Media Watch

2016-05-14 16:25

RENTING WITHOUT TEARS Oriental Outlook June 2

More than 100 million chinese live in rented apartments, with half of them sharing their tenancy with others due to lack of small and medium-sized homes, according to the Ministry of housing and urban-Rural development.

its not easy to rent a home in big cities where demand exceeds supply. though the chinese Government has made efforts to regulate the home-renting sector, many bottlenecks remain.

to make renting easier, the central Government has rolled out a new package of policies to support the sector. Residential property owners are being encouraged to refurbish their apartments for renting. those with low incomes and no access to public housing will get rent subsidies. Also, the property rental industry will be further regulated to protect tenants rights better.

Many believe the new policies will benefit tenants as well as the rental market because more enterprises and individuals are being encouraged to let out their properties. this will pump up availability, which will help narrow the gap between demand and supply.


chinese Premier li Keqiang recently penned a letter on how to address the issue of campus violence. in the letter, li asked the Ministry of education and other related authorities to “strengthen students awareness of laws, and resolutely put an end to behavior that disregards human dignity and lives.”

Bullying and violence at schools and colleges have been widely reported in recent years. in china, criminal responsibility begins at the age of 14. defendants under the age of 16 can be charged only with eight major crimes, including murder, rape and drug trafficking. Juvenile offenders are often given lenient sentences for bullying.

Although some experts have called for stricter punishment, others suggest early prevention. Juvenile first offenders should learn their lessons through community rectification instead of harsh imprisonment. At the same time, it is equally crucial to teach children how to deal with school bullying and protect themselves.

the state council launched a campaign in May to curb bullying. the campaign, which will last until december, focuses on giving students legal and mental health education. Police and judicial staff will be invited to schools to give lectures while educational institutions will be asked to improve measures for preventing and handling bullying.


its time to get to know those who were born between 2000 and 2010, a group referred to as the post-2000 generation in china. some of them have reached puberty, a vital period for a persons self-development. understanding them may help us understand the elements that are bound to influence future society.

Born into a society in which stability and development feature prominently, the post-2000s are mostly carefree, at least for the time being. they enjoy the conveniences of the internet era.

the generation is keen on trying new and different things and therefore seems rebellious. they are eager to express themselves, often uploading comments while watching videos online. they view playing video games as a way of learning and entertainment as an indispensable part of life. Puppy love is prevalent among them, and teenagers are often seen kissing in public. though never shy to comment on their elders face to face, this generation has a soft heart for setbacks and bearing criticism.

its hard to label the post-2000s generation since its members are still growing up. But one thing is certain. they are strikingly different from the previous generations.

MAN VS MACHINE Caijing Magazine June 13

Artificial intelligence (AI), an area of computer science dealing with the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans, remains one of the worlds fastest-growing areas of industrial development. this was highlighted in March when lee se-dol, south Korean champion at Go, the board game known as weiqi in chinese, was beaten by Googles computer program AlphaGo, notching a significant achievement in the development of Ai.

Games are an important way to measure Ai advances, demonstrating that machines can outperform humans at intellectual tasks. the development of Ai can upgrade and transform industries such as cloud services, big data analysis, mobile internet, and the internet of things. it will even change peoples lifestyles and ways of working.

internet companies have seized this opportunity. since 2011, the development of deep learning technology, a revolutionary machine-learning technique that provides Ailed applications and big data analysis, and the maturity of the big data industry have made Ai technologies develop rapidly.

those it and internet giants who have already developed Ai technologies are most likely to benefit from this revolution. However, this is a long endurance game. Apart from developing technologies, industry plans and strategies are also key factors for success, and shortsighted companies will be out at any time.