
2016-04-29 02:23:32
酒店精品 2016年4期


The Garden Court restaurant used to be the courtyard of Palace hotel. Before the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, horse-drawn carriages would come into the building and guests were dropped off here to keep the shoes clean. As part of the reconstruction in 1909, millions of dollars were spent to crown the whole area by a stained-glass dome of height no ordinary restaurant would compare, creating an extraordinary space for the Garden Court.

如今的花园阁餐厅长33.5米,宽26米,可容纳120人落座。餐厅的两端排列希腊式大理石廊柱,开阔的玻璃穹顶之上,十数盏大型奥地利水晶吊灯悬垂而下。2015年酒店翻新,在花园阁餐厅的前端新设了酒廊区域GC Lounge,将现代化的舒适感融入餐厅华丽典雅的氛围。

Measuring 33.5 m long by 26 m wide, the restaurant could accommodate 120 people. Massive Grecian marble Ionic columns spread on both sides, the room is further enhanced by the finest Austrian crystal chandeliers pouring from spacious glass dome. In a renovation project in 2015, a GC Lounge was created at front end to inject a sense of modern comfort to the restaurant' s original elegance.

花园阁餐厅将传统和创新的美食相结合,供应精心制作的旧金山特色佳肴。众所周知,旧金山所产的珍宝蟹已被公认为全球各类螃蟹中味道最鲜,肉质最嫩。在花园阁餐厅就可以品尝到创新的多汁珍宝蟹沙拉,以及西餐经典头盘蟹肉糕。除正餐外,花园阁餐厅也供应品类极为丰富的美式早餐,有名的特色下午茶,以及夜间 GC Lounge的鸡尾酒。

The Garden Court celebrates its traditions and innovative culinary creations to prepare elaborate local dishes, such as the Dungeness Crab in San Francisco well known for its fresh and tender taste. Not to be missed in Garden Court is the succulent Dungeness crab salad and crab cake. The restaurant also offers rich breakfast, famous signature afternoon tea, and cocktails at night in GC lounge.

花園阁餐厅见证了旧金山这座城市的历史。1919 年,伍德罗·威尔逊总统于此举办过两场午宴以支持《凡尔赛公约》。1945 年,庆祝联合国大会开幕的盛大国宴在此举行。旧金山历史上最富创新精神的社会名流,比如托马斯·爱迪生,亨利··福特,都曾是餐厅的座上宾。花园阁餐厅也是众多美国民众订婚、节日聚会、开派对和庆典的理想之所,穿过花园阁餐厅的金色拱门是很多人共同的美好回忆。

Since its debut in 1909, this famed venue had witnessed the history of the city. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson hosted two luncheons here in support of the Versailles Treaty, while the banquet celebrating the opening of the United Nations was held here in 1945. The most creative celebrities in history like Tomas Edison and Henry Ford once were guests here and it holds many memories for those who have passed through its gilded archways. Shared stories of engagements, holiday gatherings, fabulous parties, and fond childhood celebrations make The Garden Court a truly magical place.

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