庞永杰 王建
摘 要:300 kg级AUV在经历2014年上半年的全面改造后。为了检验系统的性能,可靠性,在山东威海进行了为期2个月的海试。根据AUV在海试过程中的表现和对试验数据统计分析,表明该AUV在艏向控制、垂向控制、和梳状搜索等方面均有很大的改进和提高。其中,艏向控制精度在60个控制节拍内的平均艏向角偏差为0.284°;垂向控制精度在60个控制节拍内的平均垂向控制偏差0.127 m;AUV最大航速5节,且3节巡航速度时的续航能力为200 km;AUV在执行梳状搜索任务时,其实际航行轨迹与规划路线吻合较好,具有较强的海底规划搜索能力。
关键词:潜水器 S面控制 海试
Abstract:A two months sea trial for 300kg AUV was conducted in Weihai Shandong province to test its performance and reliability. Trial data and performance indicates that abilities of this AUV on heading control, vertical control and comb-like scanning are now much improved. average heading angle offset and vertical control offset after 60 control beat are 0.284o and 0.127m respectively. the maximum speed is 5kn, and the endurance range is 200km at cruising speed 3kn. actual sail route fits well planned route when doing comb-like scanning, that proves its brilliant subsea plan search capability.
Key Words:AUV;S-plane Control;Sea Trail