
2016-05-14 06:04宋云峰
英语学习 2016年5期


美国电影中有无数从不同角度反映战争的,尤其是导致美国成为超级大国的第二次世界大战。2014年10月上映的《狂怒》(Fury)成为其中最新的一部,并取得了票房与评论俱佳的成绩。本片由大卫·阿耶(David Ayer)导演,布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)、什耶·拉博夫(Shia LeBeouf)和洛根·勒曼(Logan Lerman)等主演,反映二战尾声美军坦克“狂怒”号五位成员的心路历程。影片投资6,800万美元,在全球收获了2.11亿美元的票房。人们普遍认为比起其他类似题材的影片,这部基于导演家族老兵经历和柏尔顿·库珀(Belton Y. Cooper)小说《死亡陷阱》(Death Traps)改编的二战片对战争的残酷和人物的刻画更加贴近现实。

Fury is a 2014 American-British war film written and directed by David Ayer. The film stars Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Pe?a, and Jon Bernthal. The film portrays US tank crews in Nazi Germany during the final days of World War II. Ayer was influenced by the service of veterans(退伍老兵)in his family and by reading books, such as Belton Y. Coopers Death Traps, about American armored(装甲的)warfare in World War II. Ayer aimed for a greater degree of realism(现实主义) in the film than in other World War II dramas.




The M4 Sherman, officially Medium Tank, M4, was the most numerous battle tank used by the United States and some other Western Allies in World War II. In spite of being surpassed by German medium and heavy tanks late in the war, the M4 Sherman proved to be very reliable, cheaper to produce and available in greater numbers. Thousands were distributed through the Lend-Lease(租借法)program to the British Commonwealth(英联邦)and Soviet Union. The tank was named after the American Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman by the British.

其次,导演说服了英国东南部多塞特郡(Dorset)博文顿(Bovington)坦克博物馆将世界唯一还能正常运转的德国二战主战坦克虎式I型(Tiger I)出借给电影组,供影片拍摄使用。该款坦克自1946年以来从未在战争片中露面。虎式I型坦克由德国著名工程师波尔舍(保时捷汽车公司创始人与大众汽车公司经典甲壳虫汽车的设计师)设计,优点是结实耐打,缺点是笨重费油,所以很快被虎式II型坦克取代,现存不多,弥足珍贵。

Tiger 131—the only operating Tiger I tank in the world—was lent by The Tank Museum for the film. It is the first time a genuine Tiger I tank was used in a contemporary war film since 1946; 131 was restored to running condition between 1990 and 2003, further work was only completed in 2012.


尽管影片的具体情节是虚构的,但是《狂怒》所描绘的一些人物却是基于真实史事的,例如绰号为“战争老爹”(Wardaddy)的美国坦克指挥员拉法叶特·普尔(Lafayette G. Pool)在诺曼底登陆之后到1944年底其坦克被摧毁之间共击毁258辆德国坦克;而“炸弹”号谢尔曼坦克则从诺曼底登陆一直战斗到二战结束,这是参战的加拿大部队中唯一幸存下来的谢尔曼坦克。

While the plot of the film is fictional(虚构的), the depiction(描写)of the tank Fury and its commander Wardaddy parallels(与……相似)the experience of several real Allied(同盟国的)tankers, such as the American tank commander Staff Sergeant(参谋军士) Lafayette G. “Wardaddy” Pool who landed just after D-Day(诺曼底登陆日) and destroyed 258 enemy vehicles before his tank was knocked out(击毁)in Germany in late 1944, and the small number of Sherman tanks to survive from the landing at D-Day to the end of the war, such as Bomb, a Sherman tank that landed at D-Day and survived into the bitter fighting in Germany at the wars end, the only Canadian Sherman tank to survive the fighting from D-Day to VE Day(欧洲胜利日).





Prior to filming, Ayer required the actors to undergo a four-month preparation process. This included a week-long boot camp(新兵训练营)run by Navy SEALs. Pitt stated, “It was set up to break us down(使意志瓦解、精神崩溃), to keep us cold, to keep us exhausted, to make us miserable(痛苦的), to keep us wet, make us eat cold food. And if our stuff wasnt together we had to pay for it with physical forfeits(处罚). Were up at five in the morning, were doing night watches(守夜,夜巡)on the hour.”



Ty Burr of The Boston Globe: “the battle-scarred(身经百战的)leader of a tank crew pushing through Germany toward Berlin, Brad Pitt creates a warrior(战士)who is terse(简练的), sometimes noble(高尚的), more often brutal(残忍的).” “a figure both monstrous(畸形的)and upstanding(正直的). In one scene, he shoots a captured enemy officer in the back. A few scenes later, hes protecting two German women from being assaulted(强奸)by his own men.” “Fury gives us terrible glimpses: tank treads(坦克履带)rolling over a body pancaked(碾平)into the mud, an elderly woman cutting meat off a dead horse, a woman in a wedding dress among a crowd of refugees(难民).”

Newsdays Rafer Guzman admired director Ayer, who “does a good job of putting us inside the tank Fury”; with “all the extra blood and brutality, this is still a macho(大男子气概的)and romanticized war movie”, and he singled out Pitt, who he said “serves honorably in the John Wayne(约翰·韦恩,美国经典西部片明星)role”.

The Philadelphia Inquirers Steven Rea gave the film three out of four stars and praised, “Fury presents an unrelentingly(无情地)violent, visceral(粗俗的) depiction(描绘)of war, which is perhaps as it should be. Bayonets(刺刀)in the eye, bullets in the back, limbs(四肢)blown apart, corpses of humans and horses splayed (展开,张开)across muddy, incinerated(化为灰烬的)terrain.”

Chris Vognar wrote the review for The Dallas Morning News giving the film “B+” grade, in which he writes about “War” which he thinks is, “hell,” and also “relentless(残酷的), unsparing(不宽容的), unsentimental(冷漠的) and violent to the mind, body and soul. Fury conveys(表达)these truths with brute force(暴力)and lean(简洁的,犀利的), precise drama.”

Todd McCarthy of The Hollywood Reporter simply said, “Fury is a good, solid World War II movie, nothing more and nothing less. Rugged(粗糙的), macho, violent and with a story sufficiently unusual to grab and hold interest, its a modern version of the sort of movie Hollywood turned out practically every week back in the 1940s and 1950s.”

Rex Reed of The New York Observer said, “The actors are all good, Mr. Pitt moves even closer to iconic(偶像的)stardom(明星地位), and young Mr. Lerman steals the picture as the camera lens through whose eyes and veins we share every dehumanizing(使失掉人性的)experience. Purists(纯粹主义者) may squabble(争论不休), but if youre a history buff(历史爱好者) or a pushover(易于征服或控制的人) for the sight of a man engulfed(淹没在)in flames who shoots himself through the head before he burns to death, youll go away from Fury sated(充分满足的).”

Amy Nicholson of LA Weekly said, “This is an ugly part of an ugly war, and Ayer wallows(沉湎于)in it. Instead of flags and patriotism, Fury is about filth(污秽): the basins of blood, the smears(污点)on the soldiers exhausted faces, the bodies pushed around by bulldozers(推土机), a decomposing(分解的)corpse thats melted into the mud.”

T-90 坦克