
2016-03-13 17:46:45孔范龙徐丽华秦培瑞
地球环境学报 2016年2期

孔范龙,郗 敏,徐丽华,李 悦,秦培瑞

(青岛大学 环境科学与工程学院,青岛 266071)


孔范龙,郗 敏,徐丽华,李 悦,秦培瑞

(青岛大学 环境科学与工程学院,青岛 266071)

水体富营养化是全球目前以及今后相当一段时期内的重大水环境问题。氮、磷作为浮游植物生长所必需的营养盐,是水体富营养化的主要限制因子。通过对近年来水体富营养化受氮、磷营养盐限制的研究进行综述,研究了营养盐来源及其对浮游植物生长的影响,总结了营养盐限制性差异的影响因素,分析了缓解富营养化的营养盐主控因子。分析表明:营养盐的来源主要分为外源和内源,受外界环境及人类活动影响显著;浮游植物的生长受N / P比值及其绝对浓度的共同作用;在不同的水文、气候和人类活动强度下,水体富营养化主要营养盐限制因子存在差异,并且存在限制性转换和共同限制的情况;缓解水体富营养化措施的提出应在综合考虑多种因素的前提下进行。


水体富营养化是当今世界面临的重大水环境问题之一。研究表明,营养盐可以影响藻类的生长、生物量以及种群结构(Caron et al,2000;李明等,2013)。其中,氮、磷作为浮游植物生长所必需的营养元素,对藻类的生长影响作用显著,是造成富营养化的主要限制因子(赵永宏等,2010)。

传统的富营养化评价方法有单因子指数法、综合指数法和模糊数学综合评价方法,但这些方法不能直接揭示营养盐限制对富营养化的影响。根据我国天然水体普遍受营养盐限制的特征,营养盐限制与潜在性富营养化评价模式被提出(郭卫东等,1998)。为深入研究富营养化水体的营养盐限制性机理,国内外学者开展了相关的研究。部分学者研究认为,内陆水体以湖泊的富营养化最为常见,通常表现为磷限制(蔡龙炎等,2010);而外源开放性水体,如河流、沟渠、海湾等的富营养化一般受到氮的限制(郭蔚华等,2006;陈晓玲等,2013)。然而,也有研究表明水体富营养化营养盐限制因子并不是绝对的,在受到环境条件和人类活动的影响时,限制因子会在氮、磷之间进行转换,并且还存在共同限制的情况(Howarth andMarino,2006;陈晨等,2012;张丽玉,2013)。总体而言,由于研究区域和研究角度等条件的不同,当前所开展的富营养化水体营养盐限制因子及其影响因素研究结果存在差异,且缺乏系统性总结。


1 营养盐来源分析


外源包括非点源和点源。非点源的营养盐主要来自农业活动,包括种植业、畜禽养殖业和水产养殖业。近年来的大量研究表明,种植过程中化肥和农药的过量使用是造成非点源氮、磷营养盐浓度升高的主要原因(Kim and Gilley,2008)。不同的耕作方式地表径流的富营养化风险存在差异,且随降雨强度不同而发生变化(于兴修等,2011)。农田径流中各种溶解态氮、磷营养盐直接影响了受纳水体的环境质量(付登高等,2015),并且作为农业非点源输出的最主要方式,土壤侵蚀与非点源污染密切相关(张玉斌等,2007)。畜禽养殖业产生的畜禽尿液、冲洗场地以及加工过程的水也是重要的氮、磷来源,这些污水中氮、磷浓度高,排入水体后造成水质的不断恶化和水体的富营养化(刘建昌等,2008);另外,随着水产养殖业的迅速发展,高密度、高产量的养殖模式产生了大量有机和无机污染物,对池塘及外环境水体造成较大氮、磷营养压力(朱鹏和陈红菊,2014)。此外,作为点源氮、磷的主要来源,工业生产及生活过程产生的废水也对水体富营养化产生了显著的影响(王辉等,2012)。

内源主要来自底泥的释放作用。在对湖泊氮、磷平衡的研究中发现,氮、磷截留总量中除少部分溶解态进入水体,增加了水体的营养盐浓度以及被水生生物利用外,大部分氮、磷会以颗粒物吸附态的形式沉积于水底。当水体中氧气、pH和温度等环境条件发生变化时,会导致沉积物中氮、磷营养盐向上输送并释放于水体中,从而影响水体中营养盐的浓度,这也成为内源的主要来源(柏祥等,2011)。各环境条件对于营养盐的输送和释放过程作用机理不同,其变化对营养盐的影响程度差异较大。研究表明,水体中溶解氧的影响主要在于厌氧状态能促进水体中氮、磷的释放,好氧状态则反之,甚至会发生磷的吸附过程(刘静静,2006);pH的变化对内源氮、磷的释放主要表现在影响其物理吸附和化学反应,pH值升高会造成磷释放速率迅速增加,尤其是在富营养化比较严重的水域(Schmidt et al,2004);温度的影响在于,随着温度的上升和上覆水体浓度的降低,沉积物中的释放量显著增加(钟继承等,2009)。此外,上覆水体的交换周期也会影响沉积物中氮、磷的释放,周期延长将会严重增加水体的营养盐负荷,从而增加水体内源释放风险(高振美等,2012)。

2 营养盐限制性的分析

Liebig J在最小因子定律中指出:植物的生长取决于处在最小量状况下的必需物质,这种物质就是限制因子。氮、磷作为构成水体初级生产力的主要生源要素,直接影响了浮游植物的生产力水平(吴丰昌等,2010),是水体富营养化的关键限制因子。Red fi eld 定律认为,藻类细胞组成的原子比率C:N:P = 106:16:1,如果氮磷比超过16:1,磷被认为是限制性因素;反之,当氮磷比小于10:1时,氮通常被考虑为限制性因素;而当氮磷比在10—20 时,限制性因素则变得不确定(龙天渝等,2007)。该定律对一般水体中浮游生物的生长都是适用的,但由于不同的藻类对营养盐的吸收率存在差异,氮磷比对藻类生长的影响也没有确定的值。而且,当环境中氮或磷元素浓度较高时,Red fi eld 定律就失去了其应用范围(丰茂武等,2008)。


2.1 营养盐绝对浓度的影响

2.1.1 磷浓度的影响


研究发现,在不同的磷浓度下,藻类之间存在竞争。在水体富营养化之前,以甲藻和绿藻居多,水体发生富营养化后,蓝藻的数量急剧增多,但是在水体磷浓度进一步升高以后,原先具有竞争优势的蓝藻等会逐渐失去优势(秦伯强,2002)。另外,在对铜绿囊藻和斜生栅藻的研究中发现,磷浓度小于0.02 mg · L-1条件下,两种藻类的生长速率均较低,藻类的生长普遍受磷营养盐的限制;当磷浓度高于2.00 mg · L-1时,两种藻类的生长速率均达到最大值;而当磷浓度介于0.02—2.00 mg · L-1时,由于两种藻类营养盐结构的差异,藻类的优势种出现竞争的现象(许海等,2011)。

2.1.2 氮浓度的影响

与磷相比,氮浓度对水体富营养化影响的研究相对较少。根据Liebig J最小因子定律,在充足磷源供应的条件下,外部营养元素供应超过了藻类生长所需的条件,Red fi eld定律便不再适用。此时,浮游藻类的生长会受到氮浓度的影响(文世勇等,2012)。

一般来说,在无氮源的情况下,藻类生长缓慢,生物量始终维持在较低的水平,说明此时的藻类生长受单一氮元素的限制。随着氮浓度的增加,藻类细胞数量逐渐增加,最后稳定在一定水平。这是因为充足的氮源有利于提高无机碳浓缩机制的效率,提高细胞对无机碳的利用效率,使藻类在低CO2环境下维持光合机构的正常运行(易能等,2015)。而在低氮和中氮的条件下,由于藻类细胞中叶绿素含量下降,导致单位细胞光合能力降低,实际光合固碳量减少,藻类细胞密度降低。研究发现,中肋骨条藻细胞在高氮条件下的叶绿素含量要明显高于中氮和低氮条件下,并且在中氮和低氮环境下的叶绿素含量差别不大。另外,藻类的生物量与氮的形态有关(胡晗华等,2005;Xin et al,2010)。


2.2 营养盐相对比值的影响

研究普遍认为,相对于利用单一的氮或磷绝对浓度来衡量水体中藻类生物的生产力水平即水体的富营养化程度而言,采用氮磷比这一指标则更具说服力(于兴修等,2011)。根据Liebig J最小因子定律,当水体中的N/P>>(N/P)最佳时,磷营养盐的浓度小于浮游植物生长所需的最小值,就会出现磷限制;而当水体中的N/P<<(N/P)最佳时,氮营养盐的浓度小于浮游植物生长所需的最小值,就会出现氮限制。通常情况下,海洋、湖泊和河流等水体中浮游植物生长的最佳氮磷比为16:1,这遵循了Red fi eld定律;而浅海或近海海域,由于其自身生态系统的复杂性及其高营养盐浓度的环境,浮游植物生长的最佳氮磷比往往不遵循Red fi eld定律(沈志良,2002)。


分析表明,水体中氮、磷浓度较低或者氮、磷的浓度比较高但仍处于Re fi eld定律的适用范围之内时,可根据Re fi eld定律来判断水体富营养化的限制因子或潜在限制因子。而随着氮、磷浓度的升高,Re fi eld定律对其不再适用时,则应结合水体中氮、磷的浓度进行具体分析。通过分析不同氮、磷浓度下藻类的生长情况,以及藻类在不同氮、磷浓度及氮磷比下的竞争情况,以确定水体富营养化的限制因子。

3 营养盐限制的影响因素


分析现已开展的相关研究工作,人类活动的影响程度会导致水体富营养化的限制因子存在差异,其限制因子之间不仅会发生氮和磷的相互竞争,也会发生氮和磷之间的相互转化。营养程度较低的胶州湾等水域,由于其营养盐来源主要以工业和生活污水为主,径流供给少,水体富营养化主要受到氮的限制(陈晨等,2012);然而,长江、黄河等受河流径流注入影响比较大的部分沿海区域,其无机氮含量比较高,导致其呈现磷限制的特征(曲丽梅等,2006;王奎等,2013)。此外,三江平原沟渠系统的研究表明由于湿地和农田排水中磷含量较高,沟渠往往呈现氮限制的特征(Conley et al,2009;郗敏等,2014)。

水体类型的不同也会对营养盐的限制性造成影响。一般认为,海洋、河口等环境中的初级生产力受氮的限制,而在封闭性淡水环境中则受磷的限制(王保栋,2003)。在大洋和深海区,氮的供应相对不足,往往成为限制因子,如在南太平洋,初级生产者通常被认为是氮限制因子;在对北卡罗莱纳州的河口研究中发现,氮是该州河口系统的主要限制因子,磷偶尔发生协同限制。我国湖泊富营养化样本的统计分析表明,磷元素是富营养化的主要限制因子(蔡龙炎等,2010)。也有研究表明,在某些海洋生态系统中,如东西地中海,磷元素也作为其最主要的限制因子(Diaz et al,2001)。



4 富营养化的控制因子分析


近年来的研究多数表明:富营养化治理的关键是控磷,对氮的控制可以忽略(Schindler et al,2008)。这主要是因为,首先氮限制具有局限性,在自然条件下这种氮限制往往不能长期存在,或经常发生由氮限制向磷限制的转换。加拿大和美国的科学家对安大略湖的施肥实验表明,在磷肥施加量不变的情况下,不断减少氮肥的施加量直至为零,湖泊一直处于富营养化状态,且水华现象持续发生,这说明氮限制未能对富营养化产生抑制作用;其次,水体自身的固氮作用,会使控氮失去意义。已有研究发现,美国Mize湖的自然固氮速度为7 g · m-2· a-1,相当于每年向每公顷湖泊免费施用330 kg的(NH4)2SO4(Keirn and Brezonik,1971)。因此,即使有效地控制了人为氮输入,水体自身的固氮作用使其不会因缺氮而抑制富营养化过程;再次,考虑到与同时脱氮除磷相比,单独控磷来控制浮游藻类生物量具有明显的经济优势,可大幅降低运行成本(Wang and Wang,2009)。因为在污水处理过程中,脱氮和除磷对工艺参数的要求往往相互矛盾,氮磷兼顾必然会降低处理效率、增加成本。目前单独除磷工艺中污泥泥龄(SRT)低于6天时,除磷效率也可达80%以上,而在氮磷共同去除的A2/O工艺中,SRT一般应控制在8—15天,但除磷效率可能降至50%。目前,采取集中控磷方法缓解水体富营养化这一措施已得以应用并取得了较好的成效,如德国特弗维伦斯湖的治理实行集中控磷,有效地控制了藻类水华富营养化现象(Mehner et al,2008)。此外,杭州西湖引配水工程中也开展了控磷不控氮实验,仅对水体中磷和悬浮物进行了处理,藻类也得以有效控制(王海军和王洪铸,2009)。



5 结论和展望




柏 祥, 陈开宁, 任奎晓, 等. 2011. 不同水深条件下狐尾藻生长对沉积物氮磷的影响 [J].生态环境学报, 20(6): 1086 – 1091. [Bo X, Chen K N, Ren K X, et al. 2011. In fl uence ofMyriophyllum spicatum'sgrowth on nitrogen and phosphorus in sediment in different water depth [J].Ecology and Environment, 20(6): 1086 – 1091.]

蔡龙炎, 李 颖, 郑子航. 2010. 我国湖泊系统氮磷时空变化及对富营养化影响研究 [J].地球与环境, 38(2): 235 – 241. [Cai L Y, Li Y, Zhang Z Y. 2010. Temporal and spatial distribution of nitrogen and phosphorus of lake systems in China and their impact on eutrophication [J].Earth and Environment, 38(2): 235 – 241.]

陈晓玲, 张 媛, 张 琍, 等. 2013. 丰水期鄱阳湖水体中氮磷含量分布特征 [J].湖泊科学, 25(5): 643 – 648. [Chen X L, Zhang Y, Zhang L, et al. 2013. Distribution characteristic of nitrogen and phosphorus in Lake Poyang during high water period [J].Journal of Lake Sciences, 25(5): 643 – 648.]

陈 晨, 杨桂朋, 高先池, 等. 2012. 胶州湾微表层和次表层海水中营养盐的分布特征及富营养化研究 [J].环境科学学报, 32(8): 1856 – 1865. [Chen C, Yang G P, Gao X C, et al. 2012. Nutrients distributional characteristics and eutrophication in the sea-surface microlayer and subsurface water in the Jiaozhou Bay [J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 32(8): 1856 – 1865.]

丁飞飞, 黄鹤忠, 陈金凤, 等. 2010. 不同磷源及其配比对铜绿微囊藻生长和摄磷效应的影响 [J]. 水生态学杂志, 3(3): 32 – 36. [Ding F F, Huang H Z, Chen J F, et al. 2010. Studies on the growth and the uptake of phosphorus ofMicrocystis aeruginosain different ratios of inorganic phosphorous and organic phosphorous forms [J].Journal of Hydroecology, 3(3): 32 – 36.]

付登高, 吴晓妮, 何 锋, 等. 2015. 柴河流域不同景观类型径流氮磷含量及其计量比变化特征 [J].生态与农村环境学报, 5: 671 – 676. [Fu D G, Wu X N, He F, et al. 2015. Variation of concentrations and stoichiometric proportions of nitrogen and phosphorus in runoff with land use in Chaihe Catchment [J].Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 5: 671 – 676.]

丰茂武, 吴云海, 冯仕训, 等. 2008. 不同氮磷比对藻类生长的影响 [J].生态环境, 17(5): 1759 – 1763. [Feng M W, Wu Y H, Feng S X, et al. 2008. Effect of different N/P ratios on algal growth [J].Ecology and Environment, 17(5): 1759 – 1763.]

郭卫东, 章小明, 杨逸萍, 等. 1998. 中国近岸海域潜在性富营养化程度的评价 [J].台湾海峡, 17(1): 64 – 70. [Guo W D, Zhang X M, Yang Y P, et al. 1998. Evaluation of the degree of potential eutrophication in the coastal waters of China [J].Taiwan Strait, 17(1): 64 – 70.]

郭蔚华, 罗荣祥, 张 智, 等. 2006. 长江和嘉陵江交汇段营养限制因子的试验 [J].重庆大学学报(自然科学版), 29(1): 98 – 101. [Guo W H, Luo R X, Zhang Z, et al. 2006. Experimental study on the nutrition restrictive factors of the Changjiang and Jialing Rivers interjunction [J].Journal of ChongQing University (Natural Science Edition), 29(1): 98 – 101.]

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Review of studies on the limitation of nutrients in the eutrophic water

KONG Fanlong, XI Min, XU Lihua, LI Yue, QIN Peirui
(School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China)

Background, aim, and scopeAs a global environmental issue, eutrophication has been recognized as the most common and severe problem, which originated from the excessive input of nutrients from agricultural run-off, untreated industrial and urban discharges. The primary symptom of eutrophication is excessive production of phytoplankton and other microorganisms. Two elements, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), explain most of the experimentally diagnosed nutrient limitation of algal growth in inland waters under natural or human-modi fi ed conditions. Therefore, in recent years, a variety of studies focused on the interactions between cyanobacterial proliferation and nutrient limitation has been investigated and many valuable results were obtained. However, there is a strong controversy now to the alternative possibilities for controlling one nutrient preferentially (P) or two nutrients with equal emphasis (N, P). And the short of systematic summaries about them exists. This paper sums up the experience centring on nutrient limitation problems in order to provide a reference of eutrophication control.Materials and methodsA lot of literatures were retrieved around nutrient limitation of eutrophication; based on this, we made a systematic analysis from some aspects, including the sources of nutrients in water bodies, the growth restriction of phytoplankton by nutrients, the influence of nutrient limitation, and the nutrients control measures foreutrophication relieving.ResultsThe results show that exogenous nutrients of contaminated lakes and rivers mainly come from agricultural activities, industrial production, and domestic wastewater; endogenous pollutions were basically due to the release of sediment nutrients. The limiting nutrient concept holds that nutrient de fi ciency at any given time in a photosynthetic organism can be traced to a single element, which is the element available in the least amount relative to the needs of the organism. Therefore, in order to control the excessive algal growth, it is important to know which element limits the expansion of algal populations when their growth stops because of nutrient depletion. The growth restriction of phytoplankton in fl uenced by nutrients re fl ected in two aspects: (1) the absolute concentration of nutrients; (2) the relative ratio of nutrients (N, P), the concentrations of which jointly affected the growth of algae. However, there exists difference of nutrient limiting factor of eutrophication, which was affected by hydrology, weather and the intensity of human activities. The limiting nutrient concept is more complex for an entire community or ecosystem than it is for a single organism. For example, species may differ, even among organisms of similar type (e.g., algae), in their optimal internal N: P ratios, and their ability to store critical nutrients or to take up a nutrient at low concentrations. Thus, it is possible in a mixed community of algae for some species to be limited by phosphorus and others to be limited by nitrogen. In addition, it is possible for an environment to be very near the nutrient limitation thresholds for N and P simultaneously. Thus, a slight enrichment with one element could cause the other element to become limiting. A third possibility is that seasonal or spatially heterogeneous changes may occur in the relative availability of potentially limiting nutrients. All of these circumstances have been documented experimentally and in nature. Finally, we suggest that the controlling of N and P loadings could be considered to relieve the eutrophication, and, P inputs should be primary controlled in comparison with N. Much more attention has been given to P limitation than to N limitation in inland waters for three reasons: (1) control of total phosphorus in ef fl uents is feasible and is increasingly being required by regulations; (2) N2fi xation by cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) has been assumed to make N control ineffective, but could be made more feasible by recognition that a substantial portion of dissolved organic nitrogen is not bioavailable; (3) the correlation between chlorophyll (an index of algal abundance) and total P among lakes is stronger than the correlation between chlorophyll and total N.DiscussionThe results also show that the sources of nutrients include exogenous and endogenous pollutions. The nutrient limitation factor was unlike under different nutrient conditions. The concentrations of N and P as well as their ratio could be an alternative reason that in fl uences the proliferation of algae. In addition, external conditions such as climate, environment, hydrology as well as the intensity of human activities would affect the concentrations and their ratios. In order to control eutrophication, the concentration difference should be considered to relieve the degree of pollution. Moreover, the nutrient limitation factor of eutrophication should be determined for taking appropriate control methods.ConclusionsComprehensive studies show that the dogenous and exogenous sources of nutrients which are remarkable influenced by human activities and external environment. The growth of plankton is influenced both by the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus and their absolute concentrations. The main limiting factors of nutrients that lead to eutrophication are different with different climate, hydrology and human activity intensity of water area.Recommendations and perspectivesIn the future study, mechanism discussions should be emphasized to do in-depth analysis on nutrient restriction of eutrophication. At the same time, the response relationships between nutrients (N, P) and algae proliferation should be clari fi ed in the future, in order to complete the forecasting and forewarning model of eutrophication. Additionally, the joint of a variety of biotechnologies need to be improved to explore the interactions among different species and ecological security.

eutrophication; limiting nutritional factors; N/P ratio; plankton

KONG Fanlong, E-mail: kongfanlong@126.com



Received Date:2015-11-18;Accepted Date:2015-12-10


Foundation Item:National Natural Science Foundation of China (41101080); Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2015DM004, ZR2014DQ028, ZR2011DQ009); Sci-Tech Support Program of Qingdao (12-1-3-71-nsh)

孔范龙,E-mail: kongfanlong@126.com

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