Come On!与全世界一起奔跑

2016-05-02 08:29
空中之家 2016年6期

Come On!与全世界一起奔跑

Kapok Running Group-an unofficial club of China Southern's runners, started the race with its leader Zou Shangliang at the front.南航长跑爱好者自组团队“木棉跑族”,在团长邹尚亮的带领下冲出起点。

5月15日,首届“阳光南航”马拉松拉开帷幕 ,2000 名南航人全球接力传递正能量。

At 07∶30am on May 15th, the 2016 “Sun Csair”Marathons race, the first company-wide marathon event organised by China Southern, was kicked off by the Huadu Lake in the Huadu District of Guangzhou. More than 2,000 employees of the carrier based in different parts of the world ran concurrently.

A running event held synchronously in 78 cities worldwide


The starting gun for the 2016 “Sun Csair” Marathons was fired as 2,000 China Southerners from around the globe got ready for a race to pass on positive energy.

Text by Wei Chao Translation by Leo Photos by Zeng Jian, Chen Huaqing鸣谢:感谢活动组织者南航股份团委对采访和拍摄的支持


The main event set in Guangzhou included two separate marathon races∶ a 21km half marathon and a 5km mini marathon. About 1,000 employees from China Southern's headquarter offices, branches or subsidiaries across China were part of the run in Guangzhou while a similar event was organised worldwide and synchronously in cities where the air carrier is currently operating. Meanwhile, an online campaign was also launched to create a ranking in which China Southern's global employees joined by sharing snapshots of them on the run and being ranked. About 1,000 employees in 78 cities worldwide, including Beijing, Urumqi, Shenzhen, Dalian, Rome, Los Angeles, London and Frankfurt, registered for the online event and ran for a distance of 3,487 km on an accumulative basis.

I Run, I Shine!


Marco Grilli

Nationality: Italy

Job: Captain of A330

Years working for China

Southern: 4 years

Flight Hours: 13,000

Best Half Marathon Record: 1 hour and 35 mins

Years of Running: 8 years

Motto: Never give up!

姓名 : Marco Grilli

工作:A330 机长


飞行小时数 :13000 小时




A330 Captain: running is like meditation外籍机长:跑步是一种冥想

NIHAO: Why do you like running?

Marco: Because of the physical and mental feeling that running made me experience. When I run and take each breath, my mind and thinking will go slowly and peacefully. Tensions and concerns are released. It's like meditation.

NIHAO: Has running changed anything in your life?

Marco: Yes. My general habits and my nutrition

have changed. You know we Italians love coffee, and I've changed my habit of drinking coffee with sugar. I've given up some social activities for running or sleeping. I pay attention to my diet and health. A typical Italian eats a small breakfast, a medium lunch and a big dinner, but I'm the other way round. I study nutrition and eat what I need for running.

Li Jian

Job: Flight attendant

Years working for China Southern: 4 years

Best Half Marathon Record: 1 hour and 35


Years of Running: 8 years

Motto: Everything will be alright in the end; if not, it is because it hasn't ended yet.








The belle champion: never take

running as something that requires persistence


NIHAO: What lessons have you learnt from running?

Li Jian: Running has made me realise that never should I allow myself to fall into a state of painstaking self-motivation. I would leave what brings me pain behind as quickly as possible. I never take running as something that requires much persistence or effort. For me, it is simply a part of my daily routine. Technically speaking, buying yourself a pair of good running shoes and maintaining a balanced diet, combined with some strength training, is essential to your success. You also need to work to strengthen the muscles in your legs, particularly those around the knees.

Yin Jun

Job: Flight Operations Manager at China

Southern's Los Angeles Office

Years working for China Southern: 12 years

Best Half Marathon Record: 2 hours and 1 min

Years of Running: 2 years

Motto: Keep running, stay healthy.

姓名 : 尹俊

工作 : 北美区域洛杉矶办事处航务经理

在南航工作时间 :12 年

半马成绩 : 2 小时 1 分

跑龄 : 2 年

座右铭 : 不忘初心,方得始终

LA representative: sport is an

essential part of child education


NIHAO: How different is running in LA from running in Guangzhou?

Yin Jun: Los Angeles is a place where rain is rare, so you have most of the days in which you can put on your running shoes. But as it is very dry there, it is easier to dehydrate. So remember to bring enough water as you go out to run. Interestingly, when I run in LA, I often see young American parents run with their kid or kids in a stroller. This shows how passionate the Americans are about sports. They don't give up this passion even if they have kids to take care of. Once I took my son to a mini-marathon race, and after completing a mile, he was very excited. I believe sport is an essential part of education.

Ma Junling (53 year old)

Job: A former employee at China Southern Airlines Guangxi Branch

Years of Running: 9 years

Best Half Marathon Record: 1 hour, 56 mins and 5 seconds

Motto: Sport makes me happy and healthy!

马俊玲 53 岁

工作 : 南航广西分公司(已退休)

半马成绩:1小时 56分05 秒


座右铭 : 我运动,我快乐,我运动,我健康!

A retired female employee: life can be so beautiful when you run


NIHAO: Do you have any story to share in relation to running?

Ma Yunling: Several years ago, I was seriously hurt in a bike accident. My husband persuaded me to take up running, starting with 3 km, despite my pain. Slowly, I increased the range to 20 km. My confidence was greatly boosted when I reached the 20-km mark. Since then, I began to love it and no longer needed push to run. When I crossed the finishing line of the Shanghai International Marathon for the first time, I burst into tears. At the age of 47 and with 7 steel nails in my body, I finally pocketed my first full marathon. I was really proud of myself!
