郑翠娥 张居成 李昭
摘 要:“深水高精度水下综合定位系统”课题目标旨在紧密结合载人潜器及其它深海水下探测和作业的技术需求,研制一套具有自主知识产权水下综合定位系统的工程化样机,可以在深度剖面内提供高精度定位服务,初步形成国产水下综合定位系统产业化条件,为我国深海科学考察、海洋资源勘探开发、深海工作站建设、海洋工程建设等提供高精度定位支持。课题具体包括综合定位系统原理样机研制与验证、综合定位系统定型样机研制与工艺设计,系统与船的总体集成和试验检验三个部分,并包含换能器7 000 m耐压、阵型自校准、超短基线/长基线定位融合和水下AUV自主定位与状态监控等多项关键技术的研究。报告基于课题研究背景和基础,汇报了课题的主要研究内容情况和总体方案以及研制进度与成果。目前已完成了系统详细设计方案、原理样机的研制以及原理样机的湖试海试,系统定型样机正在设计研制当中。经过实验室测试联调,湖上试验和海试试验,超短基线定位部分已取得了大量成果,定位精度、作用距离得到了实际应用的验证,系统软硬件湖、海试验过程中具备良好的稳定性。另一方面,借助英国和法国长基线定位系统的试验,梯队积累了更多的经验知识,为综合定位系统的研制提供了有力的借鉴。AUV自主定位单元已完成详细设计,正在有序的开发调试,为下一步的集成做准备。
关键词:综合定位系统 深水 高精度
Abstract:Deep Sea High Precision Underwater LUSBL Positioning System Project is aimed to develop a LUSBL positioning system with self intellectual property rights to satisfy the technical demand of HOV/AUV/ROV operation and observation.By this project,on one hand industrialization will be primarily formed.On the other hand,ocean engineering,deep sea resource observation and ocean scientific research will also be well supported.Principle model development,final model development,ship installation and trial test are the main component of the project.Key technologies include 7 000 m transducer,array self-calibration,LBL/USBL data fusion and AUV positioning methods.Based on project background,research content,total precept and research progress are reported.Till now,detail design,principle model development and lake/sea trial have been accomplished.USBL system has obtained quantities of trial results by which its positioning precision,operating distance,system stability are well tested.Moreover, our group learned much by British and French LBL system.It will be definitely helpful for our LUSBL system development.AUV positioning module was designed in detail.Now it is under debugging and will soon be ready for system integration.
Key Words:LUSBL system;Deep sea;High precision