
2016-05-27 01:50DoVanTruong
广西植物 2016年4期

Do Van Truong

( 越南科学与技术研究院 越南国家自然博物馆 生物学部, 河内 越南)


Do Van Truong

( 越南科学与技术研究院 越南国家自然博物馆 生物学部, 河内 越南)

摘要:凹脉马兜铃(Aristolochia impressinervis C.F. Liang)曾被认为是中国广西的特有种。该文首次报道了越南植物区系中凹脉马兜铃的分布新纪录,并讨论了凹脉马兜铃的分类及其与A. pierrei L.的区别特征。

关键词:马兜铃科, 凹脉马兜铃, Aristolochia pierrei, 新记录, 越南


Aristolochiacomprises about 500 species,is the largest genus of Aristolochiaceae (Wagner et al,2012) and widely distributed throughout the tropics,subtropics and also extending to temperate regions (González & Stevenson,2002; Hwang et al,2003; Neinhuis et al,2005; Wanke et al,2006). Currently 14Aristolochiaspecies,belonging to two subgeneraSiphisiaandAristolochia,were reported from Vietnam (Pham,2000; Nguyen,2003; Do et al,2014),6 of which belong to subgenusAristolochia. In contrast to the well-known floras of Thailand (Phuphathanaphong,1987),and China (Hwang et al,1988,2003),Aristolochiahas not been completely revised for Vietnam,Laos and Cambodia since the primary studies were carried out by French botanists nearly 100 years ago (Lecomte,1909,1910). The assignment of a name to a taxon has been used inconsistently throughout these publications,as different names have been used for the same species. Actually,there are numerous unidentifiedAristolochiaspecimens collected from Vietnam still deposited in worldwide herbaria,but they are difficult to assign to known species or to describe as new because of the lack of reproductive parts,especially the flowers. Furthermore,specimens in Vietnam are mostly collected by local ethno-botanists who only focus on the use of the species,but overlook the need of complete vouchers for proper identification. Numerous recent studies of the genusAristolochiaand other seed plants indicated that the floras of southern China and northern Vietnam are in close relationship due to identical similarities in climatic and floristic conditions (Do et al,2013; Fu et al,2013; Lu et al,2014; Do et al,2015). Thus many knownAristolochiaspecies from China may be also found in Vietnam.

Liang (1975) primarily describedA.impressinervisbased on a collection made by Hwang Shangling from Jinji Cun,Fusui Xian,Guangxi Autonomous Region,China. Recently,while working onAristolochiaspecimens at herbaria worldwide (CPNP,HN,HNU,IBK,K,KUN,L,MO,NIMM,P,VNM,VNMN) for revising of the genusAristolochiafrom Indo-Chinese region as well as consultation of literature (Phuphathanaphong,1987; Pham,2000; Hwang,2003; Nguyen,2003),we found outA.impressinervisas new record for the flora of Vietnam. The specimens at Vietnamese herbaria were probably misidentified asA.pierreiL. This species is however distinguishable from the latter as showed in the discussion and Table 1.

Table 1 Morphological comparison between

2Notes on taxonomy

AristolochiaimpressinervisC. F. Liang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 13(2): 15,1975; S. M. Hwang,Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 24: 241,1988 & Fl. China,5: 269,2003. Type: CHINA. Guangxi: Fusui Xian,Jinji Cun,Hwang Shangling et al. 3967 (IBK,holo!).

Ecology: Grows on dry mixed primary forest with domination ofKeteleeriafortuneion top of limestone mesas and ridges,alt. 650-1 000 m. Flowering: April-May; Fruiting: June-August.

Notes:Aristolochiaimpressinervisis morphological homogeneous. Only slight variation in the shape and size of leaves,fruit of the populations occur in Vietnam compared to the type specimens in China.

A.impressinervisis mophologically similar toA.pierreiL. (reported from Laos and Thailand) by sharing the shape and size of leaves (ovate-lanceolata to lanceolata lamina,9-14 cm long,2-5 cm wide). However,A.impressinervisclearly differs from the latter by the following characters of venation on the adaxial surface (glabrous and obscure vs. pubescent and visible),veinlet on the abaxial surface (closely reticulate vs. loosely reticulate),bracteole (sessile vs. stipe),tube (slightly curved at base vs. rectilinear),limb (ligulate-shaped,dark-purple vs. oblong-shaped,purplish-brown),seeds (non-winged,both surfaces smooth vs. winged,both surfaces verrucose) (Table 1).

These morphological similarities made Vietnamese botanists confuseA.impressinerviswithA.pierrei. For instance,the specimenL.Averyanovet al. VH 4947 (HN,MO) (Figure 1) that was misidentified asA.pierrei. Furthermore,the specimenL.Averyanovet al. VH 4947 that was collected in Cao Bang prov. in north eastern Vietnam where borders to the type locality ofA.impressinervis. WhereasA.pierreihas still known in South Laos and extending to southwestern Thailand. Based on observation of the herbarium specimens as well as recent fieldworks the author has not ever seen any specimens ofA.pierreioccurring in Vietnam and South China. It means thatA.pierreihas still been restricted to Laos and Thailand,not yet reached to the north. Thus,the specimenL.Averyanovet al. VH 4947 from Vietnam have to be identified correctly asA.impressinervis.

Fig. 1 Aristolochia impressinervis C. F. Liang A. Branch with infructescence; B. Lateral view of flower; C. Close up of gynostemium; D. Infructescence; E. Abaxial view of seed. Drawn from the specimens L. Averyanov et al. VH 4947 (HN,MO) by Nguyen Huu Quyet.


I would like to thank the members of Vietnam National Museum of Nature,VAST and the curators of mentioned herbaria for their permission to study the specimens. A special thanks to Prof. Li Xian-Kun,Prof. Wei Yi-Gang,Dr. Wen Fang from Guangxi Institute of Botany for their helps to access the type specimen. I am indebted to Prof. Dr. Neinhuis Christoph,Dr. Wanke Stefan,Institute of Botany,TU Dresden,Germany,Erasmus Mundus program,IAPT for encouragement and financial support during my fieldwork.


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CLC number: Q943.2Document code: AArticle ID: 1000-3142(2016)04-0503-04*

Received date: 2015-04-28Accepted date: 2015-08-10

Foundation item: Erasmus Mundus Program and International Association of Plant Taxonomy.

Biography: Truong Van Do,Doctor in Biology,Major in Systematics,Evolution and Conservation,(E-mail)dovantruong_bttn@yahoo.com.

基于HPLC-Q-TOF/MS 法分析马兜铃水煎剂化学成分的研究*
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