
2016-05-17 06:22
空中之家 2016年7期


The fi rst Disneyland theme park in China opened in Shanghai this June. Fans young and old alike are excited about this new extension of the magical kingdom. However, if you don’t feel like jostling amongst the crowds, why not catch a fl ight with China Southern Airlines to various classical Disneylands around the world to rediscover the child within yourself?


The 61-year-old Disneyland Park in California is the oldest Disney Resort in the world.年届61的加州迪斯尼乐园,是全球最老古的迪斯尼乐园。


Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Los Angeles contains two theme parks: Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park, and it was the former that I visited in May, which was the very fi rst Disney theme park built under the direct supervision of Walt Disney. The very fi rst Disneyland Park can be the most representative park of the Disney, and it matches all the fantasies you might have of the Disney world.

When we passed the incredible fantasyland, we reached the most occupied part of the park: Tomorrowland, because of the popularity of Star Wars, the rides in Tomorrowland are hits, and the queues for them are long. However, when I checked the estimated time on the sign post, they were only around 20 minutes. I found the fast pass line very useful, for the most popular rides, like the space mountain, we could pick the fast pass ticket which assigned us a particular time slot, so we could come back and take the ride without waiting in a line. Fast pass lines are features of all Disneyland parks, but the organised style and clear direction at Anaheim is like no other.

In between the time we scheduled for Space


人气最旺的园区自然是以《星球大战》电影为主题的“明日世界”,但即便是在这里,公告牌上通常显示的轮候时间最多也就是20分钟而已,这大大出乎我的意料。当然,使用迪斯尼乐园特有的“快速通行证”(Fast Pass)能让我们更加节省时间,相当于边玩边等。值得一提的是,加州迪斯尼乐园的Fast Pass系统在组织管理方式和指引明确度上似乎更胜一筹。




(By Yinwen Cao)

Mountain, we went to one of my favourites of all time: It's a Small World. This attraction has been a classic since the park's opening, and involves a boat ride inside a castle with dolls dressed in various traditional costumes of the world. When we got into the boat and began the ride, we were sent to a magic world. One thing I really liked about this attraction was the concept of showing the diversity of race, belief and culture in a way that children could understand. The dolls of different appearance were dressed with various customs such as Cowboy suits with an antique gun, or Russian girl dolls in a ball gown with ruf fl es. The decoration and background were not the most creative part, but the background music was; It's a Small World was the main melody, using the same song, the instruments and lyrics varied once we reached a different area but still to the same melody. The Chinese theme was the most interesting one, it added the Chinese fl ute, enhancing the lively style and in the lyrics part, the chorus of young boys incorporating with the fl ute and showing a distinct traditional Chinese musical feature. The comment of the whole journey is just enjoyable and educational.

The most unforgettable part of the park was the fi rst scene I laid eyes on - Sleeping Beauty's Castle, with spectacular spire and decorated in blue and white with sparkling diamonds. One of the most magical moments of the day was the fi rework display and parade. I didn't get the chance to join the parade that day, but the fi reworks did impress me, and were just like it says in the tour guide: “It's so much more than a fi rework's spectacular!” At the beginning of summer, when the days become longer in California, the fi reworks event takes place at twilight, and this is the perfect timing to see them. The lines of puffy marshmallow-liked clouds were still clear in the sky, against a backdrop of deep purple. When the lights of Sleeping Beauty's castle turned on to the signature scene at the beginning of every single Disney movie, I was even expecting the subtitle, 'Walt Disney' that accompanied me through my whole childhood. The fi reworks showed up with the crisp sound and unexpected resonance of my inner child awakened. The fi reworks were intense and colourful, and they just completed the 'painting' of the moment. After a few separate bursts, they exploded into bloom and lit up the night sky. The very last part was the fi reworks of Mickey's and Minnie's faces when the announcement said“Disneyland forever!” and young children all over the world follow that 'Disneyland forever!'.

(By Yinwen Cao)

Disneyland Park California

Ticket: from USD95 for 10 yrs or above Website: http:// disneyland.disney. go.com/



网址:http://disneyland. disney.go.com/

Walt Disney, the founder of Disneyland cherished a faith that whoever enters the carefree paradise, must be able to leave with laughter.乐园创办人华特·迪斯尼开园时怀着一个信念:“无论男女老少,只要进入这个无忧国度后,必能带着无限欢笑离开。”

Cartoon figures will put on festive costumes on each Halloween.HK3一众卡通人物于每年万圣节都会换上节日服饰。

Tomorrowland has undergone a major makeover this June and has been transformed into a Star Wars themed attraction.明日世界园区换新装,以电影《星球大战》主题。


Despite its small size, Hong Kong Disneyland is equipped with all the necessary recreational amenities and could be divided into 7 major theme areas. As an answer to the challenge posed by the opening of the new Shanghai Disney Resort, the Tomorrowland of Hong Kong Disneyland underwent a major makeover this June and has been transformed into a Star Wars themed attraction. Space Mountain was converted into the Hyperspace Mountain, and this new ride allows people to feel what it's like being in a fi ghter ship blazing through space and various planets of Star Wars while remastered Star Wars video clips play in the background. This is a must-see for any Star Wars fan. Hong Kong Disneyland will also be unveiling its Iron Man Experience, an exclusive feature attraction at the end of this year. The Experience will allow visitors to personally attend the Stark Expo to try out the allnew interactive games and experience what it's like being an Iron Man themselves. The Experience also offers exclusive theme-based merchandise and even a chance to meet and have a group photo with the actual Iron Man himself!



Hong Kong Disneyland

Ticket: Adult HK$539; Child HK$385, Senior (65yrs or above) HK$100

Website: www.hongkongdisneyland.com/zh-hk/ destinations/theme-park/


门票:成人HK$539、小童HK$385、长者(65岁或以上) HK$100

网址:www.hongkongdisneyland.com/zh-hk/ destinations/theme-park/


The Disney World Resort of Florida is located on the East Coast of the United States. With an area of 12,228 hectares, this is the world's largest Disneyland and is divided into 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, over 20 theme-based resort hotels, 2 night-time entertainment areas, and a world-class multi-functional gym. Starting this summer, Disney World Resort will be holding Star Wars themed fi rework performances. Stormtroopers clad in their white armour will also be holding regular patrols in this area. The most anticipated development will be the new Avatar theme park currently under construction with an expected completion date in 2017. This wondrous park will allow everyone to immerse themselves in the magical beauty and charms of the planet Pandora.


位于东岸的佛罗里达州迪斯尼世界,是全球最大的迪斯尼主题公园,占地 12,228 公顷,主题乐园有4个,水上乐园2个,超过20座有特色的度假酒店、2个夜间娱乐区及1座世界级的多功能健身馆。今年夏天开始,迪斯尼世界更会举行星战主题的烟花汇演及有身穿白色盔甲的风暴兵巡游。而最令人期待的相信是建造中的阿凡达主题乐园,预计在2017年落成,让大家体验潘多拉星球的魔幻魅力。

The Disney World Resort of Florida

Ticket: from USD97 for 10 yrs or above

Website: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/




Left: Cherry blossoms are a unique feature in Tokyo Disneyland.左:乐园里见樱花,也是东京迪斯尼独有的风光。

Right: Disney characters in kimono look very cute.右:穿上和服的迪斯尼卡通人物,非常“卡瓦伊”!


Tokyo Disney Resort will be extremely busy in July with its unique Summer Festival. Summers in Japan are extremely hot. Noon-time temperatures can spike to as high as 35 degrees Celsius. The Disney Resort therefore has arranged water fountain performances during the 2-month long summer season at Cinderella's Castle, generating splashes of water that help everyone cool off. One will also be able to see Disney celebrities in various areas of the park performing, singing, and getting fellow visitors to join in the fun amidst the cooling water sprays.

There's also other summer-only events in this Disney Resort - the famous Disney Parade. These Parades are held three times a day with each performance lasting 40 minutes, offering seven spectacular fl oats and 100 performers who will be interacting with the crowd amidst wonderful music and dance.




Tokyo Disney Resort

Ticket: Adult 7400 yen; Child (12-17yrs) 6400yen,

Child (4-11yrs) 4800yen

Website: http://www.tokyodisneyresort.jp/tc/




Disneyland Paris, once called Euro Disney Resort, was the fi rst Disneyland to be built outside the United States. Disneyland Paris is composed of 5 sections. Main Street USA at the main entrance depicts a frontier town during the Cowboy era, allowing visitors to dive into a time tunnel and experience life in a historical pioneer town. In order to become an integral part of local societies and cultures, Disneyland Paris invested heavily into the intricacy and elegance of its castle, boulevard, building, and even landscaping designs. Such efforts allowed Disneyland Paris to assume the likeness of a classical European palace garden.


巴黎迪斯尼乐园原名欧洲迪斯尼乐园,是美国之外的第二座迪斯尼乐园。巴黎迪斯尼乐园由五大部分组成,正门的Main Street USA满是旧日美国牛仔时代的小镇风光,令人有进入时光隧道之感。和其他迪斯尼乐园一样,巴黎迪斯尼乐园也以西部小镇、大峡谷、海盗船等场景为主;不同的是,为了融入当地社会文化,巴黎迪斯尼乐园不管是城堡的设计还是街道、建筑物的雕饰,乃至于树丛花圃的造型,都设计得精致优雅,颇有欧洲古典宫廷花园的感觉。

Disneyland Paris

Ticket: Adult 75 Euros; Child (3-11 yrs) 67 Euros.

Website: http://www.disneylandparis.com/


网址: http://www.disneylandparis.com/


Text by Yiwen Cao & An An Translation by Jeff & Sonia Photos by An An, Shutterstock, IC & CFP

Disneyland Park in Paris, France.巴黎迪斯尼乐园。

今夏去哪儿?进军香港迪士尼 会面星战英雄