
2016-03-21 12:41刘新红张振华严少华江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所南京2004浙江农林大学信息工程学院临安3300
农业工程学报 2016年3期

曾 凯,刘新红,张振华,严少华※(.江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,南京 2004; 2.浙江农林大学信息工程学院,临安 3300)


(1.江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,南京 210014;2.浙江农林大学信息工程学院,临安 311300)

摘要:该文提出了一种采用拉力传感设备监测富营养化水体释放气体速率的测定方法,通过拉力传感设备全天候实时标定富营养水体释放气体质量数据,并采用服务器通过无线传感网络采集气体质量数据并标定每条气体质量数据的时间坐标。试验结果表明,该测定方法能够检测出高温光照充足环境下水体近光层气体释放速率范围为57~539 g/(m2·h),低温无光照环境下气体释放范围为49~280 g/(m2·h),从而测定了富营养水体近光层释放气体量随时间的变化特性和气体释放速率与环境光照及温度的相关性。同时,分时段气体释放速率为富营养化水体N2O、N2通量的测定提供了准确有效的数据基础。


曾凯,刘新红,张振华,严少华. 基于拉力传感监测的富营养化水体释放气体速率的测定方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2016,32(3):216-219.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.031http://www.tcsae.org

Zeng Kai, Liu Xinhong, Zhang Zhenhua, Yan Shaohua. Method of calibrating ebullition rate based on tension sensor in eutrophic waters[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(3): 216-219. (in Chinese with English abstract)doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.03.031http://www.tcsae.org

0 引 言

大量的人为活动造成了水体氮污染和水体富营养化,水体脱氮修复过程会释放大量的气体[1-3],其中主要包括水体内部微生物硝化反硝化活动所释放的N2O和N2混合气体[4-5]。深入研究富营养化水体释放气体时间变化规律和释放速率特性对于富营养化水体有效消除氮气污染、控制温室气体释放具有重要的意义[6]。富营养化水体脱氮修复释放N2的研究手段、收集过程及测定过程等研究取决于富营养化水体脱氮过程气体释放的研究,准确有效的气体收集、测定和释放速率分析检测方法能够避免测定气体受到空气中N2的污染[6],是准确测定富营养水体释放N2通量的重要分析和数据基础。目前对水体释放气体定量测定所采用的漂浮箱收集法[7]为分时段气体采样估算方法,但该方法无法准确检测出水体释放气体情况[8]。目前水体释放N2O、N2通量的检测方法还包括有同位素标记法[7]、乙炔抑制法[9]、同位素配对技术[10],这些方法检测计算N2O、N2通量值主要基于水体释放气体速率的估计数值,而精度相对较高的膜进样质谱(membrane inlet mass spectrometer,MIMS)技术[11-12]主要通过采集相关的底泥和水样进行实验室测定以估计扩散性气体的释放速率,而无法反映真实的环境释放气体随时间的变化的实际状况。近年来,相关的针对水体释放气体收集设备的研究使气体收集测定更加准确和方便[13-14],其中一些气体收集方法主要集中在水体释放气泡的捕捉[15-16],通过气泡捕捉去测定水体N2通量数据将有助于更好的理解水体释放N2的形态,但是这些方法和设备针对气体收集和测定主要基于空气环境中,由于空气环境的N2背景,因此很容易使收集的气体受到空气中的N2污染。而采用真空集气容器收集气体操作过程复杂、要求高、成本代价高[17],无法有效适用于野外富营养水体释放气体的收集。


1 试验材料与方法




图1 气体收集设备图Fig.1 Ebullition collecting equipment



1)集气罩内满水无气体时的拉力数值和堆积了固定量气体(X,mL)后的集气罩的拉力数值之间的差值,定义为Sensor data。

2)标准电子秤量设备所秤量的满水集气瓶质量数值和收集了集气罩内的固定量气体(X,mL)后的气-水混合集气瓶质量数值之间的差值,定义为Standard data。





2 结果与分析

2.1传感器数据(Sensor data)与标准值(Standard data)之间的关系


图2表明拉力传感设备所检测的排出水的质量值(sensor data)与标准电子秤量设备检测的排出水的质量值(standard data)相同(在允许误差内),并且变化趋势具有一致性,平均误差为1%,因此能够验证拉力传感设备的准确性。

图2 Sensor data与Standard data对比关系图Fig.2 Correlation diagram sensor data and standard data


气体释放量24 h变化值与环境温度、水温和光照关系如图3所示。图3表明,富营养池塘近光层由于光合作用和好氧反硝化反应,气体释放量受到光照和温度参数影响较大,白天光照充足、温度较高时,富营养池塘气体释放量随时间变化斜率较大,气体释放量大;夜间由于无光照,并且温度较低,富营养池塘微生物活动性降低,因此气体释放量随时间变化斜率较小,气体释放量小。

图3 气体释放量与时间、温度关系图Fig.3 Relationship between ebullition and time/temperature


图4 气体释放速率时间分布图Fig.4 Time distribution diagram about ebullition rate

富营养水体近光层由于好氧反硝化反应后而使水体释放N2O和N2,同时结合光合作用而产生O2。传统的方法中,主要采用人工在固定时间点收集富营养水体释放气体样本,然后通过实验室进行释放气体内部成分和通量的测定和分析,由于富营养水体释放气体数量和速率随光照、温度的变化在不同时间坐标点上变化较大,因此固定时间点的采样分析无法准确和全面的反映富营养水体释放气体的变化趋势。而采用拉力传感全天24 h实时测定富营养水体内气体释放量和释放速率,能够比较准确的反映出富营养水体近光层气体释放变化规律,进而能够分析出富营养水体近光层释放气体的空间分布、时间分布与环境光照、温度变化的相关性,同时,结合每个时间点气体释放量和释放速率,通过气象色谱仪能够更加准确地测定和分析出该时间点所采集气体中N2O 和N2及光合作用所释放的O2的通量。

3 结 论

本文提出的方法能够动态实时测定富营养水体释放气体变化趋势,通过不同时间点气体释放速率和释放量的准确监测,有效分析出富营养水体释放气体和环境因素的相关性。本研究目前主要基于富营养水体近光层的气体收集和分析,由于富营养水体底层、底泥附近在无光照条件下也会释放大量的气体(针对同一温度和光照条件下,本研究收集的近光层富营养水体释放气体总量为(380.90±35) mL,而同一面积下收集的富营养水体释放气体总量为(564.5±46) mL,因此验证了富营养水体除近光层以外的其他水层也会释放大量的气体;同时,通过人工气相色谱分析出富营养水体释放气体成分主要包括氧气、二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氮气,而其中二氧化碳、甲烷主要是由非近光层的低泥产生),因此针对富营养水体气体释放量的研究还需要考虑不同分层的气体释放情况。在后续的研究工作中,系统将增加气体成分检测设备,通过结合气体成分检测设备准确标定出不同时间点释放的混合气体内部不同气体的通量数值,以实现富营养水体全天候不同时间点释放气体通量的准确标定,从而为富营养化水体治理提供准确的数据基础和依据。


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Method of calibrating ebullition rate based on tension sensor in eutrophic waters

Zeng Kai1,2, Liu Xinhong1, Zhang Zhenhua1, Yan Shaohua1※
(1. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjng 210014, China; 2. School of Information Engineering, Zhejiang A & F University, Lin’an 311300, China)

Abstract:A method based on tension sensor was deployed to calibrate the ebullition rate in the eutrophic waters. The ebullition was collected using sealed glass bottle connected to a transparent collector and the weight of ebullition in the collector was detected in every hour in the day or night. The transparent collector was used under the water because of its transparent did not shield the light and affect the normal ecosystem activity under the light in water. All the ebullition was collected by the transparent collector connected to a sealed glass bottle through the rubber tube. The sealed glass bottle was fitted with two rubber tubes. The one was used to collect ebullition, and the other was used for drainage. The sealed glass bottle was filled with water first. With the ebullition entering into the sealed glass bottle, the weight of the sealed glass bottle was reduced. The change of the weight of the sealed glass bottle reflected the change of the ebullition. The weight of the sealed glass bottle can be detected by the tension sensor in situ. The weight of the sealed glass bottle was related to the ebullition quantity of the eutrophic waters. The rate of weight reduction was related to the ebullition rate of the eutrophic waters. All of the data can be measured and transmitted by a tension sensor, and collected by the monitoring system in a computer. The analysis and statistics about the ebullition quantity and rate can be monitored through the system software. The method can monitor the ebullition in the eutrophic waters in every minute. It had less artifacts compared to the manual monitoring which is inefficiency, low accuracy, higher complexity and labor intense. The method can completely detect the ebullition in the every time node during a day or night. Not only the method can monitor ebullition rule to reflect ecosystem activity in the eutrophic waters during the day, but also during the night. The results indicated that the method could detect the ebullition rates from 57 to 539 g/(m2·h) in the day with the high temperature, and the ebullition rates from 49 to 280 g/(m2·h) in the night with the low temperature in the near optical layer. With this method, we determined ebullition quantity change with time and correlated the ebullition rates and temperatures, light intensities in the environment. Through detecting ebullition quantity and rates in the time node and using the gas chromatography instrument to analyze the component about gas which was collected in a time node, it was found that there were many kinds of gases in the ebullition, and ebullition quantity and rates of each kind of the gas in the eutrophic waters at the different time nodes can be determined. So the ebullition rate at the divided-period contributed to assess the N2, N2O ebullition fluxes in the eutrophic waters.

Keywords:sensors; gases; waters; eutrophic; ebullition rate; tension sensor

通信作者:※严少华,研究员,博士生导师,从事湖泊污染生态学方面的研究。南京江苏省农业科学院,210014。Email:shyan@ jaas.ac.cn








