
2016-05-30 02:29:06冯夏庭李海波王明洋李夕兵邓建辉
科技资讯 2016年13期

冯夏庭 李海波 王明洋 李夕兵 邓建辉

摘要:随着矿山开采深度增加和条件趋于复杂,以及越来越多的水利水电、交通、国防和基础物理实验等工程在深部和我国强烈构造活动区兴建,高强度岩爆、持续大变形和大体积塌方等深部工程灾害造成的人员伤亡、停工停产等工程事故居高不下,造成的经济损失触目惊心。深部工程的重大灾害事故难以遏制的关键问题在于目前对这些灾害的发生机理缺乏深入研究,尚无有效指导这些灾害预测和防治的系统理论和方法。 为了解决这些问题,本项目立项报告提出了围绕涉及地学、力学与工程科学方面的四个关键科学问题:(1) 深部岩体结构特征与复杂应力环境及其对灾害的控制作用;(2) 深部强卸荷作用下裂隙岩体与围岩力学行为的演化规律;(3) 深部重大工程灾害时空孕育演化动力学过程与成灾机理;(4) 深部重大工程灾害孕育演化过程的时空预测与动态调控。 设置了6个课题:(1) 深部岩体结构与地应力特征及其对灾害的控制作用;(2) 高应力强卸荷作用下多组裂隙岩体宏细观力学行为;(3) 深部围岩分区破裂机理及其时间效应;(4) 深部硬岩爆破开挖诱发岩爆与碎裂诱变机理;(5) 深部岩体强卸荷大变形演化与致灾机理;(6) 深部重大工程灾害的时空预测与动态调控理论。 确定了如下预期目标:针对深部工程和深部金属矿山重大灾害(高强度岩爆、持续大变形与大体积塌方)的诱发条件、孕育演化机制、预测预警与动态调控方法开展基础研究,揭示高应力强卸荷下深部围岩应力调整与性质转化和结构分区破裂演化的条件和机理,探明深部工程灾害孕育演化过程中的能量聚集、传递与释放的规律,建立深部重大工程灾害孕育演化过程的时空预测和动态调控理论体系,较好地解决我国深埋水利水电工程、金属矿山深部开采、深埋交通隧道、深埋国防工程、暗物质探测等深部基础物理实验工程中灾害预测预报和防治的关键科学问题,形成深部重大工程灾害防治与矿产资源高效开采相结合的深部金属矿安全开采新模式和理论体系,为实现我国安全、经济与高效的深部资源开采、能源开发、交通、基础物理实验与国防建设等提供关键理论支持。

关键词:深部工程; 灾害; 岩体结构; 孕育演化; 时空预测;动态调控

Abstract:With increasing depth of mining and conditions become more complex, as well as a growing number of water conservancy and hydropower, transportation, national defense, and fundamental physics experiments and other projects are constructed in the deep and intense tectonic activity zone. The key issue for difficult suppressing of the deep engineering major disasters is that the current mechanism of these disasters are lack of in-depth study, and no effective guide of system theory and methods for these disaster prediction and prevention. To solve these problems, this report presents four key scientific questions involving geoscience, mechanics and engineering sciences: (1) deep rock structure and complexity stress environment and its control to the disaster; (2) mechanical behavior evolution of fractured rock and rock mass under strong unloading condition; (3) kinetics mechanism and disaster causing mechanism of the space time; (4) time space prediction and dynamic control of the evolution of deep major project disaster. Six sub-projects are set up: (1) deep rock structure and stress characteristic and its effect on disaster control action ; (2) macro and micro mechanics of multiple fractured rock mass under high stress strong unloading condition; (3) zonal rupture mechanism and time effect of deep rock mass; (4) blasting caused rockburst and it induced fragmentation mechanisms of deep hard rock; (5) deep rock strong unloading induced large deformation evolution and disaster formation mechanism; (6) time and space prediction and dynamic control theory of deep major engineering disasters. Following targets are established: Basic researches are aim at the causing condition, evolution mechanism, prediction and forecast and dynamic control methods of major disasters in deep engineering and deep metal mines. The purpose is to reveal the conditions and mechanisms of stress adjustment and nature transformation and structure zonal rupture evolution of deep rock mass under high stress strong unloading condition; to verify the energy accumulation, transfer and release law during deep engineering disaster evolution; to establish time and space prediction and dynamic control theory system of deep major engineering disasters evolution. The achievements will provide critical theoretical support to national security, economic, and efficient deep exploitation of resources, energy development, transportation, basic physics experiments and national defense construction.

Keywords:Deep engineering; disaster; rock structure; evolution; time and space prediction; dynamic control

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