
2016-05-12 09:53:05张婷ZhangTing曹宇光CaoYuguang
艺术交流 2016年4期

文张婷 Zhang Ting 译曹宇光 Cao Yuguang


文张婷 Zhang Ting 译曹宇光 Cao Yuguang

Self-identi fi cation in Dramas——Impression of the 4thWuzhen Theatre Festival











《赌徒》剧照 Stage Photo of the play Der Spieler

《妈妈的诗》剧照 Stage Photo of the play Mother Earth



与剧中人“同呼吸”,甚至无需过多语言,来自俄罗斯的《妈妈的诗》和法国的《那些人》无疑都做到了这一点。前者的中英文标题看似迥异——中文是《妈妈的诗》;英文mother earth直译则是“大地之母”;两者却都强调了“母亲”之于俄罗斯民族的重要意义。作品改编自钦吉斯·艾特马托夫同名小说,故事从夏日清晨,身着白衣的姑娘一边在田间劳作,一边与一身黑衣的“大地母亲”对话开始;秋收时,她爱上了一个年轻的工人,两人畅想着共度一生的未来;不久后,这对年轻夫妇成了三个孩子的父母,他们一同在田野耕作、阖家欢乐;大儿子遇到了一位好姑娘,双双坠入爱河、喜结连理。随后战争的消息传来,大儿子入伍,与爱人分别;父亲、二儿子、小儿子也都相继入伍,冬天,一切被冰雪覆盖,母亲收到了丈夫和儿子们的死讯;她到田野质问“大地母亲”,为什么会有战争、死亡与恐惧,“大地母亲”告诉她:她的儿媳正孕育着一个新生命;而儿媳又在生产时去世,结尾,母亲独自带着这个新生的婴儿生活下去……

在演出“大地母亲”一角的大提琴家奥尔加·德明娜的伴奏之下,一家人在田间旋转、舞动,别具俄罗斯风格的跳跃腾挪带来的欢悦;婚礼狂欢时舞台上方突然洒下数百颗子弹的恐怖;用黑布分别兜住大儿子和儿媳,往不同的方向拉扯的“生离死别”;儿媳怀胎十月,仅仅用她站在长桌上,边走边一个个捡起石块装进衣裙进行演绎。作品以行云流水的肢体动作和去繁就简的象征表达,完全超越语言,让人体味到诗意不只在远方;而剧中仅有的一句台词——二儿子入伍前,在火车站边挥舞着帽子边不断喊出的“MаMа ”,能打动的,想必不仅是“战斗民族”。


对于今年戏剧节的主题“眺”,孟京辉还想多说两句:“如果你真想眺望的话,那一定得准备好——得有能力跳起来,不会崴脚、不会摔着,还要有眺望的眼光和视野,更要有一颗美好的心。”从日常的烦冗中,跳脱到戏里;在戏里,看见自己,或许能重遇过往欢欣,或许能自省当下迷惘,或许能远眺前路光亮。Is it possible that a drama turns out to be more wonderful than life? The predestined carnival colliding with unexpected death might be far more dramatic than any theatre play. When talking about the 4thWuzhen Theatre Festival (WTF) at the very beginning, Meng Jinghui, art supervisor of WTF who once said“besides elegance and ecstasy, this session of WTF is expected to be more profound in criticism and thinking”, was too astonished to regain peace in mind at the news that Italian playwright Dario Fo passed away at Milan.

The perfect combination of ecstasy and reflection is the most touching part of Dario Fo’s works. In 1997 he was awarded with Nobel Prize in Literature. The Jury praised him as a writer "who emulates the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden" and his works“providing power of humor, enlightenment and multi-perspective observation for readers”. The latest production that Meng Jinghui has dedicated to this session of WTF was the play He Had Two Pistols with White and Black Eyes, whose author was just Dario Fo. Besides acting, those actors took up choreography, lyrics and music composition, live singing and recital. As Meng expressed,“we would like to present an unforgettable performance to pay our homage to this great master”.

Beyond Eyes Vision

“This pair of Dario Fo’s script as well as song and dance is a brand new presentation.” As a senior professional in theatre, Hans-Thies Lehmann, professor of Theatre Studies at Goethe- Universität, Frankfurt am Main, and world renowned theorist from Germany, asserted, “As far as I can see, young audiences from many countries will like such theatre productions and it is no exception at all in Germany”.

Either for audiences or for creators, “young age” has become a main character in WTF. As the opening play, Ghosts 2.0 was a novel re-interpretation of Henrik Ibsen’s classical masterpiece through multi-media by Chinese young theatre director Wang Chong. In this production, four screens were set up on stage to demonstrate the separate situations of the figures. Though it is no longer a rare occasion and has even become a fashion in European arena, we couldn’t help wondering if it was necessary and if it aimed to cater for those young audiences in favor of “four-screen separation”. As Wang Chong admitted, the interaction betweenactors and cameras is intended to reflect the uncontrolled multiintersection effect of Internet as well as the egoist or “selfied”recognition of everyone.

“In face of group ghosts, a pair of eyes can’t see everything”. Such a quote from the poster of Ghosts 2.0 proved to be unexaggerated at all. Obviously, it was not easy to capture every scene over the stage and on those four screens at the same time or to select useful information out of massive amount from this drama.

I’ve No Idea Either

Another outstanding production in WTF was an 280-minutelong drama Der Spieler, adapted from the novel The Gambler by Russian literature master in literature Dostoyevsky. After years of exile in a labor camp in Siberia, he returned home to find his wife dying. Soon after that, both his brother and his best friend fell to early deaths. Devastated and uprooted, he traveled to Germany in an attempt to escape his creditors. In no time, he had gambled away the last of his money as well as the copyrights to all of his books. In urgent need of a cash advance from publisher, he jotted down The Gambler in only 26 days, which was just a literary manifesto of gambling addiction. Frank Castorf, artistic director of the Volksbuhne am Rosa-Luxemburg Platz, began to take up series of Dostoyevsky’s versions on stage in 1999. This time, by means of multi-media image in vision, he divided the stage around a spinning platform into five parts, that is, cinema, playground, hotel room, company office and casino. The casino was surrounded by other four parts, and all that happened within the casino was live broadcast in the cinema like a living roulette. As to the play, the director uttered his understanding, “in a complete loss of control, evil, indulge and agitation, everything is possible, or in other words, meaningless”.

In the wake of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Frank Castorf, born in East Berlin, was invited by Berlin Municipality in 1992 to act as artistic director of the Volksbuhne am Rosa-Luxemburg Platz. In his Berlin accent, this director used to say “I’ve no idea either”in German. In the opening speech for repertory season of 1992, he said, “I’ve no idea what to be developed here. During our days in German Democratic Republic (GDR), we learned about improvisation. I hope that everyone never cares about media, critics or other theatre because we can always find the opponents who delight in others’ trouble. The only thing that matters is the joy of work here”. With such an open mind in artistic creation, thedirector and his peers adopted a cruel way of “Absolute Liberty”so as to fight against actors’ inertia in both physical and spiritual conditions and to stimulate their creativity. As the director said, “art calls for insanity, and in the current society, extreme requirement only applies to athletes because most artists are drunken in self-content”. In the play Der Spieler, all the actors and actresses presented over 4 hours’ acting with quantities of lines. However, the subtitle never confined their improvised acting and all the audiences regarded them as one of the best actors and athletes in Olympic spirits.

Such presentation can be understood as the director’s challenge-“Drama is far beyond mere enjoyment” against audiences’ inertia as well. Some indications of the current international politics such as the line “Europe, land of God’s miracle, is broken, while Asia might be our way out” or the varied national identities from UK, France, Germany and Russia made us think over and again. In the opinion of Hans-Thies Lehmann, the director’s feature of “a disappointed person from GDR” had inevitably brought his own personal experience into theatre creation. “Is watching Castorf’s drama a kind of enjoyment? Or is watching drama enjoyment? It’s a good question worth thinking about. I have to admit that almost half of Castorf’s drama is beyond my comprehension because his detailed analysis and arrangement in Dostoyevsky’s script is often beyond audiences’ preparedness. Nevertheless, it is more important for audiences to make personal connections with the drama. Never be afraid that you may fail to understand the plot, but feel about it and try to understand while sharing the same air with those characters”.

“Share the Same Air”

Language seems to be unnecessary so long as audiences can share the same air with the characters in a drama. Undoubtedly, the two dramas Mother Earth from Russia and Those People from France were just the cases. Russian drama Mother Earth was adapted from Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel. Though Chinese version of the title (literally Mother’s Poem) is a bit different, the significance of “Mother” to Russian people is stressed as well. The story started on an early morning in summer when a young girl in white had a conversation with “Mother Earth” while working in the field. During harvest time, she fell in love with a young worker and this couple dreamt of their future happiness. Soon they became parents of three sons—the Senior, the Middle and the Junior. They worked in the field together and enjoyed family happiness. The Senior met a nice girl and they soon got married. Afterwards, the terrible news came that a war broke out. The Senior joined the army, and soon the Middle, the Junior and the Father followed. When winter froze the field with snow, the deaths of the Father and three sons came to the Mother who then? asked “Mother Earth” why such bad things as war, death and fear were still allowed. Mother Earth replied that the Daughter-in-Law was expecting a baby. However, the Daughter-in-Law died after giving birth to a baby. In the end, the Mother struggled alone with this new life.

In the accompaniment by cellist Olga Demina as “Mother Earth”, the whole family swirled in dance and their distinct movement in Russian style indicated their joy, the sudden falling of hundreds of bullets during the wedding carnival brought about terror and the Senior and the Daughter-in-Law were wrapped by dark cloth and forced apart by death. The Daughter-in-Law’s simple act of picking stones one after another into the skirt while walking along a long table implied the boring process of pregnancy. Such fluent motion and gesture as well as explicit expression of symbolism, totally without language, brought audiences into a poetic romance. The Middle Son’s cry of “mama” before he got on the military train, as the only line in the whole play, aroused a universal touching sense among the audiences’ hearts regardless of nationality.

On a stage without scenery, a man and a woman came with a cart within which they had all their belongings and children. Then they took everything out of the cart one by one and set up a most simple house in the open air. The actor and the actress skillfully worked the puppets as their son and daughter who were curious, naughty and full of imagination. They learnt to walk and began to grow up. The threats from hunger and stranger made them annoyed and yet more close to each other as a complete family.“Never get lost or separated. Even if one leads a poor and hard life, the family reunion is always happiness.” Françoise Glière, the director of the drama Those People, explained about this short play. Together with two actors Fabrice Rumier and Claudia Urrutia, she managed the plot and all the props, and even “invented” a unique language. Except for a few lines of conversation in French, the rest of the expression was realized in this special language. Along with the Mother’s melody that sounded sometimes brisk, sometimes somber and sometimes magical, this particular expression impressed most audiences. As the actress Claudia Urrutia who came from Chile introduced during the interview after the show, the melody was inspired from French Chanson and Anglo Ballad. The particular song she hymned to get children into sleep was just the traditional cradle song of Chile.

As to the theme word “Gaze Beyond”, Meng Jinghui had more to say, “if you really want to gaze beyond, you must be wellprepared so as not to get twisted or have a fall. Moreover, you must have long vision and beautiful mind”. Indeed, when one jumps out of daily chores into drama, he or she can achieve selfidentification. Maybe we can recollect the joy in the past, see through the current mist, and find a promising future.

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