胡俊杰 张渺
摘 要:内质网是一个在细胞内的普遍存在的生物膜系统,联系了细胞质、细胞核以及细胞膜等重要细胞结构。内质网承担了膜蛋白和分泌性蛋白的转录、折叠、修饰和转运,同时也是蛋白质质量的监控点。它还具有糖类脂类合成、钙调控和毒素降解的重要功能。内质网功能的紊乱能够导致糖尿病等代谢疾病,以及多种神经退行性疾病。由于形态的多样性及功能的重要性,内质网成为研究生物膜结构与功能的首选目标,对内质网结构与功能的研究与攻克重大人类疾病休戚相关,也是膜生物学国际科研的前沿。我们将以内质网的结构为重点,系统研究细胞内膜精细结构形成和维持的关键机制,并深入探索膜结构融合的机制,最终为阐述相关的重要细胞功能提供新的理论基础。
关键词:内质网 成管膜蛋白 膜融合
"Molecular Mechanism for Biomembrane Formation and Maintainance"/Project Report
Hu Junjie Zhang Miao
(Nankai University)
Abstract:The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an intracellular membrane system existed throughout the cytoplasm of cells. It forms connections between the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other important cellular membrane structures. The ER is not only required for the transcription, folding, modification and transport of the membrane proteins and secretory proteins, but also responsible for protein quality control. At the meantime it has important functions including synthesis of carbohydrate and lipid, calcium regulation and toxin degradation. The disorders of Endoplasmic reticulum function can result in several metabolic diseases like diabetes, and various neurodegenerative diseases. Given the structurally diversity and functionally importance of the endoplasmic reticulum, it became the concentration and leading edge of the biological membrane structure and function research, which is closely related to overcoming the major human diseases. We will focus on the structure of the endoplasmic reticulum, and systematically study the key mechanisms of intracellular membrane formation, maintenance, and fusion. Ultimately our study may provide new theoretical foundation for ER-related important cellular functions.
Key Words:Endoplasmic reticulum;Tubule-shaping proteins;Homotypic fusion