2016-04-18 05:44:08HakhoHONGInstituteofMathematicsAcademyofSciencesKorea

Hakho HONGInstitute of Mathematics,Academy of Sciences,D.P.R.Korea


Hakho HONG
Institute of Mathematics,Academy of Sciences,D.P.R.Korea

AbstractThe zero dissipation limit to the contact discontinuities for one-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations was recently proved for ideal polytropic gas(see Huang et al.[15,22]and Ma[31]),but there is few result for general gases including ideal polytropic gas.We prove that if the solution to the corresponding Euler system of general gas satisfying(1.4)is piecewise constant with a contact discontinuity,then there exist smooth solutions to Navier-Stokes equations which converge to the inviscid solutions at a rate of κ14as the heat-conductivity coeffi cient κ tends to zero.The key is to construct a viscous contact wave of general gas suitable to our proof(see Section 2).Notice that we have no need to restrict the strength of the contact discontinuity to be small.

Key wordszero dissipation limit;Navier-Stokes equations;contact discontinuity;general gas

2010 MR Subject Classi fi cation76N99;35Q30;35L65;74J40

∗Received October 20,2014;revised July 4,2015.

1 Introduction

The one-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations in Lagrangian coordinates are expressed as

where x∈R1=(−∞,∞),t>0,v(x,t)>0,u(x,t),e(x,t)>0,θ(x,t)>0 and p(x,t)are the speci fi c volume,the velocity,the internal energy,the temperature and the pressure,respectively,whileµand κ denote the viscosity and the heat-conductivity coeffi cients respectively.We assume,as usual in thermodynamics,that by using any given two of the fi ve thermodynamical variables(v,p,e,θ and s),the remaining three variables are smooth functions of them,where s is the entropy of the gas.

The second law of thermodynamics asserts that from which,if we choose(v,θ)or(v,s)as independent variables and write(p,e,s)=(p(v,θ),respectively,then we can deduce that


Throughout this paper,the pressure p(v,θ)and the internal energy e(v,θ)are assumed to satisfy

From(1.3)and(1.4)we have

The study of the vanishing viscosity limit of viscous flows is an important problem in the theory of the compressible fluids flows.In the case ofµ=κ=0,the system(1.1)becomes the inviscid Euler system

which is one of the most important nonlinear strictly hyperbolic systems of conservation laws.Since the inviscid system(1.7)is an idealization when the dissipative effects are neglected,it is expected that general weak entropy solutions to the Euler equations should be the limit of solutions to the corresponding Navier-Stokes equations as viscosity and heat conductivity tend to zero.When the solution of the inviscid system is smooth,the zero dissipation limit can beinvestigated through classical scaling method.However,the solutions to the inviscid system(1.7)are,in general,discontinuous like shock and contact wave and their investigation is more complicated.

Indeed,there were great interest and intensive studies on the vanishing viscosity limit of viscous flows.For the case that the solution to the Euler system(1.7)consists of a single shock wave,Ho ff-Liu[13]first investigated the zero dissipation limit for isentropic Navier-Stokes equations and they proved that the solution of the isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with shock data exists and converges to the shock wave solution of the corresponding isentropic Euler equations as the viscosity goes to zero.On the other hand,for the hyperbolic conservation laws with arti fi cial viscosity

Goodman-Xin[11]proposed a matched asymptotic expansion method to study the zero dissipation limit in the presence of shock wave.Later,several authors revealed the rich structure of vanishing viscosity limit of shock waves for the full Navier-Stokes equations and more general viscous conservation laws(see[36,38,43]).As far as rarefaction wave is concerned,Xin in[39]proved that the solution to the isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with weak centered rarefaction wave data exists for all the time and converges to the weak centered rarefaction wave solution of the corresponding Euler equations as viscosity tends to zero.Later,Jiang-Ni-Sun[26]and Xin-Zeng[42]generalized the results of[39]to the full Navier-Stokes equations,provided that the viscosity and heat conductivity are in the same order.Huang and Li in 2012 improved the convergence rate of[39]for the isentropic Navier-Stokes equations.

However,in the case that the solutions to the Euler equations containing contact discontinuity,zero dissipation limit is much more subtle due to various difficulty.Recently,in the case of ideal polytropic gas,Ma[31],Huang-Wang-Yang[22]and Huang-Jiang-Wang[15]proved the zero dissipation limit toward contact discontinuity for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations.Moreover,Huang-Wang-Yang[22]and Huang-Jiang-Wang[15]showed the zero dissipation limit to the superposition of two rarefaction waves and contact discontinuity for compressible Navier-Stokes equations,but there is few result for the zero dissipation limit toward contact discontinuity in the case of general gases including ideal polytropic gas which is the target of this paper.The precise statement of our result will be found in Theorem 2.5 of next section.

Just recently,Huang-Wang-Yang in[23]proved the vanishing viscosity limit to the superposition of shock and rarefaction waves for compressible Navier-Stokes equations.

Recently,Chen-Perepelitsa[4]proved the convergence of the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations to the compressible Euler equations as the viscosity vanishes in Eulerian coordinates for general initial data by using compensated compactness method if the far field does not contain vacuum.Note that this result allows the initial data containing vacuum in the interior domain.However,the framework of compensated compactness is basically limited to 2×2 systems so far,so that this result could not be applied to the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations

We also mention that there are a lot of extensive literature on the vanishing arti fi cial viscosity limit for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws(see,for example,[2,3,6,7,12,28,29,34,40,41]and the references therein).For the stability of wave pattern of viscousconservation laws,see the reference[10,18,19,25,30,32,33,35]and therein.

NotationThroughout the rest of this paper,O(1),c or C will be used to denote a generic positive constant independent of t and x and ci(·,·)or Ci(·,·)(i∈Z+)stands for some generic constants depending only on the quantities listed in the parentheses.As long as no confusion arises,denotes the usual Sobolev space with norm‖·‖Hkby Hk:=Hk(R1)and‖·‖H0=‖·‖will be used to denote the usual L2-norm.Finally,‖·‖Lpand·dx are used to denote‖·‖Lp(R1)andR1·dx,respectively.

2 Viscous Contact Wave and Main Theorem

We first construct a viscous contact wave(V,U,Θ)for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations(1.1)in the case of general gases satisfying(1.4).

By using(1.2),we can rewrite(1.1)3as the equations for the entropy s and the temperature θ

It is well known that the Riemann problem to the corresponding Euler system(1.7)with the Riemann initial data

admits a contact discontinuity

provided that

Motivated by(2.3),we expect

Since pv(v,θ)<0,the implicit function theorem implies that there exists a smooth function f(Θ)such that

in a small neighborhood N of Θ(see[24]).From(2.4)and(2.5),we have

where pθ(Θ)=pθ(f(Θ),Θ)and pv(Θ)=pv(f(Θ),Θ).By(2.4),(1.1)1and(2.1)2,we can conjecture that(V,U,Θ)satisfies

where eθ(Θ)=eθ(f(Θ),Θ)>0.

Having in mind(2.5)-(2.7),we consider a nonlinear di ff usion equation

Lemma 2.1Under assumptions(2.3)and(1.4),there is a smooth unique self-similarity solutionof problem(2.8)satisfying the following properties:on one hand,is a monotone function,increasing if θ+>θ−and decreasing if θ−>θ+;on the other hand,satisfies


ˆΘ(ξ),ξ∈(−∞,∞)satis fies the boundary value problem of the following ordinary differential equation

By the same method in[1,9],system(2.12)admits a unique self-similarity solutionsatisfying the following properties:on one hand,is a monotone function,increasing ifand decreasing ifon the other hand,Θ satisfies


Note thatΛκ(x,t)dx=1 and(V,U,Θ)(±∞,t)=(v±,u±,θ±).

Remark 2.2For ideal polytropic gas,the pressure p and the internal energy e are given by

where R>0 is the gas constant and γ>1 is the adiabatic exponent.Therefore,the function f in(2.5)and g in(2.8)are

respectively.This implies thatand(2.14)becomes

which means the viscous contact wave in the case of ideal polytropic gas,whereis a unique self-similarity solution to the nonlinear di ff usion equation

It is easy to check the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3Under assumptions(2.3)and(1.4),the viscous contact wave(V,U,Θ)de fined by(2.14)satisfies



For a given positive constant κ0,we set

where c is a positive constant.

Then our result can be stated as follows:

Then,for any arbitrary large T>0,there exist a small positive constant κ0such that for eachκ∈∆(κ0),the compressible Navier-Stokes equations(1.1)with initial data

admit a unique global solution(v,u,θ)satisfying

and for any h>0,

3 Reformulation of the Problem

Instead of equation(2.16)3,it is convenient to work with the equations for the entropy s(V,Θ)and the temperature Θ

We rewrite the Cauchy problem(1.1)1,(1.1)2,(2.1)2and(2.20)by the following scalings

to obtain

with initial data

where∈=µ/κ,τ0=κ−1and by virtue of(2.18),

Also,we rewrite(2.16)1,(2.16)2,(3.1)2by scalings(3.2)to obtain




we have


we obtain from(3.3),(3.6)and(3.4)


For any interval I⊂[0,∞),we de fi ne a function space X(I)as

then we state the local existence of the solution to the Cauchy problem(3.10),(3.11)(see Lemma 3.1 in[8]).

Proposition 3.1Assume that the initial data(v0,u0,θ0)satisfy

Then,the Cauchy problem(3.10),(3.11)admits a unique solution(φ,ψ,ζ)∈X([τ0,τ1])for some sufficiently small τ1>τ0and(φ,ψ,ζ)(y,τ)satisfies

for all τ0≤τ≤τ1,where ϕ=s(v,θ)−s(V,Θ)andare positive constants independent of y.Here τ1depends only on‖(φ,ψ,ζ)(τ0)‖H1.

To prove Theorem 2.5,a crucial step is to show the following a priori estimate.

Proposition 3.2(A priori estimates)For τ0<τ1<∞,let(φ,ψ,ζ)∈X([τ0,τ1])be the solution to the Cauchy problem(3.10),(3.11)and assume that(2.19)and

where ε0is a small positive constant.Then,there exist positive constants κ0and C,which is independent of τ1,such that if κ∈∆(κ0),then the following estimates hold;

for all τ∈[τ0,τ1].

Proposition 3.2 is an easy consequence of Lemmas 4.1-4.2 in next section.

4 A Priori Estimates

Lemma 4.1Under the assumption of Proposition 3.2,the following estimate holds

for all τ∈[τ0,τ1],where C is the positive constant independent of τ1,κ.


where S=s(V,Θ),then by(1.1),(2.1),(2.16)and(3.1),we have

Noticing that

and by(1.3),

we drive from(4.3)that


where ϕ=s−S.

Cauchy inequality yields

On the other hand,we get from(3.9)

Notice that from(1.3)and(1.6),

Therefore,integrating(4.4)and using(4.5)-(4.7),we have

By(2.19),we get

Applying Gronwall’s inequality to(4.8)and using(4.9),we obtain(4.1)which fi nishes the proof of lemma.

Lemma 4.2Under the assumption of Proposition 3.2,it follows that

for all τ∈[τ0,τ1],where C ia the positive constant independent of τ1,κ.


and multiplying(4.11)by φx/v,we have



we rewrite(4.12)as

Integrating(4.12)with respect to(y,τ)and using(1.4),(3.5)and Cauchy inequality yields

Using(3.9)and(3.5),we estimate Ii,i=1,···,3 as follows:

By(2.19),we get

Using estimates Ii,i=1,···,3,(4.1),(4.9)and(4.15),we obtain from(4.14)


Multiplying(4.17)by−ψyyand integrating the resulting system with respect to(y,τ),we have

Using(3.9)and(3.5),we estimate Ii,i=4,···,7 as follows:

Using estimates Ii,i=4,···,7,(4.1),(4.15)and(4.16),we obtain from(4.18)

Multiplying(3.10)3by−ζyyand integrating the resulting system with respect to(y,τ),we have

where we used


By(1.4)and(4.20),we have

Using(3.9).(1.4)and(3.5),we estimate Ii,i=4,···,7 as follows:

Using estimates Ii,i=4,···,7,(4.1),(4.15),(4.16)and(4.19),we obtain from(4.21)

By(4.16),(4.19)and(4.22),we obtain(4.10).This completes the proof of lemma.

5 The Proof of Main Result

Combining the results of Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 leads to

Proposition 5.1Under the assumption of Theorem 2.5,for any arbitrary large T>0,there exist a small positive constant κ0such that for each κ∈∆(κ0),the Cauchy problem(3.3),(3.4)admits a unique global solutionand the following estimate holds

where C is positive constant independent of κ.

By using Lemma 2.1,we get for any h>0,whereand C is positive constant depend on κ0,T,h and independent of κ.

By(5.1)and(5.2),we obtain(2.21).Hence we have completed the proof of Theorem 2.5.


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