
2016-05-30 19:04:11安建平杨雷李睿德
科技资讯 2016年24期

安建平 杨雷 李睿德

摘 要:研究了空间通信领域中的CCSDS协议和DTN协议,对CCSDS协议栈中的CFDP协议和DTN协议栈中的LTP协议、BP协议进行了深入的分析,提出了基于渗流的深空通信传输协议;完成了火星探测器通信模拟器、火星中继卫星通信模拟器、地面站通信模拟器和地面控制中心通信模拟器的硬件设计;搭建了支持1个火星探测器、3颗火星中继卫星、2个地面站和1个地面控制中心的深空通信演示验证系统。

关键词:CFDP协议 BP协议 深空通信演示验证系统

The Subject Technical Summary of Channel Model, the Relay Transmission Network Architecture and Communication Protocol of Seep Space

An Jianping Yang Lei Li Ruide

(Beijing Institute of Technology)

Abstract: The CCSDS protocol and DTN protocol in the field of space communications are studied.The analysis of CFDP protocol in the CCSDS protocol stack, the LTP protocol, and BP protocol in DTN protocol stack are done.The deep space communication protocol based on percolation is put forward. Then the hardware design of Mars probe traffic simulator, simulator Mars relay satellite communications ground station communication simulator and ground control center communications simulator are done and the deep space communications demonstration system consist of a Mars probe, 3 Mars relay satellite, 2 ground station and a ground control center is built up.

Key Words: CFDP; BP; The Demonstration System of deep space
