
2016-05-02 06:42
空中之家 2016年6期






Such reputations are not only built on fine quality of the natural materials, but more importantly on the creative minds and innovative techniques the local artists carefully apply in respect of nature.

Text by Ge Rufeng&Brooke Yan Translations by Tao Wenjia&Yi Shan& Bianjiajin Photos by Zeng Jian & Yang Zaizi

NIHAO: What is the historical connection between the South Pearl and the Beihai?

Wang: China may be the first country to find and use pearls in the world, and Chinese pearls originated from Hepu in Beihai. The Hepu Port was also one of the earliest ports that was part of the ancient "Marine Silk Road". Pearls as a trading product of this silk road were sold to Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa. The Beihai was once the trade centre of world's pearls.

NIHAO: what kind of environmental aspects contribute to the uniqueness of Beihai South Pearls?

Wang: The South Peal oysters belong to the Pinctada martensii. Beihai has a subtropical climate. Meanwhile, the Beibu Gulf waves are relatively small and the salinity of sea water is perfect for oysters. These natural conditions are very suitable for the growth of Pinctada martensii. In addition, I have to praise the bravery and smartness of the locals. The ancient pearling process was very dangerous. The locals almost exchanged their lives for pearls. They would go out with only a rope on their backs, and no other security measures to dive into the sea, facing the threats of drowning, typhoons and sharks at any time. Thanks to them, the pearl industry developed fast there.

Wang Shiquan ,the inheritor of South Pearl culture王世全 南珠文化传承人

NIHAO :南珠与北海有着怎样的渊源?


NIHAO :什么样的条件成就了北海南珠?


NIHAO :南珠为北海带来了什么样的文化?




NIHAO: What kind of role do the shell carving pictures play in Beihai people's life?

Lin Xiong: Located beside Beibu Gulf, Beihai has a rich supply of maritime resources. The seashells you can find there have incredible colours. In their early history, Beihai people threaded the shells together as decoration, which was considered to give protection from evil spirits. The shells also served as the currency widely used along the ancient maritime Silk Road in countries including Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Later during the Ming and Qing dynasties, Beihai people started to turn the shells into birds and flowers, and imbed them in their furniture. Besides that they later invented a kind of picture made of shells which symboliseed good luck and fortune. The pictures at that time were often used as gifts for weddings and moving into a new house.

NIHAO: Can you introduce to our readers the practice of carving shells?

Lin Xiong: After cutting and burnishing, the artists will stick the processed shells and sea conches onto the surface. It is an art form which uses the cubist vision and the aesthetic sense of Chinese painting that emphasises emptiness. The magic part is that all the colours on the picture are the natural colours of the shells and conches. Therefore the abundance of shells and conches are important for creating this kind of art. Hence, many people take them as gifts for foreign friends and important guests.

NIHAO :贝壳在北海扮演着什么角色?


NIHAO :北海贝雕画是怎样的艺术表现形式?


Lin Xiong,Province lever master林雄,广西壮族自治区工艺美术大师,“北海贝雕”非遗申办人



NIHAO : What kind of cultural and historical features of the people in Beihai are expressed in horn sculptures?

Bai:The practice of horn sculptures has a profound history. In the Palaeolithic Period, people used the horns of animals to make hunting tools; in the Neolithic Age, after being polished, horns were made into earrings, combs, knives and so on. After the Han Dynasty, rhinoceros horn came into China through the Maritime Silk Road for use in the royal courts. Basically, the skills involved in ancient horn sculptures were part of the daily necessities to survive and used to make pipes, drinking vessels, combs etc. Besides the traditional lucky animals and beasts such as the dragon and phoenix, the themes of many sculptures also included fishes, shrimps and ocean waves, which were the local cultural representatives in Beihai. Moreover, some of the horn sculptures were made of buffalo horns, because buffalo horn was believed to counteract evil forces and to keep people safe.

NIHAO : What kind of patterns of expression does the horn sculpture have?

Bai:The local horns are of jade-like colour and ductile nature. After being processed, they can be as fine as hair and as thin as a cicada's wing, which largely improves the further processing of horn sculpture and make them possess the similar mild and gentle nature of jade, and also, the fineness and precision of ivory sculptures.

Bai Yaohua, the inheritor of Hepu Horn Sculpture白耀华,非遗文化“合浦角雕”传承人

NIHAO :角雕凝聚着北海什么样的历史文化内涵?


NIHAO :北海(合浦)角雕多用什么样的表现形式?


北海 美丽的地方
合浦汉墓群 见证汉代的繁荣“海丝”