罗勇 齐晓亮 高巍 何宁 郝双户
摘 要:总体介绍了课题研究背景和研究思路,围绕2013年工作任务,总结了取得的技术进步,包括平台的概念设计、整体运动分析、立管设计等 新型的干树半潜浮式生产平台其创新点是把平台的立柱和甲板分开,从而使平台的主要尺度能够根据稳性和运动的优化要求进行独立选型。针对干树生产平台的技术要求,围绕稳性、控制垂荡运动及横、纵摇运动特性,对平台主尺度进行了优选,使其具有良好的稳性,同时又保证其垂向运动的固有频率高于波浪能量频率,并且使波浪力在波浪能量周期内有相对的抵消。
关键词:干树半潜平台 主尺度选型 稳性 垂荡控制 整体运动性能 系泊设计
Abstract: In this report, the research background and research ideas were introduced. The actual research work were carried out around the 2013 work plan:including the global sizing, global performance and the TTR riser design. The concept is based on an innovative solution of separating columns and deck of the semi-submersible platform, so that the key dimensions of the platform can be independently tuned to maintain good stability and desired natural frequencies of the platform in vertical motion. The platform configuration is carefully selected so that its natural frequencies in vertical motion are well above wave energy frequency and wave force cancelation effect is fully utilized in the period of large wave energy. In this way, satisfactory motions can be achieved. Stability of the new platform is analyzed and the results indicate that the stability meets the design code and safety requirements.
Key Words: Dry tree semi-submersible; Main dimension Selection; Stability; Heave Motion; Global Motion performance; Mooring