高鸿钧 黄立 申承民
摘 要:石墨烯是2004年英國科学家在实验上首次得到的一种新的碳元素结构形态,表现出许多非常奇异的性质。石墨烯的研究正在成为一个令世人密切关注的前沿课题,将对整个凝聚态物质科学的发展和未来信息器件的研制产生巨大而深远的影响。要充分发挥石墨烯的优异性质、实现工业生产与应用、并与现有的硅基技术完美结合,必须找到合适的材料制备方法,使得到的石墨烯可以同时满足3个必要条件:高质量、大面积和与硅工艺兼容。目前常用的方法都无法制备出同时满足这3个条件的石墨烯样品。该研究为解决这一问题,提出了利用无损硅插层的方法制备高质量、大面积、与硅技术兼容的石墨烯。主要研究内容包括4个方面:(1)高质量硅插层石墨烯及新型石墨烯类材料的可控制备;(2)硅插层石墨烯的掺杂、修饰与物性调控;(3)硅插层石墨烯及新型石墨烯类材料的基本物性;(4)研发基于硅插层石墨烯电子与光电子器件,包括基于该材料的新的器件结构和与硅集成相兼容的技术。该研究的核心目标是:(1)掌握石墨烯材料在金属单晶表面上的生长机制,发展出高质量、大面积石墨烯的可控制备方法,掌握硅插层的生长与控制技术,实现厚硅可控插层与插层的绝缘化,掌握其他新型石墨烯类材料在金属表面的生长机制;(2)掌握硅插层石墨烯的基本物性和调控方法,理解新型石墨烯类材料的结构对物性的影响;(3)构建基于硅插层石墨烯的特殊功能的新型器件。该研究的实施有望在与硅技术兼容的硅插层石墨烯材料及新型石墨烯类材料的制备、物性调控和新型器件探索上取得若干原创性成果,这必将使我国摆脱在石墨烯这一前沿研究领域的落后局面,进一步增强我国在纳米碳材料研究方面的国际影响力,为我国石墨烯材料和相关器件的应用研究奠定坚实的基础。
关键词:与硅技术融合的石墨烯 硅插层石墨烯 石墨烯类材料 器件
Abstract:Graphene possess many unique physical and chemical properties, which has a wide range of potential applications as devices and circuits. Now graphene is becoming a very active research frontier in information science. In this project, based on the requirements of application using silicon layers intercalation of graphene to fabricate devices and circuits, we will explore the growths and device's architectures based on silicon layers intercalation of graphenedevelop new methods to realize the controllable synthesis of high-quality silicon layers intercalation of graphene with large area, and elucidate their growth mechanism based on in situ experimental observations and theoretical calculationstry to tune their properties by doping and modificationstudy the controllable nanofabrication methods of silicon layers intercalation of graphene's devices to tune their functionsinvestigate their transport, surface and interface, and device characteristics, and clarify the underlying physical mechanism of materials and devices. Through the above investigations, we hope to reach achievements on the development of silicon layers intercalation of graphene, controllable synthesis, and the exploration of new properties, new effects and new devices, enhance the research and development capabilities as well as the academic level in graphene. This research will be combination of the modern Si electronics technology and new carbon-based graphene materials, which will provide valuable research results for finding material as the next generation of nanoelectronics devices.
Key Words:Silicon integrated graphene; Silicon layers intercalation of graphene; Graphene-like materials; Devices