吴雄斌 林航 朱大勇 赵正予 张兰
摘 要:高频地波雷达海洋环境监测技术在国家863计划持续支持下已形成较为完整的自主知识产权体系,并已开始了产业化进程。随着国家海洋资源开发、生态与环境保护、防灾减灾以及国防战略等需求的日益增长,一方面要求提高雷达对沿岸海洋要素探测的精细化程度,另一方面也要求显著提升雷达对远海的探测能力,突破地波雷达目前仅能沿海岸线布设的模式。该项目研制并建设成一个分布式高频超视距雷达海洋环境监测示范网,它由一部浮标式高频地波雷达、三部具有“多发多收”工作模式的双/多频岸基高频地波雷达和一个高频天波发射站构成,通过卫星同步组成可协同工作的天-地波综合海洋环境探测网。实现近岸200 km精细化观测、岸基350 km探测、浮标式高频地波雷达条件下远至离岸1 000 km范围(涵盖日本附近、台湾以东的远海)海洋表面动力学要素信息的快速获取。开展规范化比测试验,推动高频超视距雷达风、浪、流探测尤其是对灾害性海洋天气和海上环境事故的监测进入业务化运行水平,为我国大面积海洋环境监测提供新型骨干设备。
关键词:高频地波雷达 天波 电离层干扰抑制 同步组网
Abstract: With the continuous support of Chinese High-Technology 863 Plan Project, marine environment monitoring technology by HF radar has formed a complete intellectual property system, and has begun the process of industrialization. Along with the development of marine resources, ecological and environmental protection, disaster prevention and mitigation strategies as well as the growing demand for defense, On one hand the precision of coastal ocean detection element should be enhanced, on the other hand, it also requires significantly improvement in distinct detection, to break though the pattern of coastal detection. This projects aims to establish a distributed over-horizontal high frequency surface wave radar (HFSWR) networks to monitor the ocean environments. It is made up of three land-based HFSWR systems working at two or more frequencies; the radars can also receive the radar echoes of other two radars. A high frequency sky wave transmitter is also synchronized by satellite to work together with the HFSWR to establish the integrated ocean environment monitoring network.This project also aims to achieve fine observation within 200 km off the coastline, and effective detection within 350 km. To carry out a standardized measurement test and to improve the accuracy of wind, wave and current measurements of HFSWR. And supply a key equipment for large area of the marine environment monitoring in China
Key Words: High frequency Surface Wave Radar; Skywave; Ionosphere Interference Suppression; Synchronous