
2016-05-14 11:35李昌亮田红平吴文宋安阳
科技创新导报 2016年5期

李昌亮 田红平 吴文 宋安阳

摘 要:水下采油树是深水油气开发中必不可少的装备。该课题拟通过掌握水下卧式采油树及下放机具的设计、制造相关关键技术,研制出具有自主知识产权的1 500 m水深、10 000 psi压力等级、温度等级为SU(-18 ℃~121 ℃)的水下采油树样机,为最终形成国产水下采油树设计、制造、测试及工程服务能力奠定基础。课题主要研究内容包括:(1)水下采油树总体方案设计与结构设计;(2)水下采油树下放安装回收工艺及配套工具设计;(3)水下采油树控制系统设计;(4)水下采油树材料及制造工艺技术研究;(5)水下采油树风险评价及可靠性分析;(6)水下采油树样机的测试;目前,课题组已完成水下采油树机械结构、控制系统及下放机具总体方案设计、水下采油树机械结构基本设计与详细设计、水下控制模块的相关设计、下放安装机具基本设计、水下采油树原理样机关键部件的制造准备工作、水下采油树地面测试系统的建立、水下采油树安装功能模拟测试方案、FAT测试方案及SIT测试方案、水下采油树风险评价及可靠性分析。通过该阶段课题研究,课题组已基本掌握水下采油树研发关键技术,为下一步水下卧式采油树国产化应用奠定了坚实基础,主要关键技术包括:(1)水下采油树及配套系统的总体设计技术;(2)油管悬挂器、穿越器等核心部件的设计技术;(3)水下采油树水下控制模块配套测试系统技术;(4)水下采油树风险评价及可靠性分析技术;(5)水下采油树材料设计及防腐技术。

关键词:水下卧式采油树 结构设计 测试系统 可靠性评价

Abstract:Subsea x-mas tree is an essential equipment in the deep-water oil & gas development.This project is to develop a prototype subsea x-mas tree with independent intellectual property,which can withstand 1500 meters depth,10 000 psi pressure and SU(-18 ℃~121 ℃)temperature degree,throughout mastering the design、manufacturer technique of subsea horizontal x-mas tree,and lay the foundation of the design,manufacturer,test and engineering service of the China's own subsea x-mas tree.The project includes:(1)Overall plan design and structure design of the x-mas tree;(2)running,installation,retrieve process and mating tools design of the x-mas tree;(3)control system design of the x-mas tree;(4)material & manufacturing process research of the x-mas tree;(5)risk evaluation and reliability analysis of the x-mas tree;(6)test of the prototype tree.From now,the General Design of Subsea Tree Mechanical,Running Tools and Control System,Detailed Mechanical Design of Subsea Tree,Related Design of Subsea Tree Subsea Control Module,Basic Design of Tree Running & Handling Tools and Manufacturing Preparation of Subsea Tree Principle Prototype Key Parts,as well as the establishment of subsea tree ground verification testing system,Testing Program of Tree Installation Functional Simulation,Program of FAT and SIT and the Risk Assessment and Reliability Analysis of Subsea Tree.By those researches,the research group has basically mastered the key technology and laid a solid foundation for the development of localization application of the subsea horizontal tree.Mainly including:(1)General design of subsea tree and associated equipment;(2)The design of core components,such as tubing hanger and Penetrator;(3)Testing System technology of subsea control module;(4)Risk assessment and reliability analysis technology of Subsea Tree;(5)Materials design and anti-corrosion technology of subsea tree.

Key Words:Subsea horizontal x-mas tree;Structure design;Testing System;Reliability analysis

