The “beach read” has become such a ubiquitous concept in contemporary literature that we assume it has always been around.2 In fact, the term only emerged in the 1990s, usually in book trade publications such as Booklist and Publishers Weekly.3 It was only around the middle of the decade that it migrated into the general lexicon and became something literary journalists began using.4
Its hard to pinpoint the first usage, but the summer of 1990 is when many writers began, which leads me to believe that somewhere out there is a canny book publicist sitting on the fact that he or she coined the term for a release that summer.5
Vacation reading is not a new concept. Ever since the 19th century, when novels were considered relatively sinful indulgences,6 leisure and fiction-reading have been closely associated. But it was not until the wide popularization of paperbacks in America in the middle of the last century that you began to see the beach so closely entwined with a page-turning thriller.7
Now the term is so ubiquitous that its definitions are a point of contention8. Many people, Ive noticed by informally polling friends, are prone to distinguishing a beach read by genre.9 Some people thought all thrillers are beach reads; others thought all romances10 are. Some people thought only mass market paperbacks are eligible11 for beach read standards.
Some thought a beach read must somehow incorporate summer or a vacation into the plot.12 Others thought it should be more escapist13 than that. Still others thought that the beach read was a way to designate14 the one summer bestseller that everyone was going to read. Gone Girl came up a lot.15 And still others thought the concept is gendered16, that books marketed to women are more prone to being called beach reads. This is perhaps true, but in a survey of the literature, as it were, I found it applied to plenty of male books, and in particular those written by James Patterson17.
Still, the essence of the beach read, most could agree, was more of a mood than anything else: attached to vacation, the book shouldnt have any really weighty themes or social significance.18 It should be enjoyable and easy, with brisk pace and simple diction.19 An element of fantasy is generally involved.
Above all, the reader shouldnt feel theyre doing intellectual work. Its all right if the beach read is a tearjerker, a bone-chiller or an adrenaline pumper: what it must never, ever be is something that gets the old neurons firing.20
“Seriousness” tends to be in the eye of the beholder.21 It takes skill to write appealing, enjoyable, accessible fiction,22 too, as most commercial novelists will insist to their dying day.
But perhaps there is room for more definition creep23. More than a few highly regarded things have been called beach reads over the years. Literary novelists who have a strong handle on plot are often characterized as good vacation reads, because they manage to transport you elsewhere, away from the petty facts of ordinary life.24
Thats what people want in a vacation, after all, and while reading a book about Brooklyn might not quite hold the bragging rights of, say, spending a week in Bora Bora, there is an equal element of escape here.25 So dont judge those beach reads on first impressions—or then again, maybe you should.
1. reassess: 重新评价。
2. ubiquitous: 普遍存在的,无处不在的;contemporary: 当代的,现代的。
3. emerge: 出现;publication: 出版物。
4. migrate: 迁移,迁徙;lexicon: (某一语言、领域等的)词汇;literary: 书面的。
5. pinpoint: 确切地解释(或找出); canny: 精明的;publicist: 广告人员,宣传人员;coin: 编造,杜撰(新词语);release: 发行,发布。
6. sinful: 有罪的,可耻的;indulgence: 沉迷,嗜好。
7. paperback: 简装书,平装书;entwine: 使紧密相连;thriller: 惊悚小说。
8. contention: 争论。
9. poll: 对……进行民意测验;be prone to: 有……倾向的;genre: 类型,体裁。
10. romance: 言情作品。
11. eligible: 符合条件的,合格的。
12. incorporate: 纳入,并入;plot: 情节。
13. escapist: 逃避现实的。
14. designate: 表示,代表。
15. Gone Girl:《消失的爱人》,美国作家吉莉安·弗琳(Gillian Flynn)的作品,出版于2012年,连续八周位居《纽约时报》畅销书榜首,并于2014年被改编成电影,由大卫·芬奇执导,大获好评;come up: 出现。
16. gendered: 依照性别而分类的。
17. James Patterson: 詹姆斯·帕特森(1947年— ),美国惊悚推理小说作家,被誉为美国惊悚推理小说天王,代表作《亚历克斯·克洛斯》系列(the Alex Cross series)。
18. 多数人仍然认为,海滩阅读的本质在于心情,这点胜于一切:与度假相关的书本就不该承载特别严肃的主题或是社会意义。essence: 实质,本质;attach to: 与……相关联;weighty: 重要的,严肃的。
19. brisk: 轻快的,活泼的;diction: 措辞,用字。
20. tearjerker: 催人泪下的故事;bone-chiller: 令人毛骨悚然的(书);adrenaline pumper: 激发肾上腺素的(书);neuron: 神经元,神经细胞。
21. 对于“严肃”作品的定义,实则仁者见仁智者见智。 beholder: 此处指读书的人。
22. appealing: 吸引人的,有感染力的;accessible:(艺术、音乐、文学等)易懂的。
23. creep: n. 渐变。
24. 对故事情节驾驭自如的文学小说家通常会写出好的度假读物,因为他们能够带你走进另一个地方,远离日常生活的琐事和烦扰。petty: 琐碎的,微不足道的。
25. 毕竟,这才是人们在度假时所需要的,尽管阅读一本关于布鲁克林的书并没有比去波拉波拉岛度假一周更具有炫耀的资本,但是这也起到了同样的逃离作用。brag: 炫耀;Bora Bora: 波拉波拉岛,位于南太平洋,是社会群岛最美的岛屿之一。