喻剑 蒋平 佘湖清 冀功祥 陈建军
摘 要:深海垂直剖面实时监测潜标系统通过升降平台的浮力调节,实现其沿系留钢缆的上下往复式运动,携载的测量传感器实时测量和存储温、盐、深、流等水文数据,并具备实时传输功能接口。系统的研制突破了实时传输潜标、浮力调节升降平台和海洋水文环境传感器的系统集成、系统低功耗优化、感应耦合传输等关键技术,潜标系统主要由主浮体、升降平台、锚泊系统、安全报警装置、海洋环境测量传感器和刹车装置等组成。课题组通过海洋仪器设计经验、理论分析和计算、计算机仿真等方法,设计了满足课题指标要求的潜标系统,并对试验实施方法进行了探讨,研制的湖试样机通过分系统和总装调试、水池、湖上功能试验的验证,取得较好的效果,证明样机已基本达到设计指标的要求,试验实施方法可行。
关键词:潜标系统 垂直剖面 海洋调查 系统集成 耦合传输 锚系
Abstract:Profiler Platform which is the important part of the Deep Sea Vertical Section Real-Time Survey Subsurface Buoy could walk up-and-down along the Plastic wirerope in the anchor system by change its buoyancy, it also carry some marine sensor that can collect and store the sea-waters temperature,salinity,current and depth data.The system have extend capacity of real-time transfer underwater.In the study,we have surmounted the key techniques that contain integration technology among the real-time transfer Subsurface Buoy,the buoyancy regulating system and and the marine sensor system,system optimization on the low power consumption and underwater inductively coupled data transfer,and so on.The Subsurface Buoy system is composed of the main floating body,the Profiler Platform,the anchors system,the warning device,the marine sensors and the brake apparatus.We design the whole system by using experiential methods,theoretical computations,Computer Simulation et.We also get some experience about the.Experiments.In the field assembly commissioning,test in tank and lake trial,perfect data suggests that the prototype performance indexes meet the design requirements and the test methods are feasible.
Key Words:Submerged buoy system;Vertical Section;Deep-sea survey;System integration;Coupled transmission;Anchor system