
2016-03-21 12:41田宜水
农业工程学报 2016年3期

田宜水,王 茹

(1.农业部规划设计研究院农村能源与环保研究所,北京 100125; 2.农业部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125;3.中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083)



(1.农业部规划设计研究院农村能源与环保研究所,北京 100125;2.农业部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125;3.中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083)

摘要:为研究典型生物质热动力学,判断反应机理,获得反应的动力学速率参数,该文采用热重分析技术对玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆、棉秆、松树木屑、花生壳、甜高粱渣等生物质原料进行了氮气气氛下不同升温速率的热解特性试验研究,利用Friedman法、Flynn-Wall-Ozawa法计算活化能,用Malek法确定最概然机理函数,建立了生物质热分析动力学模型,并讨论了不同生物质的差异性。结果表明:生物质的热解过程均包括3个主要阶段:干燥预热阶段、挥发分析出阶段、碳化阶段。典型生物质活化能随着转化率的增加而增加,在挥发分析出阶段,热解活化能介于144.61~167.34 kJ/mol之间;反应动力学机理均符合Avrami-Erofeev函数,但反应级数有一定的差异;指前因子介于26.66~33.97 s-1之间。这为生物质热化学转化过程工艺条件的优化及工程放大提供理论依据。


田宜水,王茹. 基于多升温速率法的典型生物质热动力学分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(3):234-240.

Tian Yishui, Wang Ru. Thermokinetics analysis of biomass based on model-free different heating rate method[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(3): 234-240. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.034http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言


目前,国内外已有大量学者对玉米秸秆[1-5]、稻草[6-7]、稻壳[8-10]、木屑[10-14]、核桃壳[15-16]等生物质[17-29]的热解动力学进行了研究。但由于生物质热解反应复杂,非均相反应实际上包含多个基元反应平行、连续进行,局限于试验手段和方法,结果差异较大。另外,由于指前因子A和活化能E的相互补偿,不同研究模式函数都会有相近的良好线性,所对应的动力学参数却有显著的差异,导致实际动力学过程与理想过程推导出来的机理不相符合。以玉米秸秆为例,不同研究的活化能分布在58.4~63.4 kJ/mol(赖艳华等[2])、63.95~69.97 kJ/mol(张晓东等[1]、宋春财等[4])、91.99~101.51 kJ/mol(齐国利等[3])、161 kJ/mol(王明峰等[5]);反应涉及一级反应[1-4]、J-M-A方程等[5]。

本文针对玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆、棉秆、松树木屑、花生壳、甜高粱渣等典型生物质,开展多升温速率热重试验,利用Friedman法、Flynn-Wall-Ozawa 法计算活化能,用Malek法确定最概然机理函数,建立了生物质热分析动力学模型,并讨论了不同生物质的差异性,为生物质热化学过程的工艺条件优化及工程放大提供理论依据。

1 试验材料及方法




试验采用日本SHIMADZU公司的DTG-60A/60AH型热重分析仪,试验坩埚材质为铂金,尺寸为Φ6 mm×2.5 mm,单次装样量为坩埚容积的1/3~1/2。


将3~4 mg左右生物质样品分别在5、10、20、30 ℃/min的升温速率下进行热解试验,温度从室温升至600℃,反应气氛为99.99%的高纯氮气,气流量为100 mL/min。

2 试验结果与讨论



表1 样品的工业分析、元素分析、组分分析和热值Table 1 Industrial analysis, elemental analysis, component analysis and calorific value of biomass samples



图1 升温速率30℃/min下的生物质热解曲线Fig.1 Biomass pyrolysis curves at heating rate of 30 ℃/min

表2 样品热解过程的温度区间和失质量率Table 2 Temperature range and mass loss rate of samples in pyrolysis process





多升温速率法是指用不同升温速率所测得的几条热分析曲线来进行动力学分析,可将k(T)和f(α)或G(α)分离,在相同转化率α下f(α)或G(α)的值不随升温速率的不同发生改变,从而在不引入动力学模型函数的前提条件下得到比较可靠的动力学参数活化能E的数值,因此多升温速率法又称为Model-free Method[32]。








图2 不同升温速率下花生壳热解TGA曲线Fig.2 TGA curves of peanut shell at different heating rates

在多重加热速率β下测定,选择等α处,以ln(dα/dt) 与1/T作图(如图3a),直线的斜率为:−E/R,可求得反应的活化能E。



式中积分下限T0的积分值趋近于0,积分下限可由0代替。P(u)称为温度积分(temperature integral),


图3 花生壳热分解过程在不同转化率处关系曲线Fig.3 Thermal decomposition curves of peanut shells at different conversion rates



表3 不同加热速率下花生壳热分解过程的活化能Table 3 Activation energy of peanut shells on thermal decomposition process by different heating rates


在转化率范围a=0.3~0.7,花生壳的活化能的数值几乎不随转化率变化,与花生壳的DTG曲线上的峰吻合,处于挥发分析出阶段。用Friedman法和Flynn-Wall-Ozawa 法求得的反应活化能基本一致,平均值为148.12 kJ/mol,相关系数r几乎都在0.99~1.00之间,说明计算的活化能是可靠的。






表4 常用固态反应动力学机理函数Table 4 Commonly used kinetic mechanism functions for solid-state reactions


根据回归直线的斜率,在转化率范围a=0.3~0.7,得到:lnA=27.70 s-1。



活化能作为活化分子的平均能量与反应物分子平均能量的差值,在挥发分析出阶段,典型生物质热解活化能基本介于144.61~167.34 kJ/mol之间。其中,玉米秸秆和小麦秸秆作为禾本科作物,活化能较高,分别为167.34和167.20 kJ/mol;棉秆、松树木屑和花生壳相对木质化程度较高,活化能较低,分别为154.06、147.29 和146.91 kJ/mol。甜高粱渣经过生物化学处理后,活化能最低,为144.61 kJ/mol。

图4 花生壳的Z(α)-α试验与标准曲线Fig.4 Standard curves and experiment curves of Z(α) vs α for peanut shells


热解动力学方程得出的指前因子没有明确的物理意义;碰撞理论的指前因子是频率因子,是反应系统中单位体积、单位时间内分子之间的碰撞数。上述生物质原料的指前因子lnA介于26.66~33.97 s-1之间。

表5 典型生物质热化学反应的动力学速率参数[34-36]Table 5 Kinetic rate parameters of biomass thermodynamic reaction

3 结 论


2)用非等温多重扫描速率法和Malek法分别计算花生壳分解过程动力学参数,花生壳的活化能随着转化率的增加而增加。在转化率范围为0.3~0.7,其活化能平均值为148.12 kJ/mol,反应机理系成核与生长模型。

3)在挥发分析出阶段,典型生物质热解活化能基本介于144.61~167.34 kJ/mol之间;反应动力学机理均符合Avrami-Erofeev函数,说明不同生物质原料,其成分和结构基本相同,热化学反应机理基本相同。但反应级数有一定的差异;指前因子介于26.66~33.97 s-1之间。


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Thermokinetics analysis of biomass based on model-free different heating rate method

Tian Yishui1,2, Wang Ru1,3
(1. Rural Energy and Environmental Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering, Beijing 100125, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Energy Resource Utilization from Agricultural Residues, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China; 3. College of Engineering of China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract:Thermokinetics analysis can test the relationship between physical and chemical properties of material and temperature through controlling heating rate. Through thermokinetics analysis, we can study the combustion, pyrolysis and gasification reaction kinetics of biomass, decide the reaction kinetics model and calculate the reaction kinetics parameters, such as activation energy and pre-exponential factor. In the article, we chose 6 kinds of biomass raw materials, including corn straw, wheat straw, cotton stalk, pine sawdust, peanut shell, and residue of sweet sorghum. The thermal gravity analysis (TG) experiments were carried out, and 8 loss curves were obtained under non-isothermal conditions at linear heating rate of 5, 10, 20 and 30 ℃/min. The 99.99% nitrogen continuously passed and the temperature rose from room temperature to 600℃. The initial sample weight was always within the range of 3-4 mg. The method of different heating rates was applied to non-isothermal data. The Friedman method and the Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method were used for the estimation of the activation energy, and the Malek method was used for the decision of the reaction kinetics model, which were defined as the sample of the pre-exponential factor and the conversion function, respectively. The results showed that the pyrolysis process of biomass included 3 main stages: drying and preheating stage, volatile matter evaporation stage and carbonization stage. The higher the total moisture in biomass, the greater the mass loss rate for the sample at the first stage. Volatile matter evaporation stage was the most important stage in the pyrolysis process, in which the mass loss rate of the sample increased rapidly with the increase of the temperature. The carbonization stage was mainly the continued pyrolysis of lignin, and carbon and ash were the final products. In the whole range of conversion rate, the activation energy of biomass was not a fixed value, and it would increase gradually with the increase of conversion rate. Due to the influence of the particle size, the buoyancy and the non homogeneous phase, in the range of conversion rate <0.2, and >0.8, the TG curve was difficult to meet the requirements of the temperature at different heating rates under the same conversion rate. In the volatile matter evaporation stage, the activation energies obtained by Friedman method and Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method were almost the same and hardly changed with the conversion rate. The pyrolysis activation energy of the biomass ranged from 144.61 to 167.34 kJ/mol, and the correlation coefficient was almost between 0.99 and 1.00. This shows that the calculation method of the activation energy is reliable in this paper. Among biomass raw materials, corn straw and wheat straw belonged to gramineous crops, whose activation energy was high, 167.34 and 167.20 kJ/mol respectively; lignification degree of cotton stalk, pine sawdust and peanut shell was higher, whose activation energy was lower, 154.06, 147.29 and 146.91 kJ/mol respectively; residue of sweet sorghum was processed by biochemical process, whose activation energy was the lowest, 144.61 kJ/mol. The reaction kinetics models of the biomass conformed the Avrami-Erofeev function. This shows that because the composition and structure of different biomass materials are basically the same, the reaction kinetics models are basically the same. But, there were some differences in the reaction orders. The reaction order of corn stalk and peanut shell was 3; the reaction order of wheat straw, cotton stalk and residue of sweet sorghum was 2; and the reaction order of pine sawdust was 1.5. The pre-exponential factor of the biomass ranged from 26.66 to 33.97 s-1. Our results show that biomass pyrolysis is an extremely complex multi-step process, which has different activation energy and reaction kinetics model in different temperature range. This is important theoretical basis for the optimization of process conditions and engineering amplification of biomass pyrolysis process.

Keywords:biomass; thermodynamics; temperature; thermal analysis; activation energy; reaction kinetics model








doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.034 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.034http://www.tcsae.org
