《上海国土资源》 2016年 第37卷 总目次

2016-04-11 12:29:31
上海国土资源 2016年4期

《上海国土资源》 2016年 第37卷 总目次

The Total Contents of Shanghai Land & Resources (lSSN 2095-1329) 2016 Vol.37 No.1~No.4


名家论坛 (Forum of Experts)

[1] 陈美球,王庆日. 农村土地管理制度改革试验需要系统思维[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):1-3. Chen M Q, Wang Q R. Reforms in the rural land management policy based on the system strategy[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):1-3. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.001.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[2] 庄幼绯,卢为民,毛鹰翱,等. 土地市场景气指数编制的探索与实践——以上海土地市场为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):4-8,13. Zhuang Y F, Lu W M, Mao Y A, et al. The investigation and application of the establishment of the prosperity index for land transaction markets: The Shanghai case study[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):4-8,13. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.002.

[3] 严宽,刘静. 长江三角洲地区“十三五”土地整治战略思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):9-13. Yan K, Liu J. The strategy of land consolidation in Yangtze River Delta region during the thirteenth fve-year period[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):9-13. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.003.

[4] 许伟. 多功能视角下的上海市岸线资源适宜性评价研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):14-18,23. Xu W. Suitability evaluation of the coastline resources in Shanghai from a multifunction perspective[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):14-18,23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.004.

[5] 廖远琴. 上海市耕地后备资源宜耕性调查评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):19-23. Liao Y Q. The investigation and evaluation of the suitability of reserved cultivated land resources in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):19-23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.005.

[6] 李小迎. 镇域尺度土地景观格局变化及影响因素分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):24-27,43. Li X Y. Analysis of the change of landscape pattern and the factors influencing it at the township scale[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):24-27,43. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.006.

[7] 梁军辉,林坚,杜洋. 大数据条件下城市用地类型辨识研究——基于出租车GPS数据的动态感知[J]. 上海国土资源,2016, 37(1):28-32. Liang J H, Lin J, Du Y. Research on the identifcation of urban land use under the big data condition: Dynamic awareness based on taxi GPS data[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):28-32. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.007.

[8] 石忆邵,付伟. 上海自贸区对周边住房价格的空间影响效应分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):33-38. Shi Y S, Fu W. The spatial impacts of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone on the peripheral residential housing prices[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):33-38. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.008.

[9] 曹生国. 我国征地补偿标准创新方案及其问题分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):39-43. Cao S G. Developing new expropriation compensation standards[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):39-43. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.009.

[10] 徐诗梦,叶群英,蒋梦琳,等. 互联网缓解征地冲突的“安全阀”功能[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1): 44-48,89. Xu S M, Ye Q Y, Jiang M L, et al. The function of Internet as a “safety regulator” for alleviating land conficts[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):44-48,89. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.010.

[11] 岑盈盈,鲍海君. 非正式培训对失地农民人力资本提升的影响——社会网络视角的质性研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):49-53. Cen Y Y, Bao H J. The effect of informal training on the human capital of land-lost farmers: Qualitative research from the social network perspective[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):49-53. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.011.

环境地质 (Environmental Geology)

[12] 谈炎培,张扬清,黄鑫磊,等. 软土本构模型在深基坑环境影响分析中的适用性探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):54-57,85. Tan Y P, Zhang Y Q, Huang X L, et al. Applicability study of constitutive models in environment impact analysis for deep foundation pit[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):54-57,85. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.012.

[13] 赵团芝,郑铣鑫,王玲玲. 宁波城市化建设及城市地质工作的初步探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):58-61. Zhao T Z, Zheng X X, Wang L L. Preliminary discussion of urbanized construction and urban geological work in Ningbo city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):58-61. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.013.

[14] 朱明君,陆徐荣. 苏州城市规划区三维水文地质模型的构建[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):62-65. Zhu M J, Lu X R. Construction of a three-dimensional hydrogeological model in Suzhou city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):62-65. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.014.

[15] 何杨,赵超英,张勤. 黄土灌溉区域地面沉降InSAR监测结果分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):66-68,81.He Y, Zhao C Y, Zhang Q. InSAR monitoring result analysis of land subsidence in loess irrigation area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):66-68,81. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.015.

[16] 刘有才. 河北省海岸带地面沉降现状及形成机理研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):69-73. Liu Y C. The current situation of land subsidence and its formation mechanism in the Hebei coastal province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):69-73. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.016.

[17] 马学军,吕凤兰,宋伟,等. 华北平原地裂缝影响因素分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):74-76. Ma X J, Lü F L, Song W, et al. Major infuence factors of ground fssure in the North China Plain[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):74-76. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.017.

[18] 李念春. 黄河三角洲高效生态经济区地质环境承载力评价研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):77-81. Li N C. The geological environment carrying capacity study of Yellow River Delta high-effciency ecological economic zone[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):77-81. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.018.

[19] 王瑶,李金柱,何中发,等. 长江三角洲典型农用地土壤多环芳烃的空间分布及源解析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):82-85. Wang Y, Li J Z, He Z F, et al. The spatial distribution and source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in typical farmland soil of the Yangtze River Delta: A case study from some region in east China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):82-85. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.019.

[20] 范宇,谢世红,李任政,等. 地下水污染环境影响模拟与预测[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):86-89. Fan Y, Xie S H, Li R Z, et al. The environmental impact simulation and prediction of groundwater pollution[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):86-89. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.020.

[21] 关艺晓,卢进添,何泰健,等. 可控音频大地电磁测深在城市隐伏断层探测中的应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):90-93. Guan Y X, Lu J T, He T J, et al. The application of CSAMT exploration to detecting buried faults in city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):90-93. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.021.

[22] 朱力. 静止侧压力系数试验变形稳定标准的研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):94-96,99. Zhu L. Study on deformation-stability standard of soil static lateral pressure coefficient test[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):94-96,99. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.022.

[23] 李晓东. 上海地面沉降测量APP的研究与应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(1):97-99. Li X D. Research and application of APP technique for land subsidence monitoring[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(1):97-99. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.01.023.


名家论坛 (Forum of Experts)

[1] 石忆邵,刘丹璇. 上海市工业用地减量化规划构想及关键问题分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):1-4. Shi Y S, Liu D X. Reduction in the amount of industrial land in Shanghai: ideas and key problems[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):1-4. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.001

土地研究 (Land Research)

[2] 梁颖,耿槟,鲍海君. 生态型土地整治工程对土壤固碳能力的影响研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):5-8. Liang Y, Geng B, Bao H J. A study on the impacts of ecological land reclamation engineering on soil carbon sequestration ability[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):5-8. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.002

[3] 涂晓扬. 福建省植被指数与地形要素多尺度空间格局分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):9-12,20. Tu X Y. Multi-scale features of spatial patterns of the normalised difference vegetation index and topographic factors in Fujian Province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):9-12,20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.003

[4] 唐杭. 基于农用地分等体系的上海耕地质量监测方案研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):13-16. Tang H. A quality monitoring plan for arable land in Shanghai based on an agricultural classifcation system[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):13-16. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.004

[5] 张婷婷,郑喜珅. 基于生态足迹的四平市土地生态安全评价研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):17-20. Zhang T T, Zheng X S. Evaluation of land ecological security in Siping based on ecological footprint[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):17-20. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.005

[6] 韩曼曼. 基于VAR模型的耕地非农化与经济增长互动关系研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):21-24,29. Han M M. Research on the interaction between farmland conversion and economic growth based on VAR model in Wuhan city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):21-24,29. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.006

[7] 唐云锋,解晓燕,徐小溪. 基于共词分析的我国征地拆迁研究热点及其趋势[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):25-29. Tang Y F, Xie X Y, Xu X X. On the hotspots in China's land acquisition and house demolition study based on co-word analysis[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):25-29. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.007.

[8] 陈雨欣,陈红霞,俞美佳. 农村宅基地退出农民权益保障研究综述及展望[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):30-33. Chen Y X, Chen H X, Yu M J. An overview and future research trends of peasants' rights and interest protection in rural residentialland exit[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):30-33. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.008.

[9] 周金龙. 不动产登记常态下农村“一户多宅”宅基地登记制度管理研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):34-36,41. Zhou J L. A management study on the homestead registration institution's “one family more homestead” registration under normal conditions[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):34-36,41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.009.

[10] 王海,龙腾. 推进集体经营性建设用地入市工作的若干思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):37-41. Wang H, Long T. A discussion on getting rural collective operating construction land into the land market[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):37-41. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.010.

[11] 付冬梅,龙腾. 浙江德清集体经营性建设用地入市模式研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):42-45,50. Fu D M, Long T. A study of the model of collective operating construction land into land market in Deqing County of Zhejiang province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):42-45,50. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.011.

[12] 李宗仰,陈静茹,朱木寿. 多时期卫星影像在耕地面积预测中之研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):46-50. Lee T Y, Chen C J, Chu M S. Using multi-temporal satellite images to predict the cultivated land area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):46-50. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.012

环境地质 (Environmental Geology)

[13] 苗巧银,宗开红,陈火根,等. 长江三角洲(江苏)地区第四纪地层沉积分区及沉积特征[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):51-56,64. Miao Q Y, Zong K H, Chen H G, et al. Sedimentary division and characteristics of the Quaternary strata in the Yangtze River Delta (Jiangsu) region[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):51-56,64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.013.

[14] 周隽. 软土地层超大盾构穿越运营地铁隧道的变形控制技术研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):57-60. Zhou J. Deformation control technology for an extra-large EPB shield machine crossing an operational subway tunnel in soft ground[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):57-60. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.014.

[15] 唐益群,占杨杰. 基坑施工对邻近铁路影响的监测与分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):61-64. Tang Y Q, Zhan Y J. Monitoring and analysis of deep excavation on a nearby railway[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):61-64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.015.

[16] 夏群,王蓉,李韬. 基于电阻率综合测试的污染场地快速诊断方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):65-69,78. Xia Q, Wang R, Li T. Research on rapid diagnostic methods based on electrical resistivity comprehensive tests for contaminated sites[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):65-69,78. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.016.

[17] 许少华,张俼瑍,洪碧芳. 海绵城市之含水层补给砾石桩与垂直渗透导管LID工法新设计[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):70-74. Hsu S H, Chang Y H, Hung P F. New design of gravel pile and vertical infltration pipes on low impact development (LID) measures for aquifer recharge in a sponge city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):70-74. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.017.

[18] 葛佳,陈敏,乔坚强. 上海地区地下水源热泵技术应用实例研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):75-78. Ge J, Chen M, Qiao J Q. The application of groundwater source heat pump technology in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):75-78. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.018.

[19] 刘伟苹,陈海峰. 水资源调配水利工程空间分布及规模分异研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):79-83. Liu W P, Chen H F. Spatial distribution and scale differentiation of hydropower engineering for water resources allocation[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):79-83. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.019.

[20] 谢火艳,王如生,张国安,等. 长江口北槽沉积物的粒度特征和输运趋势探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):84-88,95. Xie H Y, Wang R S, Zhang G A, et al. Discussion on grain-size characteristics of seafloor sediment and transport pattern in the northern passage of the Yangtze River estuary[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):84-88,95. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.020.

[21] 刘伍,司永峰,王治华,等. 上海近岸浅海单道地震多次波特征及压制方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):89-95. Liu W, Si Y F, Wang Z H, et al. The characteristics and suppression method of multiple waves in the high resolution single channel seismic system in the offshore Shanghai area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):89-95. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.021.

[22] 路志越,毛炜青. 上海市海量遥感影像管理与共享服务云平台建设与应用研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(2):96-99. Lu Z Y, Mao W Q. Research on the construction and application of a management and sharing platform for large quantities of remote sensing image data in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(2):96-99. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.02.022


名家论坛 (Forum of Experts)

[1] 黄贤金,杨达源. 山水林田湖生命共同体与自然资源用途管制路径创新[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):1-4. Huang X J, Yang D Y. Orderly ecological system for mountains, rivers, forest, farmland and lakes, and innovation path of purpose regulation of natural resources[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):1-4. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.001.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[2] 印晓晴. 产业发展和土地规划的融合研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):5-9.Yin X Q. Fusion research of industrial development and land planning[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):5-9. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.002.

[3] 严庆良,明乐乐,韩璐,等. 土地整治与耕地质量的关系及其影响因素研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):10-14. Yan Q L, Ming L L, Han L, et al. Researching the relationship between land consolidation, rehabilitation, cultivated land quality and its impact factors[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):10-14. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.003.

[4] 王超领. 上海农村宅基地资源优化配置路径探讨[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):15-18. Wang C L. Study on resource reallocation of rural residential land in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):15-18. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.004.

[5] 史婧然,袁承程. 建设用地减量化对都市郊区景观格局和功能影响研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):19-22,27. Shi J R, Yuan C C. Exploring the effects of a reduction in construction land on landscape patterns and functions in the city suburb[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):19-22,27. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.005.

[6] 高士博,谷人旭,王春萌,等. “后土地经济时代”下的上海市土地集约利用路径探究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):23-27. Gao S B, Gu R X, Wang C M, et al. A study about the path of intensive land use in Shanghai in the “post land-oriented economic era”[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):23-27. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.006.

[7] 马骏,潘润秋. 长江中游城市群城镇化发展要素耦合协调性研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):28-31,34. Ma J, Pan R Q. Coordination of urbanization development elements of cities in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):28-31,34. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.007.

[8] 郑义,胡高. 节约集约利用城市地下空间——以武汉市为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):32-34. Zheng Y, Hu G. Research of city's underground space in the perspective of saving and intensive utilization of land[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):32-34. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.008.

[9] 任飞阳,韦仕川. 区域建设用地节约集约利用评价研究——以三亚市为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):35-39,70. Ren F Y, Wei S C. Evaluating regional economic and intensive land use: The case of Sanya city[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):35-39,70. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.009.

[10] 王军强,胡晓光,岳颖,等. 基于ArcGIS和DEM模型的耕地利用格局分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):40-43. Wang J Q, Hu X G, Yue Y, et al. An analysis of farmland use patterns based on the Digital Elevation Model and ArcGIS[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):40-43. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.010.

[11] 齐福佳,毛倩,刘俊,等. 基本农田生态服务价值测算方法和应用实践——以上海市为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):44-48. Qi F J, Mao Q, Liu J, et al. Calculation method for ecosystem services value of prime farmland: A case study of Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):44-48. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.011.

[12] 李发杰,张全景,吕晓. 耕地资源的非市场价值核算——以山东省日照市为例[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):49-54. Li F J, Zhang Q J, Lü X. Check and computation of non-market value of cultivated land resources: A case study of Rizhao city in Shandong province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):49-54. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.012.

环境地质 (Environmental Geology)

[13] 吕潇文,牛文明,罗立红,等. 天津填海造陆地区地面沉降监测与防治研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):55-59. Lü X W, Niu W M, Luo L H, et al. Research on monitoring and control of land subsidence in a sea reclamation region of Tianjin[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):55-59. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.013.

[14] 赵团芝,侯艳声,胡新锋. 宁波市工程性地面沉降成因分析及防治对策研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):60-64. Zhao T Z, Hou Y S, Hu X F. Engineering-related land subsidence in Ningbo city: An analysis of its causes and countermeasures[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):60-64. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.014.

[15] 苗巧银,朱志国,高立,等. 江苏镇江城市三维地质结构模型的建立及其地质意义[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):65-70. Miao Q Y, Zhu Z G, Gao L, et al. Establishment of a three-dimensional geological structure model, and its significance for Zhenjiang city in Jiangsu[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):65-70. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.015.

[16] 江志强. 苏北盆地层序地层划分与砂岩储层预测研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):71-74. Jiang Z Q. Research on sequence stratigraphy and reservoir prediction in the Dainan Formation of eastern Gaoyou Sag in the Subei Basin[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):71-74. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.016.

[17] 刘洪战. 河南省济源市典型地区土壤污染调查评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):75-77,81. Liu H Z. Evaluation of a soil pollution survey in a typical area of Jiyuan City, Henan Province[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):75-77,81. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.017.

[18] 王硕,杜方哥,匡存强. 基于不平衡推力法的特大型滑坡群稳定性分析和治理工程研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):78-81. Wang S, Du F G, Kuang C Q. Stability evaluation and reinforcement of super-large-scale landslides based on the imbalance thrust force method[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):78-81. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.018.

[19] 唐尧. 深圳地质灾害隐患分析及安全避险建议[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):82-85. Tang Y. Analysis of hidden dangers from geological hazards, and safety recommendations in Shenzhen[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):82-85. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.019.

技术方法 (Technical Method)

[20] 张金华. 无人机航摄系统在滩涂高程测量中的应用研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):86-88. Zhang J H. A pilot study on the application of a UAV aerial photography system in the tidal fat elevation[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):86-88. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.020.

[21] 朱首峰,盛君,何泰健. 地球物理测井在南通地区水文地质调查中的应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):89-91. Zhu S F, Sheng J, He T J. The application of geophysical well logging in a hydrogeological survey in the Nantong area[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):89-91. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.021.

[22] 谭春. 软土路基高速公路常见病害地质雷达检测分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):92-96. Tan C. Typical problems of freeways constructed on soft clay ground, and their detection by ground-penetrating radar[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):92-96. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.022.

[23] 杨波. 欧洲空间信息基础设施(INSPIRE)及对国土资源信息化建设的启示[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):97-100. Yang B. Infrastructure for spatial information in Europe (INSPIRE) and revolutions in the information development of land resources[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):97-100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.023

会议消息 (Information)

[24] “第二届土地资源利用和管理国际研讨会”将于2016年11月中旬在沪召开[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(3):封3.“Second International Symposium on Land Resource Utilization & Management”will convene on 12-13 November 2016 in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(3):cover 3. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.03.024


国土资源论坛 (Forum of Land Resources)

[1] 胡国俊. 上海土地供给侧结构性改革的政策设计与实践探索[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):1-4. Hu G J. Policy design and land supply side reform in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):1-4. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.001.

土地国际会议 (International Symposium on Land Resource Utilization & Management)

[2] 张洪武,施玉麒,龚士良. 国土空间用途管制研究与实践——“土地资源利用和管理国际研讨会”报告观点综述[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):5-9. Zhang H W, Shi Y Q, Gong S L. The study and practice of territorial spatial use regulation — Overview the academic reports of The International Symposium on Land Resource Utilization & Management[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):5-9. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.002.

[3] 邵一希. 多规合一背景下上海国土空间用途管制的思考与实践[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):10-13,17. Shao Y X. Shanghai land use regulation in the context of unifying “multi-plans”[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):10-13,17. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.003.

[4] “土地资源利用和管理国际研讨会” 图片报导[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):封2. Photos report of “International symposium on land resource utilization and management”[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):cover 2. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.004.

土地研究 (Land Research)

[5] 石忆邵,孙存义. 科学认识大城市的“人口天花板”[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):14-17. Shi Y S, Sun C Y. Scientific understanding of the “population ceiling” of large cities[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):14-17. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.005.

[6] 吴沅箐. 新型城镇化背景下郊野单元规划的探索与思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):18-23. Wu Y Q. Country unit planning in the context of new-type urbanization[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):18-23. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.006.

[7] 陈正强,徐保根. 土地规划编制中的建设用地项目优选方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):24-27. Chen Z Q, Xu B G. Optimizing the selection of construction projects when planning land use[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):24-27. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.007.

[8] 饶良伟. 上海市城乡建设用地增减挂钩的实践与探索[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):28-30. Rao L W. Shanghai's urban and rural construction land use and exploration[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):28-30. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.008.

[9] 孟祥健,李秀霞. 基于“城市—农村”视角城市建设用地规模预测研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):31-33,37. Meng X J, Li X X. Prediction of city construction land dimensions based on the urban-country view[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):31-33,37. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.009.

[10] 阿力木江,朱秀芳,努尔麦麦提. 基于时序归一化植被指数的撂荒地调查研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):34-37.Alimujiang, Zhu X F, Nuermaimaiti. Studying abandoned farmland using temporal NDVI data[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):5-9. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.010.

[11] 施宇光. 垃圾填埋场对周边住宅价值影响效应的实证分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):38-42,51. Shi Y G. The impact of landflls on peripheral housing prices[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):38-42,51. doi:10.3969/ j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.011.

[12] 潘德蓓. 生产性服务业发展与规划土地管理优化的互动机制研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):43-46. Pan D B. Interactions between producer services development and optimizing land management[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):43-46. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.012.

[13] 石悦樾,银正彤,赵杨茜,等. 修正后的生态足迹分析内陆山地城市土地生态经济系统[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):47-51. Shi Y Y, Yin Z T, Zhao Y X, et al. Land eco-economics in an inland mountainous urban region: Modifying the ecological footprint model to study the city of Guiyang[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):47-51. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.013.

[14] 罗江勇,贺妍,魏钰烨,等. 基于RMCP模式旅游小镇建构的理论分析及案例研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):52-55. Luo J Y, He Y, Wei Y Y, et al. An analysis and case study of building a tourist town on the RMCP patter[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):52-55. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.014.

[15] 王星月,吴九兴. 农村集体建设用地入市及其对土地财政的影响[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):56-58,62. Wang X Y, Wu J X. The reform of rural collective construction land systems and the impacts on local land fnance[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):56-58,62. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.015.

[16] 胡亚楠,徐保根. 地上附着物的征地补偿标准问题分析与对策研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):59-62 Hu Y N, Xu B G. Problem analysis and countermeasures for the standard compensation of ground attachments[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):59-62. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.016.

[17] 宋德凤. 土地新政背景下深化上海土地储备工作的对策思考[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):63-65. Song D F. Some thoughts about land under the new deal to increase land reserve work in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):63-65. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.017.

环境地质 (Environmental Geology)

[18] 刘金宝,严学新. 上海市工程建设规范 地质灾害危险性评估技术规程 修订解析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):66-68,76. Liu J B, Yan X X. Analysis of technical code revision for risk assessment of geological disasters[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):66-68,76. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.018.

[19] 寇利,高世轩,王晓阳,等. 上海地区地源热泵系统能效调研与节能量分析[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):69-71. Kou L, Gao S X, Wang X Y, et al. Energy effciency investigation and energy saving analysis of ground-source heat pumps in Shanghai[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):69-71. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.019.

[20] 李霞,万利勤,陈文芳,等. 河南省鹤壁新城浅层地热能资源评价及应用前景研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):72-76. Li X, Wan L Q, Chen W F, et al. Evaluation of shallow geothermal energy resources and application prospects in New Hebi City, Henan Province, China[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):72-76. doi:10.3969/j.issn. 2095-1329.2016.04.020.

[21] 王浩文,鲁仕宝,鲍海君. 基于DPSIR模型的浙江省 “五水共治” 绩效评价[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):77-82,88. Wang H W, Lu S B, Bao H J. Performance evaluation of “multi type water resource governance” in Zhejiang Province based on the DPSIR Model[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):77-82,88. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329. 2016.04.021.

[22] 连小翠,张建培. 西湖凹陷反转构造样式与迁移规律[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):83-88. Lian X C, Zhang J P. Inversion structural styles and migration rules in the Xihu Sag[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):83-88. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.022.

[23] 吴张峰,刘一宁. 城市空间信息变化检测方法研究[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):89-91,95. Wu Z F, Liu Y N. Research on methods for detecting change in urban spatial information[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):89-91,95. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.023.

[24] 李莉莉,杜雨彤,聂栋刚,等. 地面核磁共振技术及其水库坝基渗漏探测[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):92-95. Li L L, Du Y T, Nie D G, et al. Surface nuclear magnetic resonance and its application in exploration for leakage in reservoir dam foundations[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):92-95. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.024.

[25] 窦帆帆,林子瑜. 基于MapGIS等软件集成的地质—地球物理综合解译平台的建立与应用[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):96-100. Dou F F, Lin Z Y. Foundation and application of an interpretation platform for geophysical and geological data in MapGIS and other software[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):96-100. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.025.

简讯公告 (Information)

[26] “上海第一届国际城市地质学术研讨会”通知[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):封3. Announcement of 1st International Symposium on Urban Geology[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):cover 3. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.026.

[27] 上海国土资源 2016年第37卷总目次[J]. 上海国土资源,2016,37(4):I-VI. The Total Contents of Shanghai Land & Resources (ISSN 2095-1329) 2016 Vol.37 No.1~No.4[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 2016,37(4):I-VI. doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2016.04.027.


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