Overseas Acquisitons China Newsweek August 1

2016-05-14 16:25

Zhejiang Province in east china has 308 listed companies, making it second only to Guangdong Province. however, overreliance on low-end manufacturing industries, low-cost labor and resources, and traditional business models has hindered the development of its economy.

overseas acquisitions represent a viable way to bring about industrial transformation in Zhejiang. From 2010 to 2015, the number of overseas acquisitions increased from seven to 18 every year and their value increased from 237 million yuan ($35.7 million) to 3.24 billion yuan ($488.7 million).

however, Zhejiangs overseas acquisition remains at a preliminary stage. Many local companies that would like to take this path lack clear, long-term plans and have insufficient understanding of the rules governing overseas acquisitions.

the government should provide guidance as well as incentive policies to assist and encourage local companies. through overseas acquisitions, Zhejiang can form an industrial structure characterized by high-end manufacturing and modern services.

Western Suspicion Global Times August 13

the Australian Government recently rejected two chinese companies $7.7-billion bid for its largest electricity network, Ausgrid, citing national security concerns. this is the latest case of western countries blocking chinese companies attempts to acquire their companies.

As chinas bidding power grows, some western countries are becoming economically defensive. they feel insecure in many areas, which is out of proportion with the advantages they still hold.

some of the western countries insecurities may be their true feelings. others are just excuses for trade protectionism. some western countries have different prejudices against chinese companies.

chinese companies can resort to economic and legal measures to protect their rights when their acquisition bids are blocked. the government can also help the enterprises solve their problems. Many western countries are short of capital. As long as chinas strong investment momentum continues, the benefits of Chinese investment will overcome Western suspicions.

in future, as chinas development continues, chinese capital will have a presence in foreign countries and vice versa. such exchanges will eventually reach a balance.

Belt And Road Gains Momentum Outlook Weekly August 8

it has been three years since china put forward the Belt and Road initiative. More than 70 countries and international and regional organizations have shown their interest in participating in it. to date, 34 have inked deals with china. An interconnected transportation network has taken shape, while people-to-people exchanges have improved.

A number of new economic corridors, such as the china-Pakistan economic corridor, are emerging. Moreover, as of the end of June, international cargo trains had made 1,881 trips between china and europe, linking 10 chinese cities and seven foreign countries along the silk Road economic Belt.

in 2015, the trade volume between china and other countries taking part in the Belt and Road initiative amounted to $1 trillion. By the end of June, 46 cooperation zones had been established by china in 17 countries involved in the initiative. chinese enterprises invested more than $14 billion in these zones, creating 60,000 jobs for locals.

As wang yi, chinas Foreign Minister, said in his speech at the 17th lanting Forum on August 6, although the Belt and Road initiative was proposed by china, the opportunities it brings are shared by the world.

Idle Theaters Oriental Outlook August 18

there are more than 2,200 performance venues in china, including some 1,000 professional theaters, according to the Beijing-based daolue cultural industry Research center. however, 72 percent of the theaters see fewer than 30 performances per year.

in china, many theaters are invested in by the government, which often looks for independent companies to carry out the construction. But some of these companies arent familiar with the function of theaters. As a result, the design of a theater may not meet users requirements. if problems surface once the construction is finished, undertaking renovations often costs a large amount of money.

Private troupes dont have the capability of constructing their own theaters, at least for now. the rent keeps rising. As a result, the troupes have to hike the ticket price to cover the rent. this, however, can lead to a decline in the number of theatergoers.

some experts in china think the best way is for the government to provide subsidies while the operation is left to the market. the more the government assigns tasks to theaters, the more the subsidy should be. this is actually aimed at benefiting the audience by lowering ticket prices. Many experts argue that theaters are places for the public to become more literate and thus should be treated as a public service.