
2016-05-14 11:08陈江丁建龙倪宇
科技创新导报 2016年5期

陈江 丁建龙 倪宇

摘 要:该实验采用自主研发的真空密炼挤出成型机对深海地震仪浮力材料成型工艺及加工条件进行探索,探讨空心玻璃微珠、环氧预混料在不同成型方式下对成型产品的气孔率、压缩强度、耐静水压强度的影响。研究表明,使用真空密炼挤出成型方式(真空度为0.04±0.01 MPa)成型时性能最佳,固化后的标准块气孔率≤2/dm2,密度为0.55±0.02 g/cm3,压缩强度为62 MPa,24 h极限耐静水压强度为72.5 MPa,60 MPa一周吸水率小于2%,可在水下6 000 m安全使用。

关键词:固体浮力材料 成型工艺 空心玻璃微珠

Abstract:The molding process and processing conditions of deep sea seismograph buoyancy materials were investigated via self-developed vacuum extrusion molding internal mixer.The effects of hollow glass beads and epoxy premix under different forming methods on the porosity,compression strength and resistance to hydrostatic strength of molding products were studied.The performance of molding product was the best when using the vacuum internal mix extrusion molding under the vacuum degree of 0.04±0.01 MPa.Standard piece of porosity after curing was less than 2/dm2,density was 0.55±0.02 g/cm.3,the compression strength was 62 MPa,24h hydrostatic strength limit was 72.5 MPa,the week water absorption of solid buoyancy material under 60 MPa was less than 2% and can be used safety in underwater 6 000 m.

Key Words:Solid Buoyancy Material(SBM);Forming Process;Hollow Glass Bead(GB)
