
2016-03-06 05:56:26于学峰刘晓清王亚萍
地球环境学报 2016年2期


(1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,西安 710061;2.陕西省环保产业集团有限公司,西安 710075;3.陕西省环境科学研究院,西安 710061)



(1.中国科学院地球环境研究所 黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室,西安 710061;2.陕西省环保产业集团有限公司,西安 710075;3.陕西省环境科学研究院,西安 710061)



重金属在生态系统中具有富集性和持久性特征,且具有显著的生物毒性,使之成为严重影响生态环境安全的因素(田林锋等,2012;Varol and Şen,2012)。水体中底泥是重金属污染的储存库和最后的聚居地(弓晓峰等,2006;Peng et al,2009)。湖泊底泥中重金属以多种形式存在,当环境变化时,重金属形态也发生变化并释放,造成湖泊水体污染。近年来,已有很多学者对不同湖泊底泥的重金属污染特征及其生态风险进行了评价(程杰等,2008;焦伟等,2010;李永进等,2011;马婷等,2011;余晖等,2011;刘婉清等,2014;毛志刚等,2014),对指导湖泊生态治理起到了重要作用。


1 样品采集与测试

1.1 样品采集

如图1所示,在红碱淖布设了12个采样点。采样点布设尽量考虑平面展布的均匀性,同时又兼顾湖岸、湖心、入湖河口等不同沉积单元的代表性(刘晓清等,2013)。用Van veen采泥器,抓取湖泊底部10 cm×20 cm面积的表层沉积物样品,采样深度为10 cm。样品用密封袋包装后运回实验室。

图1 红碱淖采样点Fig.1 Sampling sites in Hongjiannao Lake

1.2 样品分析测定

样品自然风干后,用玛瑙研钵加工成粒径为74 μm的粉末,以开展As、Hg、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr6+、Cd等测试分析。

1.2.1 ICP-MS检测Cr、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn

准确称取0.1000 g样品,105℃烘干2小时后,置于30 mL塑料坩埚中,加入HF、HClO4在200—250℃电热板加热,白烟冒尽。加5 mL王水,加热至干。用稀 HNO3加热溶解,并用纯水稀释后,用ICP-MS测定Cr、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn等元素丰度,测量相对误差分别控制在:Cr(15%)、Cd(30%)、Cu(10%)、Pb(10%)、Zn(12%)以内。

1.2.2 原子荧光法测定As、Hg

称取0.100 g样品于25 mL比色管中,加入10 mL王水(1+1),水浴中加热2 h,冷却,用纯水稀释,放置澄清。

取清液5 mL于25 mL比色管中,加2 mL还原剂(硫脲、VC),放置1h,在原子荧光仪测定As。

取清液5 mL在原子荧光仪测定Hg。

1.2.3 二苯碳酰二肼比色法检测Cr6+

称取5.000 g样品(105℃烘干2小时)于300 mL塑料瓶中,加入50 mL水,震荡8 h,放置澄清。取清液10 mL于25 mL比色管中,加2.5 mL二苯碳酰二肼显色剂,加水稀释至刻度。用分光光度计在540 nm处测定吸光度。


2 红碱淖表层沉积物几种重金属测试结果

2.1 测试结果

表1列出了红碱淖各点位几种重金属含量、变化范围及其变异系数。总体上红碱淖表层沉积物重金属含量较低。表层沉积物中重金属平均含量从高到低分别为:Cr > Zn > Pb > Hg > Cu > As > Cd。所测七种重金属元素在红碱淖表现出较大的变异性,即不同点位测试结果差别较大。除Pb、As和Cr外,其他5种元素在12个点位的变异系数均大于0.55。 Cd的变异系数最大,达到0.68。

2.2 与国家土壤环境质量标准的比较

中华人民共和国国家标准土壤环境质量标准(GB 15618—1995)规定了不同类型土壤中重金属含量的上限(夏家淇,1996)。本文对比了红碱淖湖泊表层沉积物均值、极大值和极小值与不同土壤环境分类的重金属含量(表2)。


表1 几种重金属元素(含六价铬)测试结果Tab.1 Heavy metals (including Cr6+) in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake

表2 红碱淖表层沉积物样品与国家土壤环境质量标准的对比Tab.2 The comparison of samples in Hongjiannao Lake with the Environmental Quality Standard for Soils

3 红碱淖重金属污染生态风险评价

目前重金属生态风险评估的方法较多,主要有:地质累积指数法(Sutherland,2000;Qu et al,2001;杨丽原等,2003)、富集因子法(Blaser et al,2000;Sutherland,2000;滕彦国等,2003;Hernandez et al,2003;Tania et al,2003)、沉积物质量基准法(Long et al,1995;徐争启等,2004)、潜在生态风险指数法(Hakanson,1980)、污染负荷指数法(Long et al,1998)等。由瑞典著名地球化学家Hakanson(1980)提出的潜在生态风险指数法,是很多地区开展重金属元素潜在风险评估的常用方法。该方法涉及到单项污染系数、重金属毒性响应系数以及潜在生态危害系数, 不仅考虑了土壤重金属的含量, 而且将重金属的生态效应、环境效应与毒理学联系在一起,采用可比的、等价属性指数分级法进行评价。


3.1 元素富集因子法


用Al作为参比元素,分别使用《中国土壤元素背景值》中陕西省相关元素平均值(中国环境监测总站,1990)和上地壳平均元素丰度(Taylor and McClennan,1985),计算红碱淖表层沉积物中As、Cr、Cd、Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn富集因子(EF)。

EF计算公式如下(Zhang et al,1993):




表3 红碱淖底泥重金属元素相对陕西省土壤平均元素丰度的富集因子Tab.3 The EF of heavy metals in Hongjiannao Lake relative to soils in Shaanxi Province

表4 红碱淖表层沉积物重金属元素相对上地壳平均元素丰度的富集因子Tab.4 The EF of heavy metals in Hongjiannao Lake relative to the upper continental crust

3.2 潜在生态风险指数法





表5 红碱淖湖泊表层沉积物重金属潜在生态风险指数计算结果Tab.5 The potential ecological risk index of heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake

表6 给出了污染程度(Cde)和生态风险等级(RI)判别区间。值得注意的是,Hakanson(1980)除了计算本次研究的其中重金属污染物外,还包含了多氯联苯(PCBs),为了更客观地评价重金属的生态危害,本文根据Hakanson(1980)的数据,采用除去PCBs影响的方法,重新计算了分类等级数值范围。计算原则如下:



表6 污染程度和潜在生态风险等级Tab.6 Grades for pollution and potential ecological risk assessment





4 红碱淖表层沉积物重金属元素与其他湖泊的对比


表7 红碱淖表层沉积物重金属元素与其他湖泊的比较Tab.7 The comparison of heavy metals contents in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake with that in other lakes of China

(续表7 Continued Tab. 7)

5 结论

(1)通过两种方法对红碱淖湖泊表层沉积物重金属的生态危害开展了评估,结果显示红碱淖重金属污染程度总体上较低,均为低污染水平。由于Cd存在一定程度的富集, 且因Cd毒性系数较高,致使该湖泊表层沉积物重金属潜在生态危害指数处于中等污染水平下限。



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Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake, Shaanxi Province, China

YU Xuefeng1, LIU Xiaoqing2,3, WANG Yaping3
(1. State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710061, China; 2. Shaanxi Environmental Protection Industry Group, Co. Ltd., Xi'an 710075, China; 3. Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Environmental Sciences, Xi'an 710061, China)

Background, aim and scopeAs the biggest desert freshwater lake in China, Hongjiannao Lake, located in the southern margin of Mu Us Desert, plays an important role in the regional ecosystem. It is the habitats ofLarus relictuswhich is classi fi ed as “vulnerable” on the Red List of International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, the degradation of aquatic ecosystem in this region was found to be accelerating in recent years under the context of global warming and the intensi fi ed human activities. The ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake remains unknown so far. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide the basic data for protecting the lake ecosystem by assessing the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediment of the lake.Materials and methodsTwelve samples of surface sediment in the lake was taken by the Van veen grab sampler. The distribution of sampling sites in the lake were designed to be even to ensure the representativeness of the samples. Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were analyzed by ICP-MS. The relative error of this method was controlled within 15% for Cr, 30% for Cd, 10% for Cu, 10% for Pb, and 12% for Zn. As, Hg were analyzed by atomic fl uorescence spectrometry. The relative error of this method was controlled within 10% for As and 25% for Hg. Cr6+was measured by diphenylcarbonydraide-spectrophotometer method with the relative error controlled within 15%. Three approaches were used in the assessment of the ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake: (1) the comparison of samples in Hongjiannao Lake with the Environmental Quality Standard for Soils in China (GB 15618—1995) (EQSS). (2) The enrichment factor (EF) to showthe state of the enrichment for each element relative to the reference system. The reference system is selected respectively as soils in Shaanxi Province to show the enrichment relative to the local environment, and the upper continental crust (UCC) to show the enrichment relative to the global mean content of upper continental crust. And (3) the potential ecological risk index (RI) to assess the potential risk of the toxicity of heavy metals to the lake ecosystem.ResultsThe result shows that the heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake are generally at a low level. The order of content from higher to lower is Cr > Zn > Pb > Hg > Cu > As > Cd. Except for Pb, As and Cr, the coef fi cient variations (CV) of other four metals (Cd, Cu, Zn and Hg) among twelve sites are higher than 0.55 with Cd to be the highest in 0.68. Obviously, the contents of heavy metals of the surface sediments in the center of the lake (sites 7 to 12) are higher than those near the lakeshore (sites 1 to 6).DiscussionCompared with the EQSS, the mean value of each heavy metal is within the upper limit value of the fi rst class soil in EQSS, indicating that the risk of heavy metals to this lake is at a lighter degree. Even for the maximum value of each element among the twelve samples, most of them are within the upper limit value of the fi rst class soil in EQSS, except for Cd. There are only two samples with the maximum value of Cd extend the upper limit value of the second class soil in EQSS. For most elements in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake, the values of enrichment factor are lower than 1, indicating that there is no obvious enrichment for most elements, except for Cd and As. Cd assumes obvious enrichment both relative to soils in Shaanxi Province and to UCC at sites 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. For As, it assumes enrichment only relative to UCC, but there is no enrichment relative to soils in Shaanxi Province, implying that the background content of As in soils in Shaanxi Province is higher than that in UCC. Thevalue of heavy metals for each sampling site varies from 2.06 to 9.97, with the mean value of 6.04. The RI value of heavy metals for each sampling site varies from 22.52 to 179.18, with the mean value of 93.50. There are six sites (1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) where the RI value are higher than 110, indicating that the risk of heavy metals in the center of the lake is light higher than that near the lakeshore. Generally, both thevalue and the RI value show that the potential risk of heavy metals in the lake is at a low level.ConclusionsThe above results show that: (1) the contents of heavy metals of the surface sediments in the center of the lake are higher than those near the lakeshore; (2) generally, the pollution of heavy metals in the lake is at a very low level, with the mild enrichment of Cd; and (3) the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediment of Hongjiannao Lake is at a low level.Recommendations and perspectivesThe assessment provides the basic data for protecting the aquatic ecosystem in Hongjiannao Lake. Although the current risk of heavy metals in the surface sediment is not severe, the strict measures should be taken in the future to forbid the discharge of polluted water into the lake.

Hongjiannao Lake; heavy metal; enrichment factor (EF); risk index (RI)

YU Xuefeng, E-mail: xfyu@loess.llqg.ac.cn



Received Date:2015-11-04;Accepted Date:2016-02-26


Foundation Item:MEP Special Fund for Lake Eco-environmental Protection; MOST Special fund for SKLLQG

于学峰,E-mail: xfyu@loess.llqg.ac.cn

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