摘 要:该研究围绕“面向宽带泛在接入的微波光子器件与集成系统基础研究”项目总目标和课题部署,重点研究其中的微波与光波大功率超宽带高效转换机理,揭示有源半导体材料和器件结构与微波光波能量转递的内在关联规律及高速线性响应的机制,重点研制可全面覆盖L~U波段(1~60 GHz)的微波光子调制光源及大功率光电探测器芯片和组件,取得原创性理论成果和关键技术突破,为实现新一代智能光载无线(I-RoF)原型系统提供关键器件方面的理论与技术支撑,为提升我国在该领域的核心竞争力和影响力做出贡献,同时带动高水平研究基地与研究队伍的建设并进行人才储备。
关鍵词:微波光子调制光源 大功率光电探测器 超宽带
Abstract:The subject surround the whole target and task deployment in “the Basic research of microwave photonic devices and integration system for broadband” project, emphases on high efficient conversion mechanism of lightwave and microwave with high power and ultra wideband, revealing the inherent law between active semiconductor material and device structure and microwave and light wave energy transfer and high-speed linear response mechanism. Focus on researching on comprehensive coverage of L~U band (1~60 GHz) photonic microwave modulated light source and power photoelectric detector chip and components. To get the original theory and key technology breakthrough, to provide theory and technology supporting in key devices for the realization of a new generation of intelligent optical wireless (I-RoF) system, to do contribution in order to improve our country in the field of core competitiveness and influence, and to drive the construction of high level research base and research team and talent reserve.
Key Words:Microwave photonic modulation light source; High power photoelectric detector;Ultra wideband