By Ian Bogost 卢青亮/译注
The automobile has long been a symbol of everything great and everything terrible about America. On the one hand: freedom, individualism, power, speed. The taming1 of millions of miles of varied wildernesses through roads, then highways, then interstates. The capacity of American industry—Pittsburghs steel, Akrons rubber, Detroits factories.2
But on the other hand: gas-guzzling SUVs3. Traffic and sprawl4. The abandonment of mass transit. The suburb and then the exurb, with their undeniable ties to white flight and segregation.5 The decline of the Rust Belt, the near-collapse of the Big Three automakers during the Great Recession of 2008,6 and the slow death of American manufacturing and blue-collar work.
Now, after four decades of doldrums7, things are looking up for American carmakers, in ways that would have been hard to imagine just 10 years ago. Yet the changes ahead wont reconcile the great and the terrible of the past; instead, the conflicts between freedom and community, power and equity, will play out in new ways. Heres what that future will look like.
1. Baby Steps Toward Autonomy ...
Google, Tesla, and Uber—companies that didnt even exist when Toyota introduced the Prius,8 in 1997—have become major players in the auto industry. Both Google and Tesla aim to introduce fully autonomous cars within the next several years, and Uber recently founded an R&D center in Pittsburgh with an eye toward ushering in our driverless future.
Self-driving cars are expected to be much safer than human-driven ones. But even if the first robot cars hit the roads in the next few years, most of us probably wont give up driving entirely for at least another 15 or 20 years. In the meantime, traditional cars will gradually take over certain aspects of driving.
Companies have been adding semiautonomous features to cars since the 1990s—things like adaptive cruise control, which uses sensors to adjust a cars speed based on the traffic in front of it, and automated parallel parking. Some cars automatically stop—or at least slow down—if a driver doesnt step on the brake in time to avoid a collision. The driver will also be able to change lanes simply by hitting the turn signal for two seconds (the car will take care of the rest). Within a few years, cars may be able to determine when an accident is likely and make adjustments to the cabin—moving seats, closing windows, retracting the steering wheel.
2. ... And Big Leaps
While traditional manufacturers slowly add semiautonomous features, Tesla is taking a more aggressive approach. Last year, an update to the software in certain Model S vehicles added the ability to operate via “autopilot”: The car mostly drives itself, but the driver can take over if, for example, the car attempts to exit the freeway unbidden9. Each time a driver intervenes, Tesla registers the correction in its software, which is distributed across its fleet. The idea is that over time, the cars will get better at driving.
Early this year, Tesla updated its software again to add a way to “summon” your car. The car can turn itself on, open the garage door, and meet you in the driveway like an automotive butler10. For now, the feature is meant to be used only on private property, but Tesla promises Knight Rider11-style summoning in the future: Your car will greet you at the airport when you return from a trip or sync with your calendar and know where to pick you up after a meeting downtown.
3. Cars That Talk to One Another
Apps like Waze12 already allow drivers to alert others to traffic jams or accidents. Soon, cars will automatically contribute to a shared mesh13 of traffic and routing information through vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems. In addition to providing better traffic reports, these systems—through which cars will constantly transmit their location, speed, and other data—are expected to make driving much safer. If a driver brakes suddenly, or makes a blind turn, the car will issue a warning to others nearby to help them avoid a collision. The NHTSA14 expects vehicle-to-vehicle communications to result in significantly fewer accidents each year.
4. The Car as Conference Room
Once cars become fully autonomous, they wont need to take the form they have for more than a century. One concept design is the Mercedes-Benz15 F 015, which transforms the vehicle into a “digital living space.” Inside, seats swivel16 to face one another, and a series of displays permit passengers to entertain themselves or work. In other words, cars could double as conference rooms—and employers may begin to demand that people use their commutes17 productively.
Autonomous cars work best as fleets rather than as private property, because a car that can drive itself can be put to use even when you arent in it, and the tech companies making them prefer to sell services rather than products. Eventually, car ownership could become a thing of the past.
That would mean an end to the pride and personalization of owning a car. Not to mention living with one. Perhaps the garage, that great cornerstone of suburban architecture, will become a relic. Likewise parking spaces and lots, freeing up valuable real estate for greener and denser urban living. Your children might give as little thought to the kind of car they ride in as you do to the brand of subway train you take.
5. Where Are the Flying Cars?
Flying cars have been part of our science-fiction dreams ever since Henry Ford18 pitched an early personal airplane back in 1926—Fords aircraft division actually tried to build a “Model T of the air.” Ninety years later, discarded prototypes19 litter junkyards and collectors garages, but no viable mass-market product has ever emerged.
That might still change. The latest candidates include Skycar, a flying-car prototype, and the Ehang 184, an autonomous electric quadcopter20 introduced at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas. In 2013, a company called Terrafugia announced plans for a self-flying car; it expects to have a prototype ready for testing by 2018. A commercial21 model will take at least another five years.
When they do arrive, flying cars will likely cost at least several hundred thousand dollars. They may replace the Lamborghini or the Bentley as the status car of the super rich.22 But for most of us theyll remain a dream, even if not a science-fiction one.
1. 小步迈向自动驾驶……
2. ……然后大步向前
在传统制造商慢慢给汽车添上半自动功能的同时,特斯拉则采取了更加积极的举措。去年,该公司对部分Model S车型进行了软件升级,添加了通过“自动驾驶仪”驾驶的功能:汽车在绝大部分时候自动驾驶,但是在特定情况下驾驶员可以取回掌控权,比如汽车未经许可试图驶出高速公路。每次一有驾驶员介入,特斯拉就会在软件中记下这次修正,并传送到整个车队。其理念就是:随着时间推移,汽车的驾驶技术会越来越好。
3. 会互相交谈的汽车
4. 汽车变成会议室
一旦汽车实现全自动驾驶,那么汽车将不再需要以其已经延续了一个多世纪的样子存在。梅赛德斯-奔驰F 015概念车将汽车变成了“数字化的生活空间”。车内座椅可旋转成面对面的形式,一系列显示屏可供乘客娱乐或者工作。换句话说,汽车可以同时当做会议室来用,老板可能会开始要求员工把通勤时间高效利用起来。
5. 飞行汽车在哪里?
1. taming: 开垦,开辟。
2. Pittsburgh: 匹兹堡,位于宾夕法尼亚州西南部,曾是美国著名的钢铁工业城市,有“世界钢都”之称;Akron: 阿克伦,位于俄亥俄州东北部凯霍加河畔,20世纪20年代初期成为“世界橡胶之都”;Detroit: 底特律,是密歇根州最大的城市,曾经是辉煌的工业城市,有“汽车之城”的美誉。
3. SUV: 全称是Sport Utility Vehicle,即运动型多用汽车。
4. sprawl:(城市)杂乱无序的拓展。
5. exurb: 远郊;white flight: 白人群飞,指为了躲避有色人种,白人如同候鸟群飞一样,纷纷搬到有色人种住不起的郊区;segregation: 种族隔离。
6. Rust Belt: 铁锈地带,指的是美国中西部五大湖附近,传统工业衰退的地区;the Big Three automakers: 三大汽车巨头,此处指通用(General Motors)、福特(Ford)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。
7. doldrums: [复] 停滞,萧条。
8. Tesla: 特斯拉汽车公司(Tesla Motors),是全球豪华智能电动汽车行业的领导品牌之一;Uber: 优步,是一家美国硅谷的科技公司,因旗下同名打车APP而名声大噪;Prius: 普锐斯,是丰田汽车公司生产的一款混合动力车。
9. unbidden: 意想不到的,未经要求的。
10. butler: 管家。
11. Knight Rider:《霹雳游侠》,一部美国科幻电视剧,故事讲述了迈克尔·奈特驾驶着具有高度人工智能的跑车KITT,在罪犯横行于法律之上的世界里帮助那些无辜及无助的人。
12. Waze: 位智,一款社区化地图、路况及导航应用。
13. mesh: 网状物。
14. NHTSA: 即National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,美国高速公路安全管理局。
15. Mercedes-Benz: 梅赛德斯-奔驰,是世界著名的德国汽车品牌。
16. swivel: 旋转。
17. commute: 通勤,上下班。
18. Henry Ford: 亨利·福特(1863—1947),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。
19. prototype: 原型。
20. quadcopter: 四轴飞行器。
21. commercial:(产品)商品化的。
22. Lamborghini: 兰博基尼,是全球顶级跑车品牌及欧洲奢侈品标志之一;Bentley: 宾利,是举世闻名的豪华汽车品牌。