
2016-05-17 03:35Lucy,LanXiaojiang,BianJiajin
空中之家 2016年12期


In November, we came to Kona Island, Hawaii with our WildAid Ambassador Wu Xiubo (Famous Artist in China).Not for the famous sunshine, beaches and palm trees in Hawaii, and not for the hot Hawaii girls wearing hula skirts and garlands, but for an extremely lively treasure this time— the manta ray.



Kona is an rich area with ocean resources; it's one of the most important conservation areas for Manta Ray around the world.科纳岛海洋资源丰富,是世界上重要的蝠鲼保护区之一。

Diving around Kona

It took just less than 40 minutes by Boeing jumbo from Honolulu to Kona.

This small volcanic island was not so crowded.Wu said, he fell in love with it from the fi rst time, for it was so tranquil and peaceful.There were nearly no foreign tourists, but every year, hundreds and thousands of scuba divers come here, just for the manta ray.

In diving circles, manta rays are a popular underwater creature.They are very smart and also quite friendly to humans.When they see divers, they often come close out of curiosity, waving their huge wings, just like giving you a stroke, or dancing around you.It's said that when manta rays get accidentally hooked by fi shing gear under the sea, they know how to seek help from humans.When they get free, they usually hover around their saviours, or even swim with the saviours together to the shore.

To visit manta ray, license for Open Water Diving and ability of night diving are must-haves.It was a totally strange fi eld for Wu Xiubo.For the fi rst time, he had been diving with a heavy oxygen cylinder.He tried to remember each rule of using the apparatus, learnt to control buoyancy and the oxygen mask and tried to adapt to a new way of moving and breathing.After 100 hours of exercise, the coach said, this diligent Chinese student was ready for the manta rays.

Later, I came to know that Wu was afraid of con fi ned spaces.If it were not for the shooting of a project intended to protect manta ray, he would not have taken the challenge to try this.

visit Manta Ray at night

7 P.M.to 9 P.M is just right time to visit manta ray.Many diving ships will stop near the shore and start night visits.

Manta ray, a kind of cartilaginous fish.Their pectoral fins can span 7 metres when stretched out.They can weigh up to 1.3 Tonnes.蝠鲼,软骨鱼,身体呈菱形,胸鳍像翅膀一样,展开有7米长,体重可以达到1.3吨。

The ocean is dark and has a sense of unknown mystery.When you are stirred into this deep blackness, every cell in your body is challenged.The beams from torches attracted a group of plankton, and without waiting too long, a tiny group of hungry manta rays showed up as well.They fl ew over the head of Wu, like huge birds.Gradually they got closer, dancing around him.Wu said, it seemed that his face was touched by their wings tenderly, and that was fascinating.Growing up in a city, he had never seen wild animals before, so when he dived deep into the ocean, he felt a real link with nature.For a long time, he just lay down at the bottom of the sea, watching the rays swimming by.He was excited, but then felt guilty.“Right as we speak, these amazing creatures are disappearing in another corner of the world, and this is all due to us humans.”

Kona Island is one of mere manta ray conservation districts.However, most manta rays all over the world are threatened by hunting.People rumour that using manta rays' gills to make soup has a healthy function for the body, so there are about 100 thousand manta rays dying for this every year.Some countries have forbidden manta ray hunting or banned the trade of manta ray, though the great need for them still makes people hunt illegally.Only without human consumption can manta ray be safe from hunting, and then they may have the possibility to survive.

After seeing the wonderful underwater world of the manta ray, Wu believed humans should do everything possible to protect these animals and their environment.Because, if one day this beauty and diversity do not exist any more, human beings would be so pathetic.

Manta Ray brings 4 million dollars every year to people in Kona as income through tourism, which is more profitable than selling gill, meat and leather.Developing ecotourism is a very important part of protecting Manta Rays.蝠鲼为科纳岛的居民带去每年400万美元的旅游收入,比捕杀贩卖蝠鲼高很多。每年有十万条左右的蝠鲼因捕杀贩卖消失,发展生态旅游是保护蝠鲼非常重要的一环。







The abundant volcanic ash in Kona provides sufficient nutrients for ocean creatures.科纳岛肥沃火山灰,为海洋生物提供了充足的养分。








Text by Lucy &Lan Xiaojiang Translations by Bian Jiajin Photos by Shawn Heinrichs for WildAid&CFP


While most wildlife conservation groups focus on protecting animals from poaching, WildAid works to reduce global consumption of wildlife products by persuading consumers and strengthening enforcement.WildAid's strategy for achieving this goal is to reduce demand for these products using our slogan: When the Buying Stops, the Killing Can Too.野生救援是非营利非政府国际公益组织。野生救援的工作是与国内外政商领袖、名人明星合作,宣传拒绝购买濒危野生动物制品,鼓励公众选择可持续的生活方式,从而达到保护濒危野生动物和保护环境的目的。自2004年在中国开展工作以来,野生救援已经逐渐成长为中国最具影响力的公益组织之一。

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