of selecion of word meaning, amplification and division.By analyzing those examples, the writers translating thought and skills are all performed very clearly.

Key Words: Jane Eyre, Skopos Theory, amplification, division

Skopos theory is a translation approach which was proposed by Hans Vermeer in Germany in the late 1970s. From Hans Vermeers perspective, translation is not a process of translation but a specific type of human action, it is also an intentional, purposeful humankind action. According to Hans Vermeers viewpoints, Skopos theory was reduced to three basic rules: skopos rule, coherence rule and loyalty principle.

1 Selection of Word Meaning

E.g.: There were moments when I was bewildered by the terror he inspired, because I had no appeal whatever against either his menaces or his inflictions; the servants did not like to offend their young master by taking my part against him, and Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and then in her very presence, more frequently, however, behind her back.


Analysis: In Chinese, “blind and deaf” has a meaning of “盲人、聋子” or “看不见的、聋的”. In order to make the translation meet Chinese readers demand, the writer changed the meaning of the word “盲的” into “哑的” and recombined the phase as “装聋作哑”. This kind of translation approach can express the real meaning of the original work reads more natural not as stiff as a poker

2 Amplification

E.g.1: John had not much affection for his mother and sisters, and an antipathy to me.

Translation: 约翰和他妈妈、姐妹的感情并不是很好,对我就更厌恶了。

Analysis: The writer added one word “更” here to emphasis Johns aversion to Jane. Such kind of emotion John expressed is incremental increasing.

E.g.2: “That is for your impudence in answering mama awhile since,” said he, “and for your sneaking way of getting behind curtains, and for the look you had in your eyes two minutes since, you rat!”

Translation: 我就是得教育教育你,刚才和我妈妈说话也太没有礼貌了吧.”他说,“谁让你偷偷摸摸地躲在窗帘的后面,谁让你两分钟前眼睛是那副德行,你这个混蛋!”

Analysis: “that is” means “这是”,this sentence will be translated as “这是因为你刚才跟我妈妈说话没有礼貌而给你的”. It is very rigid and unusual to express it like that. The writer added some words: “我就是得教育教育你” can express the meaning of original text more proper. Furthermore, it shows an arrogant and rude attitude of John which is more suitable to describe his characters.

3 Division

E.g.: “It is well I drew the curtain,” thought I; and I wished fervently he might not discover my hiding-place: nor would John Reed have found it out himself; he was not quick either of vision or conception; but Eliza just put her head in at the door, and said at once——

Translation: “还好我藏在了窗帘下”我想,可千万别让他发现我藏在这儿了。约翰·里德果然没发现,他的视力很迟钝,思考也不敏捷。可是伊丽莎刚把脑袋伸进门里,便立即说——

Analysis: In this sentence, if translate “he was not quick either of vision or conception” as “他的視力和思考都不敏捷” will lead to a inappropriate expression. According to Skopos Rule, the target text must reach a communicative purpose. Hence, the writer uses a division approach to express the meaning and translate the sentence as “他的视力很迟钝,思考也不敏捷。”.


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