
2016-03-17 16:04:52


“Many disasters would not happen and many lives and livelihoods would be saved if there was greater public awareness of the threats posed by natural hazards such as tsunamis.Declaring November 5,World Tsunami Awareness Day is a welcome step.It will help to focus attention on measures which can be taken to reduce risks from both man-made and natural hazards and to ensure that more people live and work in places which are free from the threat not just of tsunamis but other sudden onset hazards such as earthquakes,floods and storms.It should be remembered that the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami which claimed some 230,000 lives from countries across the world galvanised political commitment to reducing disaster risk and disaster losses.The memory of that event helped to ensure the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction this year which sets targets for the first time on reducing mortality,the numbers of people affected,economic losses and damage to critical infrastructure from disasters.”


——联合国大会根据日本和智利牵头提出的议案,确认11月5日为世界海啸警示日。对此决议,联合国减灾办公室的Margareta Wahlström发表了上述看法。

“Weather,climate,water and related environmental conditions have a major impact on our global society and economy,WMO Members have to be better prepared for extreme weather events and to adapt to the changing climate,and National Meteorological and Hydrological Services will be pivotal to these efforts.I look forward to leading WMO in an era when attention is focussed on how to implement the ambitious Paris Agreement on climate change and cut emissions of greenhouse gases.The scientific and meteorological community will continue to work to strengthen the knowledge and services that will underpin climate-smart decision-making and effective and practical action.My objective as Secretary-General will be to develop WMO activities so that they give even greater support to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services,which are now working in an increasingly challenging operating environment”


——新任WMO秘书长佩蒂瑞·塔拉斯(Petteri Taalas)就其新任命在WMO官方网站发表上述表态。在2015年6月召开的世界气象大会上,塔拉斯被任命为世界气象组织下一任秘书长,他接替已有3个任期的米歇尔·雅罗(法国),从2016 年1月1日起担任WMO秘书长,任期4年。David Grimes(加拿大)当选 WMO 主席。Antonio Divino Moura(巴西)、Mieczyslaw S.Ostojski(波兰)和Abdalah Mokssit(摩洛哥)分别当选第一、第二和第三副主席。塔拉斯自 2002 年起担任芬兰气象局局长,在2005—2007年还曾担任WMO发展和区域行动司司长。他在管理国家和国际专家组织方面经验丰富,在提高效率、创新、提升客户及职员满意度方面都表现出较强的能力。他具有较强的科学背景,特别是在大气科学研究方面。他在全球气候变化、卫星方法学和大气化学方面已发表了约50个出版物。塔拉斯曾在数个国家和国际组织任职,并担任管理层职务(例如 WMO 执行理事会和欧洲中期天气预报中心理事会成员),他还曾担任 EUMETSAT 理事会和EUMETNET 理事会的主席。

“It’s certainly true that we are recognized as the world leader in global numerical weather prediction out to a couple weeks ahead.But one can oversimplify this,because that statement about who has the best predictions is the average over many forecasts.The ECMWF is recognized as being at the forefront of how to do that data assimilation to get the most from the observations.We take our observations not at just a single time but over a window of several hours.Information from prior short-range forecasts is merged with the observations.”


——2015年底卸任ECMWF主任的Alan Thorpe先生,在接受《今日物理》杂志采访时,针对在数值天气预报领域,ECMWF世界第一、英国气象局和美国气象局排在二、三位的观点时,做了如上回答。其中不乏作为领导人的自豪和审慎,也道出了数据同化在数值预报中的关键作用。

“Jason-3 will continue the legacy of the Topex/Poseidon and earlier Jason satellites by gathering environmental intelligence from the world’s oceans,Jason-3 will tell us about the heat of the ocean,vital data if a tropical storm or hurricane is tracking into that location.Having up-to-date sea surface temperatures will help NOAA forecasters better determine if a storm may intensify.”


——2016年1月17日,美国和欧洲(参加机构有NOAA、NASA、CNES和EUMETSAT)联合研制的监测海洋高度系列卫星的最后一颗——Jason-3升空并进入预定的距离地球830英里的地球低轨道。该卫星将进行6个月的卫星负载仪器的在轨测试,之后将业务化,并且和2008年升空的Jason-2卫星共同开展探测。Jason-3上搭载的雷达高度计,每10天能够对地球上95%的无冰海洋进行探测。该系列卫星最早可以追溯到1992年发射的Topex/Poseidon卫星,从那时起的23年来,全球海平面升高了70mm,平均每年3mm。谈到新的卫星发射成功,NOAA卫星和信息局局长Stephen Volz博士做出如上阐述。

“History is written by those who commit,not those who calculate.Today you have committed.”



“Congress should pass the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act.Pending in the House and the Senate,the bill would change how the federal government budgets for the suppression of wildfire disasters,making it similar to the way other responses to natural disasters are funded.”


——2015年美国林火可能会达到一个破纪录的水平,前9个月大约4.5万次火灾的过火面积就达到了350万hm2,而10月才经常是美国林火最多的月份。今年美国林业局也首次将超过其预算一半的经费投入到火灾管理。大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)北美区域协会所属的恢复美国森林组织主席Christopher Topik在Science杂志上撰文,呼吁建立美国林火灾害基金法。

“We’re excited to bring more supercomputing power to the scientific community.Whether it’s the threat of solar storms or a heightened risk in certain severe weather events,this new system will help lead to improved predictions and strengthen society’s resilience to potential disasters.”


——NCAR在2016年初宣布,引进以怀俄明州首府“夏延”(Cheyenne)命名的新超级计算机系统。在解释该系统的意义时,NCAR业务和服务主任Anke Kamrath做出以上表述。据悉,将在2017年交付的由SGI公司制造的“夏延”计算机系统,其运算速度将达到每秒5340亿万次,是目前在NCAR运行的IBM“黄石”计算机系统的2倍多。此外,新系统的内存高达313TB,计算节点超过4000个。按照今天的标准,“夏延”的计算能力在全球勉强可以排进前10名。

“In the past decade,ECMWF has improved substantially the model components and the algorithms used to estimate the initial and forecast states,expressed in terms of a probability distribution function(PDF)of earth-system states.Atmospheric processes have been made more realistic,and ocean processes,aerosols and chemical species have been included in the forecast model.These advances have led to the extension of ensemble-based,probabilistic predictions out to sub-seasonal and seasonal time ranges.How far ahead can we provide skilful forecasts? More precisely,if we consider phenomena with increasingly coarse scales(both spatially and temporally),how far ahead can we predict them? In this talk,these questions are addressed applying the forecast skill horizon framework to ECMWF ensemble forecasts.Results based on 1 year of forecasts indicate that the forecast skill horizon for instantaneous,grid-point fields is between 16—23 days,while it is considerably longer for time- and spatial-average fields.Forecast skill horizons longer than the 2 weeks,thought to be the limit up to twenty years ago,are now achievable thanks to major advances in numerical weather prediction.”

“过去10年,ECMWF大幅度改进了模式组件和估计初始状态和预报状态的算法,用概率分布函数(PDF)表示地球系统的状态。大气过程更加接近真实情况,而海洋过程、气溶胶和化学物质进入了预报模式。这些进展使得基于集合预报的概率预报拓展到季节内和季节时间段。那么我们提供有技巧预报最早到底是多长时间?更准确地说,如果我们考虑不断增加的空间和时间粗糙尺度天气现象,我们能够提前多长时间预报它们?我的报告里,这些问题通过应用ECMWF集合预报的预报技巧范围框架(the forecast skill horizon framework)加以讨论。基于1年预报的结果表明,对于瞬时、格点场而言,预报技巧的范围在16~23天之间,而对于时间和空间平均场而言要长得多。预报技巧的时间段长于直到20年前认为的2周预报极限,是因为在数值天气预报方面取得了重要进展。”

——在2016年初美国气象学会年会上,来自欧洲中期天气预报中心的Roberto Buizza以“预报技巧的时间界限”为题,在“无缝隙天气和气候预报——多尺度可预报性的期待和局限特别研讨会”上作了特约发言。

“It sure looks to me like we’ve changed phases in the PDO”/“If you try to look at PDO and global temperatures,you can come up with a variety of relationships”


——来自NASA、NOAA和英国气象局独立的全球温度记录均表明,2015年是有记录以来全球温度最高的一年。来自NOAA的数据表明,2015年比之前最高温度记录的2014年再高出0.16℃,从而达到新高,同时也让全球平均温度较工业化前增高幅度超过1℃。在谈到这一最高记录产生的原因时,NCAR学者Kevin Trenberth和NCEP主任Thomas Karl不约而同提到了太平洋十年振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO),后者为一个15~30年循环,在正位相和负位相在东太平洋分别出现较暖和较冷的表面温度。

“The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme(IGBP),which ended in December 2015,can take considerable credit for coordinating and catalyzing much of this fundamental research.The recently launched Future Earth research program builds on this legacy and is the right response to the new scientific challenges.”


——地球联盟(Earth League)主席,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学教授Johan Rockström,以“未来地球”为题,为最新出版的Science杂志撰写的社论中,结合巴黎气候大会阐述了联合国可持续发展目标和构建稳定和弹性地球系统两项研究的重要意义,礼赞IGBP项目和为新的传承项目呐喊。

“All are nominal,fully functioning,and delivering data to us,more than half of the world's 10 largest weather-forecasting agencies have sent Spire letters of intent for data licensing agreements.”


——2015年9月,美国Spire公司成功发射了4颗“ 狐猴-2”(Lemur-2)立方体卫星(CubeSat),借助无线电掩星技术,从这些卫星传回的数据中可以获得大气层结资料。Spire公司的创办人和CEO,Peter Platzer先生如此介绍“狐猴-2”卫星。虽然他并没有透露目前在空中的这些卫星每天到底能获得多少大气层结数据,然而他表示,今后两年该公司可能每个月发射4~8颗低成本的“狐猴-2”卫星,在2016年底前该技术走入正轨后,每天可以获取2万条大气层结廓线。

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