
2016-04-09 08:24马豆子
意林(绘英语) 2016年2期



The 1o Colleges most Likely to make you a Billionaire


A new report on the colleges that graduate the m ost super-duper-rich people finds that a certain school in Cam bridge is the run away leader-especially for wom en.

Almost 3,000 graduates ofHarvard University are worth more than $30 million (each), according to rankings compiled by market research firm Wealth-X seen by Quartz, and most of them earned the money themselves. That's more than twice the number of what Wealth-X calls "ultra-high-net-worth individuals" (UHNWIs) produced by any other institution in the world. (The report, by the way, counts both undergraduate and graduate degrees.)

That Harvard is a multi-millionaire factory probably surprises no one. But here are some report findings that might:

Of course, the top of the list is rather dense with Ivy. But even among top schools, wealth varies greatly: while the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University graduated a combined 2,390 UHNWIs, Yale, Princeton and Cornell count among them only 1,604, in total.

Of the US schools in Wealth-X's Global top 20, just three are public: University of Virginia, the University of Michigan and University of California, Berkeley.

At least in the US, having a business school probably helps. The top five on the global list—Harvard, Penn, Stanford University, Columbia and New York University, in that order—all have top-flight MBA programs. Of the top 15, only Princeton lacks a B-school. On the non-US list, meanwhile, France's Insead and LBS are both exclusively graduate






在美国,至少有商学院可能会有帮助。在全球排行榜中,哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学,都有顶级MBA课程。在排名前15位的大学中,只有business schools.

Proxim ity①proximity 英 [prɒk'sɪmɪtɪ] 美 [prɑk'sɪməti] n. 接近,[数]邻近;接近;接近度,距离;亲近proximity effect 邻近效应;近距离效果 ; 靠近效应 close proximity 极为贴近in close proximity to 与……靠得很近,接近 in the proximity of 在……附近If you live near an event space or major urban center, you can collect parkingfees from attendees willing to pay for proximity. 如果你住在一个活动场地附近或者城市的主要中心,你可以从参加者那里得到靠近你车道的停车费。to Hollywood and Silicon Valley m ay help, as well, though. Combining Wealth-X's lists of public and private universities, the ranking Californian schools put out the m ost UHNWIs, with 4,672 of them—m ore even than posh school-dense Massachusetts, which produced 4,198.

Nearly one-quarter of Brown's and Cornell's UHNWIs' ultra-high net worths came exclusively from inheritance. And around two-fifths of the super-rich from Penn, Columbia, Northwestern and Boston University made the list thanks to old money alone.

What of the nouveau riche②nouveau riche [nu:'vəu'ri:ʃ] 暴发户,暴发户的They grouse about the conspicuous consumption of the nouveau riche andwonder where all that money is comingfrom. 他们对暴发户大肆消费抱怨连连,并很想知道这些人的钱到底是哪里来的。? At the University of Virginia, which also happens to be the highest-ranked public university, some 78% of the ü ber-rich were self-made. Harvard, Chicago, Princeton and New York University were close behind.

Women who want to strike it rich should consider Northwestern and Brown Universities—almost 15% of their UHNWIs are women, compared③compare 英 [kəm'peə] 美 [kəm'pɛr] n. 比较 vt. 比拟,喻为;[语]构成vi. 相比,匹敌;比较,区别;比拟(常与to连用) 词义辨析: contrast, compare with, compare, compare to这组词都有“比较”的意思,其区别是:contrast 指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。 compare with指“把……用……作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。 compare 侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。compare to 指两物有类似或相似之处,从而“把(一物)比作(另一物)。” 同根词:comparative 比较的;相当的comparable 可比较的;比得上的comparing 比较comparability 相似性;可比较性with 2%-4% for the University of Chicago, MIT, and Yale. But in terms of raw numbers, Harvard produces the most ultra-affluent women:

On the international list, Australia's Monash University has the highest proportion, with 17%.

The UK is churning out top-earners too, though. UHNWI alumni of Oxford and Cambridge totaled 401 and 361, respectively, breaking into the global top 20. And Wealth-X's non-US ranking included four more: the London School of Economics, Imperial College of London, the London School of Business, and University College London.

The University of Mumbai was the only university outside of the US and the UK to make the top 20, with it 372 UHNWIs worth a combined $37 billion.

Of emerging-market universities, India's University of Mumbai and University of Delhi produced 601 super-rich alumni, while China's Tsinghua and Peking Universities together graduated 291.

In addition to simply having the most UHNWIs, Harvard also boasts the most billionaire alumni—52 of them, to be exact. But in the top 10 of UHNWIs from schools that made Wealth-X's list, it only has one (Brazil's Jorge Lemann, who just co-bought Heinz).普林斯顿大学没有商学院。在美国之外其他国家,比如法国欧洲工商管理学院和伦敦商学院都有专门的商学院研究院。










哥伦比亚大学 客户是上帝,学生是王道
斯蒂芬斯 女网“暴发户”