吴元文 杨莽
摘 要:通过高压高效高功率密度系列化深水电机的研发、系列化和模块化集成油压动力源的可靠性设计与制造技术研究、高性能压力平衡补偿技术研究、深海集成油压动力源的控制技术研究、深海集成油压动力源的测试技术研究、零部件的制造工艺及样机试制研究、深海集成油压动力源用材料的优选、深海集成油压动力源的标准化与系列化研究,通过小批量柔性生产线的样机试制及测试平台的搭建、深海集成油压动力源的大气环境性能试验、深海压力模拟环境试验及海试,制定企业标准指导企业生产,完成具有自主知识产权、性能稳定的5.5、11、18.5、55、90 kW规格深海集成油压动力源产品的工程样机生产,并完成5.5、11、18.5、55、90 kW规格深海集成油压动力源产品的设计,用于深海作业装备的液压驱动系统,提升我国深海技术装备的自主创新能力,为我国深海探测和开发装备提供可靠性高的多规格多品种的深海液压动力源。该课题是“深海通用技术与产品研制”项目的子课题,课题目标就是项???目目标之一,即针对我国发展深海探测与作业装备的急需,项目需要突破的系列关键技术之一—— 深海环境高可靠的深海油压驱动源技术。通过总体结构优化设计和工艺技术研究和相关技术标准和规范制定,满足集成油压动力源产业化要求,与项目其他子课题一起共同实现为我国深海资源探测、科学研究、环境安全保障提供高性能高可靠性的基础配套部件和技术支撑,打破当前深海作业装备通用部件依赖进口的局面,实现深海作业装备通用部件的国产化,支撑并促进海洋作业装备的自主化快速发展,提升我国深海技术装备的研发和自主创新能力,提升我国深海装备技术水平。
关键词:内啮合齿轮泵 o形圈 密封分析 传动分析
Abstract:Through investigating and research for deep-sea Motor,integrated Hydraulic Power Source,Pressure Balance compensation technology,manufacturing process for components,testing for prototype,optimization of material selection,setting systematic standards for technologies and combines with testing for small batch trial production of FML,atmospheric environment performance test for Hydraulic Power Source and pressure module to work out standard guidance for enterprise and then accomplish Deep-sea Hydraulic Power Source related engineering prototype design &production for 5.5,11,18.5,55,90 kW with proprietary intellectual rights that can improve domestic innovative ability for design and produce deep-sea exploration and operating equipments.This is one of sub-topics of“Study on General Technology and Related Products of Deep Sea”.The purpose of this topic is to break through the key technology of Hydraulic Power Source of Deep Sea to develop Deep-sea exploration and operating equipments of China.Making use of optimization design for overall structure,researching for process and setting standards for related technologies to meet the requirements of Industrialization of Integrated Hydraulic Power Source.This topic combines with other sub-topics researches to provide technical supporting and reliable essential components and basic machines for deep-sea researching and exploration.This was based on above point,through study mentioned above,we can break the situation of replying on imported deep-sea operating equipments but rather achieve localization of general components and improve domestic technological level of deep-sea equipment.
Key Words:Internal gearing pump;O ring;Seal analysis;Transmission analysis