Control of Adverse Environmental Impact Greenhouse Gas-CO2

2016-05-09 02:49:50SIVAKUMARTIANYuLEILeiWANGLi
沈阳化工大学学报 2016年1期


(1.University of Wollongong,Wollongong 2500,Australia; 3.Shenyang University of Chemical Technology,

Shenyang 110142, China; 3.Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China)

Control of Adverse Environmental Impact Greenhouse Gas-CO2


(1.University of Wollongong,Wollongong 2500,Australia;3.Shenyang University of Chemical Technology,

Shenyang 110142, China;3.Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China)

Abstract:CO2 was widely concerned as one of the adverse impacted greenhouse gases in the natural environment,and its control techniques were developed so fast.Here the data mining method was used to review the development of greenhouse gas-CO2,technologies.The control techniques included energy options,such as the capture and storage of CO2,and its biological sequestration and utilization.It was also pointed out that the problems of carbon dioxide control techniques existed,and the new systemic and integrated methodologies needed to explore,and the effective processes were identified and isolated in the future.

Key words:greenhouse gases;environmental impacts;control techniques;CO2

CLC number:X511Document code:A

To control and reduce CO2emission green energy-related techniques have improved,and long-term economic impacts concerned,the multi control techniques were development and updated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.The effect of green house gases,including carbon dioxide in the nature process,possibly made the life on the earth.However,since the beginning of industrialization,concentrations of the greenhouse gases,particularly CO2,have increased substantially[1].The problem is be raising by that human activities have increased the atmospheric concentration of these gases well beyond their natural levels,and have produced new greenhouse gases,such as CFCs.The greenhouse gases are throwing the natural climatic systems in turn and out off balance.The lives on the earth is gradually endangered by the greenhouse gases.Fortunately,the effective controlling techniques are being investigated and the human known is arousing in which plan to reduce,stabilize and even remove carbon dioxide emission to 50 % bellow by 2030[2].Here the update controlling techniques are discussed about how to remove one of greenhouse gases carbon dioxide from the stack gases and atmosphere.

1Greenhouse Gases and Its Environmental Impacts

Greenhouse effects affect the global environment when the emissions of greenhouse gases are not limited by any means.Their effects are included as follow:

(1) Temperature changing

The IPCC estimated that the global mean temperature will increase between 1.5 ℃ and 4.5 ℃,if the best estimate is about 2.5 ℃,by 2100,relative to pre-industrial(late 19th-century),based on the greenhouse gases(GHGs) emits with the range of different scenarios of fossil fuel using and other activties.The magnitudes of adverse impact on climate are still quite uncertain though atmospheric aerosols and atmospheric CO2concentrations exceed 300×10-6appears to exert the cooling effect[3].

(2) Sea level rising and its adverse impacts

The surface ocean waters arise to expand and occupy more volume of ocean basin,when the global temperature increase.The rising sea levels were caused due to that the ice melt in polar and mountains glacier and ice sheets.The IPCC′s mid-range projections of future sea level rise are for an increase of 20 cm by 2050 and 49 cm by 2100[4].

The arising sea water level(SLR) results in the inundation of coastal lands and the most obvious regional(as well as global) impact.Because the climate change leads to hundreds of meters and many kilometers of shoreline inundation,the tens of centimeters of SLR may result in rising.The problems of inundation also affect the coastal regions,and one estimate suggests that a one-meter rise in sea level would be inundated in the plains of the Lower Liao and Pearl Rivers,and the North and East China coasts,92 000 square kilometers,and affecting 65 cities and a population of 67 million people[5].

(3) Precipitation and severity climate changing

The model predictions show slight increases in precipitation(zero to 20 percent) both summer and winter in the East Asian Seas regions if the atmospheric CO2concentration is doubled,but there is likely to be a large variation of changes in different areas in the future[3].Some areas where the climate has changed may receive more rain than now,and some less.Storms and floods Change severely and soil erosion exacerbate by storms and floods as well as the time and amount of water discharged by rivers could have a devastating affect on both ecosystems and the dense human populations of coastal and river areas.For island areas of the region,the effect may include an increase in the frequency of hurricanes and typhoons.The regions already experience them.The additional island and mainland areas adversely affect,and a widening or shift in the belts of such storms.

(4) Adverse impacts for ecosystem

The plant growth conditions would be changed when the climate-related changes discussed above,and thus the distribution of ecosystems,precipitation,and animal pests and diseases be changed as well,including forest in the susceptibility of plants and animals to these maladies.The climate would affected the ocean productivity due to temperature change.

(5) Other exacerbating conflicts from greenhouse gases

The cross-border migration would be accelerated due to pressure on agricultural resources and accelerated desertification because of the climate change.Higher temperatures would likely lead to increased use of air conditioning,which would lead to higher fuel consumption for electricity generation,and higher emissions of local and regional air pollutants.Salinization of estuaries would affect the yields of ocean products for all countries,possibly exacerbating conflicts over maritime resources.Climate change impacts may increase the human and economic costs of natural disasters.Greenhouse gas-CO2emission from the bush fire last year also causes the climate change which rainfall reduced significantly around Sydney and has affected farmer life because of the brought(Fig.1)[3-4].

Fig.1 Carbon cycle and global temperature change

2CO2Control Technologies and Its Utilization

The increase of the CO2content aroused the climate change,such as the global warming in the atmosphere.In the early last century,some philosophers had realized the problems.But the studies of controlling CO2were recently begun and CO2is seen as the greenhouse gas.The studies conclude:firstly,utilization of lower carbon dioxide content fuels,development of renewable energy without carbon were taken as new energy technologies to reduce the greenhouse gases emission during the energy producing.Secondly,capture the greenhouse gases emitted.Then,storage or utilize the greenhouse gases captured.The biological fixing technologies were revived alone for the special use of biological system during natural ecological balance.

2.1CO2Controlling Via Energy Strategies

Greenhouse gases,such as carbon dioxide,can effectively be controlled by energy strategies.Australia is becoming one of the largest countries to employ sustainable energy in the world.Energy strategies include for controlling Greenhouse gases as below:

(1) Lower carbon dioxide content fuels

The relative emissions of gas,oil and coal per unit heat released are 1.0,1.4 and 1.8,respectively.Switch to natural gas would appear to be an option to reduce emission and many countries,such as China,are seeking to expend their gas use[6].

(2) New and renewable energy technologies

There are many advanced technologies,such as the advanced battery electric power storage system,fuel cell power generation technology,super heat pump energy accumulation system,the plasma assisted reforming of greenhouse gases,coal combustion with flue gas re-circulation,hydrogen turbine systems,the use of recycled systems in an integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC),integrated energy systems based on utilization of hydrogen and methanol fuels as well as a number of novel cycles aiming for zero greenhouse gas emissions[7-9].Renewable energy currently contributes about 60 % of total energy consumption in Africa,40 % in Latin America and 20 % in the Asia/Pacific region.The theoretical total of renewable energy resources is greater than the requirements of many developing countries.Wind,solar and biomass are also well suited to rural development.Hydropower and geothermal energy play a significant role in countries where they are available[6-8].Real practically works of renewable energy used have been done in Australia and China as well.

2.2CO2Separate and Capture

To reduce the greenhouse gases emission,carbon dioxide needs to separate from the fuel gases.After separating CO2is storaged.Concluding,the CO2from the stack gases with low CO2content is absorpted by chemical solvent,and then product with the high grade,physical solvent absorption for the adverse conditions.The membrane separation and membrane absorption are used as the chemical absorption,physical-chemical absorption,compactness,cooling,compactness-cooling for the mixture gases to high CO2concentration.The latest research includes improvements to conventional separation systems,the novel sol-gel inorganic membranes,polyimide membranes,sterically hindered amines,electro-chemical separations,and developments in adsorption systems[10-11].

2.3CO2Storage Technologies

(1) CO2sequestration and transportation

The captured CO2to pump CO2from a land-based collection center through a long pipeline laying on the ocean floor is one of the options for transporting and disposing.Another one is oceanic tanker transport of liquid CO2to an offshore floating platform on a barge for vertical injection to the ocean floor.Future work will focus on injection at depths of 3 000 meters or more to avoid adverse environmental impacts[12].

(2) Sequential carbon dioxide removal and sequestration

The unique system for removing and sequestering CO2is developed by using coal seams.Northwest Fuel Development,Inc.(NW Fuel) used to inject power plant flue gas into abandoned coal mines and using the residual coal in the mines to filter out and retain the carbon dioxide.Reducing the pressure in the underground mines would release the concentrated carbon dioxide,allowing it to be compressed and injected into underlying deep unmineable coal seams[13].

(3) CO2disposal in saline aquifer

The projects is developed that a database of saline aquifers where geological conditions promote the greatest probability of success of CO2sequestration in the U.S.The saline aquifers have great potential for the long-term sequestration of greenhouse gas emissions including CO2.Standard techniques for hydrocarbon exploration and development,such as reservoir characterization and geological formation analysis are being used to make these predictions.Oil and gas reservoirs have the advantage of known geology,and provide to contain in the seal store.They are an immediately available option.

2.4Carbon Dioxide Utilization

The carbon dioxide captured is able to utilize commercially.The capital used for other disposing methods can be saved,and many useful products can be manufactured.Income from selling the products would help offset the cost of capturing CO2.The utilizations include:

(1) CO2using as chemicals

CO2as a supercritical fluid has used to separate natural products from plants and animals[14].It will also cover the reforming of methane,methanol synthesis,hydrogen production,photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation,carbonate formation,and synthesis of a number of valuable polymeric compounds derived from carbon dioxide[15].

(2) Petroleum production enhancement

The largest potential utilization of carbon dioxide is the enhance oil recovery.The carbon dioxide had employed commercially in a number of oil fields[16-17].

(3) Growing algae and plants

Carbon dioxide can be used directly to grow algae in order to make bio-fuels,and growing plants can produce the liquid fuels.IT might be viable but only in certain locations.Indirect use such as short-rotation cropping of trees,and produce wood chip fuel.The carbon dioxide is attractive in some countries.

3CO2Utilization by Using Biological Sequestration

3.1Forestry Storage of CO2

The halophytes represent salt tolerant species of plants as an alternative of reforestation,and they inhabit the 7×106km2where make up the coastal inland salt deserts and the irrigated salt marshes of the world.Land areas that are potentially available for a carbon dioxide mitigation strategy using salt tolerant species are 38 % of total[18-19].Potentially,0.6~1.0 gigatons of carbon per year could be sequestered in the fraction of land area that is feasible based on halophyte productivity data.Strategies of major global reforestation and a rapid reduction of deforestation have played an important role in stabilizing atmospheric CO2levels and ameliorate global warming.A global strategy based on halving tropical deforestation and planting the equivalent of 130×106hm2of trees in developing countries,and 40×106hm2in industrial countries,could reduce worldwide carbon dioxide emissions about one quarter of current levels[18-19].

3.2Algae and Microbial Conversation

(1) Photosynthetic process of carbon dioxide

The natural photosynthetic process uses CO2as carbon source.In the marine biotechnology carbon dioxide can be adsorpted to form the organic and inorganic structure in calcareous marine.The algae are grown on large open ocean farms.The inorganic carbon would remain sequestered for long periods presuming that it would sink into the deep ocean to the sea floor rather than organic carbon that would be digested or decomposed by bacteria or grazers.Each spring in the tropical waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans tonnage quantities of calcium carbonate are observed that are designated as “whiting”.Nucleating factors and their relationship to algae sources are being studied.If the mechanism of nucleation can be understood there is a chance that whiting can be precipitated and sequestered at depths in the ocean.Another concept is large-scale,structured macroalgal farms for development in deep water.Conceptual design is studied that demonstrate the technical

feasibility of the system has been performed by Earl and Wright Engineers under EPRI contract[16].

The photosynthesis fixation of CO2was evaluated from stack gases of power plants in another research project.A system was designed featuring shallow microalgal flumes and tumble culture tanks.The culture media was deep ocean water enriched with nutrients essential for algal growth.A utilization efficiency of 96 % of the carbon was obtained.Our group has explored a novel optical fibre bioreactor to remove CO2from the stack gas as the laboratory scale[20-22].

(2) Capture of CO2by microalgae fixation

The CO2capture with microalgae supported on artificial reefs was studied by LSU(Louisiana State University).The supercritical CO2as the novel aspect was used to neutralize the alkaline cement mixture.The cement had a near neutral pH,which allows immediate attachment of pH-sensitive marine microalgae to the artificial reef,after this treatment.There are 20 times more efficient when they attached microalgae and algae beds on reefs and the fixation of CO2compared to algae in the open ocean when considered on an area basis.

(3) Bioscrubber technologies for low cost CO2control

The bioscrubber with a novel algae growing was proposed by MTU(Michigan Technological University),and could be retrofitted to existing power plants or applied to new power plants.By optimizing the photosynthetic conditions for the algae in the scrubber,algae can grow rapidly,consuming CO2and,perhaps,other greenhouse gases.Mature algae will be harvested and processed to produce value-added products and energy.A litho autotrophic microorganism,Ralstonia eutropha H16,was used to produce isobutanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol in an electro-bioreactor using CO2as the sole carbon source and electricity as the sole energy input(Fig.2)[21].

Fig.2 Process of integrated electromicrobial conversion


The severely adverse effects of the greenhouse gas-CO2having aroused for the global environment are gradually recognized,accordingly,people has set to work on controlling the greenhouse gases emission and mitigating the greenhouse gases level.But the studies were begun late,the application of many technologies were limited to some extent,for example,the exiting energy measures have not convert the plan of emission with the low carbon and even without carbon into a fact,capture technologies need high cost,the adverse effects are existing in the storage technologies.Moreover,many technologies are being studied and have many technological problems that need answering,such as culturing effective individual plant in the biological technologies,studying and developing effective membranes and so on.Many of all exiting technologies are isolated during the investigation,a systemic and total controlling system is lacked.We can say,in addition to technological problems that have mentioned above,the thought and method should be innovated.


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Received date:2016-03-15

Foundation itema:This work was supported by the National Science & Technology Support Programs(2015BAB18B01) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51574185)

Biography:SIVAKUMAR K M,born in 1952,male,Australia,professor,Doctor,engaged in research of environmental science and engineering.

Article ID:2095-2198(2016)01-0090-07