
2016-04-21 03:21:56
天津美术学院学报 2016年6期


Ma Qiusha: Wonderland


Editor's note:“Who am I?” is a philosophical proposition. The existence of “I” does not refer to the authentic self only, but also the “I”constituted by the invisible symbols based on blood lineage or the “I”confused and hardened in the advance of era. “Where am I going?” is a question about the unknown based on self-identification. No matter where the future is heading, id is there. In this issue, we pay attention to the cross-media art by Ma Qiusha, a young artist born in the 1980s. Her art adopts various forms of expression, such as videos, installations and physical performances, etc. It integrates personal life experiences with life perception. She uses her female sentiments to discuss the feelings between people, the contradictions in the current social functioning scenarios and people’s hesitation and anxiety in their self-cognition in a rapid pace of life. Ma Qiusha’s art has attracted attention in the art circles with its strong sense of substitution, sense of the times and vivid feeling.






Exhibition Link:

Ma Qiusha: Wonderland

Sponsor: Beijing Commune

Exhibition Date: June 25 – August 6, 2016

Venue: Dashanzi 798 Art District, No. 4, Jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing (Beijing Commune)




Beijing Commune is pleased to announce the opening of Ma Qiusha’s fifth solo exhibition “Wonderland” at the gallery on June 15th , 2016. The exhibition will continue until August 6th , 2016.

The exhibition title “Wonderland” derives from a mega-scale amusement park extravagantly built in the 1990s in Changping District, the fringe of Beijing city. Like the Chinese exhibition title “沃德兰”, the park’s Chinese name was a phonetic translation from the English word. Eagerly anticipated at the time, this giant town of spectacles and ambition claimed to be the “world’s largest amusement park”, only to find itself delayed for complex reasons and was eventually quietly demolished after decades of abandonment.

Exhibited in the main hall, the eponymous work Wonderland is a new installation that Ma began working on since last year. Smashed cement slabs of the same model are wrapped in nylon stockings in different shades of nude, then reattached into new blocks. Nude nylon stockings have certainly gone out of fashion today for their poor elasticity and artificial colors, but were once trendy items among Chinese women in 80s and 90s. In the artist’s retrospection of her childhood, nude nylon stockings do not signify idiosyncrasies, but the masking of bodies and their inherent differences. While preparing and producing the work, Ma used clear nail polish to patch the snags and tears on the stockings –the precise way in which Ma’s mother used to fix her stockings in a time far before the ubiquity of overproduction. The body as a both private and collective entity, the memory and texture of an intimate object worn next to the skin, and the aesthetics of a bygone era interweave and meet in this Wonderland that enclothes a large proportion of the exhibition floor.

马秋莎 火星 单频录像 3’53” 2016年 Ma Qiusha, Mars, shingle channel video, 3’53”, edition of 5, 2016


In the same exhibition hall, the three-channel videoAvatarseems to resemble an exquisitely crafted TV commercial: young girls, extricated from old-style nylon stockings, bathe their bikini bodies shimmering with gold powder under the lens. With the Bible, the prayer beads, and sunglasses within reach, everything in this perfect sunny day appears resplendent, lethargic, carefree. As the three synchronized screens come to an end, images on the screen at center continue to play: the lens rotating at high speed presents a scene which brings the audience from a meticulously wrought illusion back to reality.

马秋莎 沃德兰 水泥、尼龙袜、多层板、铁、树脂 980×615cm 2016年 Ma Qiusha, Wonderland,cement, nylon stocking, plywood, iron, resin, 980×615 cm, 2016


In the dark space next to the main hall, a video is projected onto an entire wall. Mars presents the audience with an expanse of fine red sand.A macro lens shows the astonishing texture of red sand particles while aerial shots display sand dunes that show no trace of human activity. This perspective transcends individual experience by depicting the mysterious surface of a celestial body. The huge waves of red sand rolls endlessly like the infinite expanding of the universe. While the exhibition’s Chinese title – a transliteration of the English word “Wanderland” – seems devoid of meaning, it provides a fertile ground for the imagination to roam free. It takes the body’s corporeal existence as the starting point and casts the audience into the midst of a desert which echoes the sound of the universe.



马秋莎 化身 三频录像 4’00” 2015年 Ma Qiusha, Avatar, 3-channel video, 4’00”, edition of 5, 2015

马秋莎出生于1982年,2005年毕业于中央美术学院,2008年毕业于美国阿尔弗雷德大学并获艺术硕士学位,现生活和工作于北京。她的作品曾于英国泰特现代美术馆、荷兰格罗宁根美术馆、土耳其Borusan Contemporary、德国杜塞尔多夫美术馆、德国卡尔斯鲁尔艺术与媒体中心、美国休斯顿当代美术馆、坦帕艺术博物馆、圣彼得斯堡美术馆、橘郡美术馆、俾尔根国际艺术基金会、挪威斯塔万格美术馆、波特兰当代艺术学院、英国华人艺术中心、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、上海民生现代美术馆、OCT当代艺术中心上海馆、中国美术馆和中央美术学院美术馆等多处展出。她近期参加的展览包括莫斯科国际青年艺术家双年展(2015),柏林戴姆勒收藏展(2015),及美国卫斯理大学美术馆群展“WeChat”(2016)等。马秋莎曾获“皮埃尔·于贝尔奖”提名(2014)及“第七届AAC艺术中国-年度青年艺术家”(2013)提名。

Ma Qiusha was born in 1982. She received her BA in Digital Media Art from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2005 and MFA in Electronic Integrated Arts from Alfred University in U.S. in 2008. She currently lives and works in Beijing. As one of the most dynamic figures of the emerging generation in China’s contemporary art community, Ma Qiusha’s art has been widely exhibited across the international art scene. Her works have been shown at Tate Modern, UK; Groninger Museum, the Netherlands; Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Germany; ZKM Center for Art and Media Karsruhe, Germany; Borusan Contemporary, Turkey; Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, U.S.; International Contemporary Art Foundation, Bergen; the Chinese Arts Centre, UK; Stavanger Art Museum, Norway; Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing; Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai; OCAT, Shanghai; National Art Museum of China; and Art Museum of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, etc. Her recent exhibitions include “Moscow International Biennale for Young Art” at Museum of Moscow; group show at Daimler Art Collection and Wesleyan University, etc. She was nominated for the Pierre Huber prize (2014) and “Young Artist of the Year” by Award of Art China (AAC) in 2013.

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